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A place to live

Types of houses
Put the words from the bottom next to the right description
1. A house that is joined to many other houses is


2. A house in the county is called a


3. When you go camping you often sleep in a


4. A king lives in a
5.If you live on the seventh floor you probably live in a


6. A house without any other houses joined to it is


7. A house with only one floor is a


8. A house that is joined to another house is

semi detached












Viewing a flat

Where do you live

now? Tell me about it.
What sort of place
would you like to live
Listen to the estate
agent showing
someone round this
Which rooms does he
mention? Write down
the rooms you hear.

Now listen and answer the questions.

1. Why are there letters on the floor?

There hasnt been anyone living there.

2. What does the landlord promise you

about the flat?

He promises it will be painted before

you move in.

3. Where does the door lead from the


Onto the balcony

4. What will he remove from the main

living area?

A sofa

5. What kind of area is the flat in?

A busy area with lots of pubs and

clubs/ its very buzzy
The third floor

6. What floor is the flat on?

7. How many bedrooms are in the flat? One

8. How much is the rent per month

Three hundred pounds

9. How much is the deposit?

Five hundred pounds

10. What can you do if you are

interested in the flat?

Go to the office and sign the


House discussion
Talk to your partner
1. Where do you live?
Whats it like there?
2. What would you change
about where you live?
3. Who lives with you and
who is your neighbour?
4. How are houses in
towns different from
5. Where was the best
place you ever lived?

6. Is it better to rent or buy

in your country?
7. Where would you like to
live? Why?
8. Why do you think some
people are homeless?
9. Do you have any
problems in your house?
What are they?
10. What is your area like?
Tell me about it.

Writing a persuasive letter

Dear [your name]
I am sorry to inform you that
we are unable to move you
from your present accommodation.
We do have limited numbers of
houses and flats that we can offer
people and we usually only give
these to people who have very big
yours sincerely
James Smith
Accommodation Officer

Write a letter back to Mr

Smith explaining what the
problems are with your
house or flat.
- Use paragraphs and formal
- Give good reasons why you
want to move.
- Be persuasive
Write 100 words

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