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Electronic Fundamentals


Module 4
Electronic Fundamentals
4.3 Servomechanisms

Electronic Fundamentals


Part 1 - Synchros

Electronic Fundamentals

Define the word 'synchronous
State the function of a synchronous data transmission system
List the categories of synchronous data transmission systems
Give a simple description of operation of the following desynn

State the difference between synchro and servomechanisms


Electronic Fundamentals

Objectives cont...
State the use, letter designation and identify the three variations of
circuit symbols and terminal names for the following synchros;
Torque transmitter
Torque receiver
Control transmitter
Control transformer
Torque differential receiver
Torque differential transmitter
Control differential transmitter

List the power supplies used for aircraft synchronous data

transmission systems

Electronic Fundamentals

Objectives cont...
Recognize and give a simple description of operation and use of the
following synchro systems;
Differential Torque
Differential Control

Recognize and define the balanced/null position of torque and

control synchro systems

Electronic Fundamentals

Synchronous data transmission systems are designed to
indicate the position of a component or control surface that
cannot be directly observed.
These systems fall into one of two categories;

Desynn Systems (D.C.)

Synchro Systems (A.C.)

These systems have a transmitting element and a receiving element connected by wires

Synchronous means happening at the same time

When the transmitter is moved, the receiving element will follow

that movement instantly

Synchro Systems

Electronic Fundamentals

Desynn System
There are a variety of different types of Desynn systems
Basic Desynn - operated by a rotary motion, however linear versions are also found
Micro Desynn - designed to magnify the small movement obtained by such items as pressure
measuring devices. Operated by linear motion
Slab Desynn - designed to overcome signally errors inherent in the basic desynn system.
Operated by a rotary motion

Electronic Fundamentals

Basic Desynn Construction
Transmitter (toroidal resistor) - an endless resistance wound on a circular former

Signal wires are attached to 3 tapings, equally spaced at 120 intervals

System power is applied to two wiper arms, spaced 180 apart, running on
the resistor
Receiver - a two-pole permanent magnet rotor, with attached pointer, pivoted to rotate inside a soft iron

The stator carries three star connected windings that are connected to the
signal wires coming from the transmitter

Electronic Fundamentals

Basic Desynn Operation
D.C. power is applied to the wiper arms of the transmitter; current divides
equally and flows in both directions around the resistor
Voltage at tapping 1 will be 28 volts. Voltage at tapping 2 and 3 will be 9.3
The potential differences at the three tapings cause currents to flow in the
wires that connect to the receiver
The current creates magnetic fields around the 3-stator windings in the
receiver, which combine to produce a resultant field across the stator
The permanent magnet aligns with the resultant magnetic field of the stator

Electronic Fundamentals

Slab Desynn Operation
In basic desynn systems, the receiver pointer may slightly lag
behind the transmitter. This problem can be solved by using
the slab desynn system.
Transmitter power is supplied to a resistor wound on a slab former. 3 wiper arms, 120 apart,
provide the output to the receiver

Receiver - the slab desynn transmitter can be connected to the same receiver as the basic desynn system

Operation the slab desynn system operates in the same way as the basic desynn system

Electronic Fundamentals

Fail Safe Devices
In a desynn system, if the D.C. power to the system fails, the
pointer will remain in its last position.
If the instrument fails, it should respond in such a way that the fault will be identified.

Fail safe is achieved by fitting a small permanent magnet in the indicator

Under normal operation, the field of the permanent magnet is weak

in comparison to the fields produced by the coils and therefore has no
When power is removed, the small permanent magnet attracts the
permanent magnet rotor, moving the pointer off scale.

Electronic Fundamentals

Synchros and Servos
Synchros are electromagnetic devices used to transmit
positional data electrically from one position to another

They can also be used to compute the sum of two rotations or the difference in angle between them

Synchros used in aircraft data transmission systems are operated from either 115V 400Hz or 26V 400Hz A.C. supplies

Servo systems use synchros in conjunction with an amplifier

and a controlling motor to provide an automatic control

They are used in applications requiring output torque's greater than those which can be produced by a synchro

Electronic Fundamentals

Synchro Classification
Synchro system components may be classified as follows;
Torque transmitter (TX) - the rotor is mechanically positioned. Used for transmitting angular
position of the rotor relative to the stator

Torque receiver (TR) - the rotor is free to turn. Develops a torque dependent on the difference between its rotor position and the angular
information received from a torque transmitter or torque differential transmitter

Control transmitter (CX) - the rotor is mechanically positioned. Used for transmitting angular position of the rotor relative to the stator

Control transformer (CT) - supplied with electrical angular information and which supplies a voltage proportional to the sine of the difference
between the electrical input angle and its own rotor position angle

Electronic Fundamentals

Synchro Classification cont...
Torque differential transmitter (TDX) - the rotor is mechanically positioned. Modifies angular
information received from a torque transmitter and transmits the sum of or difference between the
electrical input and its own rotor position angle

Torque differential receiver (TDR) - the rotor is free to turn. Develops a torque dependent on the difference between its own rotor position and
the sum of or difference between the two sets of angular information received from two connected torque transmitters

Control differential transmitter (CDX) - the rotor is mechanically positioned. Modifies angular information received from a control transmitter
and transmits the sum of or difference between the electrical input angle and its own rotor position angle.

Resolver - has two perpendicular winding on the rotor and two on the stator. It can resolve an input signal into its sine and cosine components,
perform the operations of vector addition and subtraction, or convert polar to Cartesian co-ordinates and vice versa.

Electronic Fundamentals

Synchro Symbols





NOTE: When the symbol is used in a diagram, a letter designation TX, TR or CX will
appear next to, or inside, the symbol to clarify which type it is

Electronic Fundamentals

Synchro Symbols



NOTE: When the symbol is used in a diagram, a letter designation TDX, CDX, TDR
will appear next to, or inside, the symbol to clarify which type it is

Electronic Fundamentals

Synchro Symbols cont...




Electronic Fundamentals

Torque Synchro System - Construction
Torque synchro systems are used where the turning force or
torque required is very small.
The torque synchro system
comprises an
interconnected Torque
transmitter (TX) and Torque
Receiver (TR)
A.C. power is supplied to
both rotors, which are in
R2 and S2 will be
connected to earth
The transmitter rotor will be
mechanically rotated
A pointer is attached to the
receiver rotor, which is free
to rotate

Electronic Fundamentals

Torque Synchro System - Operation
Balanced or Null
When supply current flows
in the rotor windings,
voltages are induced is the
stator winding of the TX
and TR
If the rotors are in the same
angular position, the
voltages in the TX and TR
will be equal and opposite;
no current will flow in the
stator coils; the system is
said to be balanced or
For the position of the
rotors in the diagram, the
voltages would be
S1 half maximum

Electronic Fundamentals

Torque Synchro System - Operation
Transmitter rotated
When the TX rotor is rotated,
the voltages in the TX stator
coils will change, while the
voltages in the TR stator coils
remain the same
Current flows in the wires,
creating magnetic fields
around the stator windings,
that creates a resultant field
across the TX and TR stators
A torque reaction will exist at
both the TX and TR. The TR
rotor will moves around in
response to the torque
Once the TR rotor is in the
same angular position as the
TX rotor, the voltages in the
stators will be equal and

Electronic Fundamentals

Electrical Zero
Electrical zero is defined as the position of the rotor with
respect to its stator when the voltage between S1 and S3 is
zero and the voltage at S2 is in phase with that of R1 with
respect to R2.
The electrical zero setting of synchros provides a standard means of aligning synchro units so they
will all have the same position at the same instant

This setting provides a common reference point at which all synchros are set before being installed

It simply means that the rotor is parallel to S2 and that R1 is at the top

Electronic Fundamentals

Differential Torque Synchro System - Construction
A differential synchro system will provide an output that is the
difference, or sum, between the two inputs from the mechanical

A differential synchro
system consists of a
differential synchro (TDX)
used in conjunction with a
synchro transmitter (TX)
and receiver (TR)

A.C. power is supplied to

the TX and TR rotors, which
are in parallel
There is no connection
between the TDX and the
A.C. supply
The transmitter rotor will be
mechanically rotated
A pointer is attached to the
receiver rotor, which is free

Electronic Fundamentals


Differential Torque Synchro System Operation

or Null
When the system is set as shown in the diagram below, the induced voltages in the stators and across
the transformers will be equal; no current will flow the interconnecting wires

Electronic Fundamentals


Differential Torque Synchro System Operation


If the TX is turned by 60, the TX stator voltages will change and current will flow across the stator windings

Resultant fields will be set up, and all three components feel a torque
Only the TR rotor is free to respond, so it will turn until the voltages are
equal and current stops flowing

Electronic Fundamentals


Differential Torque Synchro System Operation

If the TX is left stationary and the TDX is rotated by 15 the voltages will be different and current will flow
around the stator windings

A torque reaction will occur and the TR rotor will turn until the voltages are
equal and current stops flowing
If both the TX and the TDX were rotated then the TR would show the
difference between the two movements

Electronic Fundamentals


Differential Torque Synchro System Operation

The differential synchro system could be arranged with two TX and one TDR

Under this condition, the TDR is the receiving element, but the system will
respond as previously described to show the difference in the two inputs

If the interconnecting wires between S1 and S3 of the TX and TDX, and

between S1 and S3 of the TDX and TR, are crossed, the system will
algebraically add the two mechanical inputs

Electronic Fundamentals

Control Synchro System - Construction
Control synchros are used in electromechanical servo and
shaft positioning systems. They only produce a signal
representative of the position of the transmitter.
The control synchro system
comprises an
interconnected Control
transmitter (CX) and
Control Transformer (CT)
A.C. power is only supplied
to the CX rotor
The CX rotor will be
mechanically rotated, but
the CT rotor is fixed
The balanced or null
position occurs when the
CX and CT rotors are 90

Electronic Fundamentals

Control Synchro System - Operation
When the CX rotor is parallel
to stator S2, maximum
voltage is induced in stator
S2 and half maximum
voltage is induced in stators
S1 and S3
No EMFs are induced in the
stator windings of the CT,
therefore a potential
difference exists between
each stator winding of the
CX and CT and currents flow
in the wires
The current flowing in the CT
stator windings produces a
resultant magnetic field
This resulting field cuts the
CT rotor winding producing
an induced EMF in the CT

Electronic Fundamentals

CT Rotor Induced EMF
The amplitude of the EMF induced in the CT rotor is
proportional to the sine of the angle between the rotor and
resultant field.

The phase of the

induced EMF
depends on whether
the rotor is clockwise
or anticlockwise of
the balanced or
nulled position
The control transformer can
therefore be considered as a
null detector and is most often
used in servo systems

Electronic Fundamentals

Control Synchro Servo System - Operation
Balanced or Null
When the system is balanced, zero EMF is induced in the CT rotor, there is no output to the
servomotor and the motor and pointer are stationary

Electronic Fundamentals

Control Synchro Servo System - Operation
Transmitter rotated
When the CX rotor is rotated, the resultant field across the CT stator will
move. The CT rotor will no longer be at 90 to the resultant field and an EMF
will be induced in it
The EMF is applied to a amplifier to sense its phase relationship to the
supply voltage
Direction information from the amplifier is applied to the motor, which will
turn, driving the pointer and at the same time driving the CT rotor
When the CT rotor is at 90 to the resultant field, the induced EMF falls to
zero and the motor stops turning. The pointer indicates the new position

Electronic Fundamentals

Differential Control Synchro System Construction

Differential control synchro systems operate the same way as

torque differential synchro systems.
They can also be wired to produce an electrical signal proportional to the sum or difference
between two inputs.

Electronic Fundamentals



Electronic Fundamentals


Part 2 - Servos

Electronic Fundamentals

State the function of servomechanisms
State the properties of servomechanisms
List the categories of servomechanisms
Identify the following servomechanisms;
Open Loop
Closed Loop

State the problem associated with open loop servomechanisms

List the factors that affect the operation of open loop
List the essential features of Servomechanisms

Electronic Fundamentals

Objectives cont...
State the function of the following parts of a remote position control

Define the following forms of servomechanism feedback;


Identify the symbol for and state the function of a summing device
Recognize closed loop servomechanisms with the following

Electronic Fundamentals

Objectives cont...

Give a simple description of operation of the following servomechanism

E & I Bar

Give a simple description of operation of the following servo systems;


Give a simple description of operation of the following transducers;

Linear Variable Differential Transform (LVDT)
Rotary Variable Differential Transformer (RVDT)
Induced EMF speed sensor
Induction proximity sensor
Capacitance transmitter

Electronic Fundamentals

Servomechanisms (Servos) are control systems whose
outputs are slaved to follow the demands of the input.
Servos provide the precise control and power required to operate complex machines that
humans are unable to provide
Servos possess the following properties;

Error activated
Have power amplification
Contain moving parts
Automatic in operation
Servomechanisms can be classified according to two main categories;

Open loop

Closed loop


Electronic Fundamentals

Open Loop
In an open loop system;
The input demand generates an electrical signal equivalent to the demand position

The signal is then amplified to the required power level and applied to a motor
The motor turns to position a load

Electronic Fundamentals

Open Loop Problems
The speed of response and the final position of the load
depend on the following factors;

Variations in load conditions

Frictional forces in the motor and its load
Mechanical interconnections
Variations in power supplies
Value of the demand voltage
Variations in amplifier gain

PROBLEM Because of the variations mentioned above, the output of an open loop system is
unlikely to follow the input precisely and cannot provide the close tolerance required by many
complex machines.

Electronic Fundamentals

Closed Loop
In a closed loop system, any error in the output is detected and fed
back to the input so that the necessary corrections can be made to
eliminate the error.

Feedback - information concerning the behavior of the load is fed back to

the input
Summing amplifier compares the position of the output (feedback) to
that demanded by the input
Error signal - proportional to the difference between the demand and
feedback signals
Amplifier - amplifies the error signal to control the load
Motor - moves the load in such a direction as to reduce the error signal to

Electronic Fundamentals

Remote Position Control Servo Systems
Remote Position Control (RPC) servo systems are a form
of closed loop servo system used to control the position of a
remotely located device in response to a change in the
demanded input.
The essential parts of an RPC servo are as follows;

Transducers - a device for converting one form of energy into

another, for example, electrical to mechanical, heat to electrical or
light to electrical. In servo systems these are generally used to
convert a mechanical input to an electrical signal for the servo
Amplifier - The amplifier increases the power of the input signal to a
level suitable to drive the device being positioned. Large mechanical
work outputs are therefore possible for very small work inputs
Motors - Motors are used to move the device being controlled. They
are usually coupled to a gearbox and produce either a linear or rotary

Electronic Fundamentals

Positional Feedback
Positional feedback is used to make the output shaft of a
servo system exactly follow the input shaft position.

Electronic Fundamentals

Positional Feedback - Operation
Balanced or Null
When the angular positions of the output shaft and input shaft are the
same, the demand and feedback voltages from the potentiometers will be
The summing amplifier will subtract the feedback signal from the
demand signal resulting in no error signal (0 volts)
With no error signal applied to the amplifier, the motor will be stationary

Electronic Fundamentals

Positional Feedback - Operation
Error Signal
When the input shaft is first rotated, there will be a change in the demand
voltage. The the feedback voltage will remain unchanged because the
output shaft has not yet rotated
The summing amplifier will subtract the feedback signal from the new
demand signal resulting in an error voltage (polarity depends on the
direction of input shaft rotation)
The motor now runs in the direction determined by the polarity of the error
The load is repositioned and the potentiometer wiper moves, changing
feedback voltage
When the output shaft is realigned with the input shaft, the feedback and
demand voltages will be equal again. The error signal will be zero, and the
motor will stop

Electronic Fundamentals

Velocity Control Servo System
Velocity Control Servo Systems are a form of closed loop
servo system used to control the rotational speed of a shaft
and not its position.

Electronic Fundamentals

Velocity Control Servo System
Balanced or Null
The speed control potentiometer produces a voltage proportional to the
demanded speed
Feedback is provided by the tachogenerator which produces a voltage
proportional to the angular velocity of the output shaft
A summing amplifier will subtract the feedback signal from the demand
signal. When the feedback and input demand signals are equal, no error
signal is produced
The motor continues to run at the current speed

Electronic Fundamentals

Velocity Control Servo System
Error Signal
At the instant the speed control potentiometer is first moved, the input
demand voltage changes, but the tachogenerator produces the same voltage
as before
The summing amplifier subtracts the feedback signal from the demand signal
and an error signal will be produced that is proportional to the difference
between the two signals
The error signal is fed to the amplifier, which accelerates or decelerates the
motor until the output of the tachogenerator is equal to the input demand
voltage, at which time the motor will run at the new demanded speed

Electronic Fundamentals

A.C. Servo Transducers
While D.C. servo systems use simple resistive transducers,
different methods are required for A.C. servo systems, such

E & I Bar


Electronic Fundamentals

E & I Bar Transducer
Balanced or Null
A winding on the centre limb of the E bar carries an A.C. excitation supply
Secondary coils are connected in series opposition
With the I bar in the centre position equal flux will flow in the outer limbs
of the E bar, the voltages induced in the two secondary coils will be equal
and opposite and will therefore cancel out and there will be no output

Electronic Fundamentals

E & I Bar Transducer
Error Signal
If the I bar is displaced from the central position, more flux will flow in the
limb of the E bar with the smaller air gap and less flux will flow in the limb
with the larger air gap
The induced voltages in the two windings will no longer cancel out and an
output voltage will be produced
The phase of the output voltage is determined by the direction of movement
of the I bar
The magnitude is determined by how far the bar moves. In a servo system
the amount of movement will be kept small due to the follow-up action.

Electronic Fundamentals

E & I Bar Transducer
The E & I Bar may also be used to convert linear movement to
an electrical signal.
When the I bar is moved linearly, by an evacuated capsule, the induced voltages in the two
windings will no longer cancel out and an output voltage will be produced

Electronic Fundamentals

AC Tachogenerator
Tachogenerators provide the velocity feedback for servo
Tachogenerators normally produce a
voltage with the same frequency as
the supply voltage

With the drag cup stationary no

voltage is induced in the secondary
winding as it is placed at right angles
to the primary winding and the output
is zero
As the output shaft drives the rotor,
the cup rotates and rotating eddy
currents are induced in the cup
The eddy currents in the cup will
induce a voltage across the output
The amplitude of the voltage will be
proportional to the speed of rotation
and the phase will be dependent on

Electronic Fundamentals

Linear Servo System

Electronic Fundamentals

DC Servo System
Balanced or Null
The voltage at the input and output potentiometer wipers depend on the input and output shaft
positions (i and o)

When the wiper arms are in the same position, the voltages will be the same and there will be no error signal from the amplifier; the servo motor will not
turn (balanced)

Electronic Fundamentals

DC Servo System
Error Signal
Any difference in the position of the two wipers results in a voltage difference, which is applied to the
amplifier to create an error signal

The motor drives the load in a direction corresponding to the polarity of the error signal. When alignment is reached the error signal falls to zero, the
motor field disappears and the motor stops.

Electronic Fundamentals

AC Servo System
Balanced or Null
When the rotor of the CT is at 90 to the rotor of the CX, no EMFs are
induced in the rotor of the CT and no error signal is sent to the amplifier
With no error signal applied to the amplifier, the motor will not turn and
the load will remain stationary

Electronic Fundamentals

AC Servo System
Error Signal
With a misalignment in the system, an EMF is induced in the rotor of the
control transformer and an error signal is applied to the amplifier
The error signal is amplified and passed to the motor, which drives the
load in one direction or another (according to the phase of the induced
As the load is repositioned, the CT rotor is realigned until there is no
output from the CT, resulting in no input to the amplifier, and the motor

Electronic Fundamentals

There are several types of transducers that can be used with
servo systems.
Linear Variable Differential Transform (LVDT)

Rotary Variable Differential Transformer (RVDT)

Induced EMF speed sensor

Induction proximity sensor

Capacitance transmitter

Electronic Fundamentals

Linear Variable Differential Transformer
Linear variable differential transforms (LVDT's) are used
to produce an electrical signal proportional to a linear
LVDT's consist of a moveable iron core that is mounted inside three
windings wound on a coil former
The centre winding is the excitation winding and is connected to an A.C.
reference voltage
The two outer windings are connected in series opposition and provide
the output

Electronic Fundamentals

Rotary Variable Differential Transformer
Rotary Variable Transformers (RVDTs) produce an
electrical signal proportional to a rotational movement.
RVDT's consist of one fixed iron core mounted inside a coil, and one
moveable iron core that is mounted inside two output coils
The centre winding is the excitation winding and is connected to an A.C.
reference voltage
The two outer windings are connected in series opposition and provide
the output

Electronic Fundamentals

Induced EMF Speed Sensor
Induced EMF speed sensors are used to measure rotational
speed of items such as engine shafts.
This type of transducer comprises
a coil and a permanent magnet
and requires a steel target for its
If the target is moved continually
back and forward past the
transducer, the flux density
continually increases and
This changing flux induces an
EMF in the transducer

Electronic Fundamentals

Induction Proximity Sensor
Inductive proximity sensors are used in sensing systems
such as those used to sense the position of the landing gear.

An inductive proximity sensor has four main components; oscillator, coil, detection circuit and output circuit

Placing a piece of steel near the coil increases its inductance, which in turn increases the inductive reactance of the coil

Increasing the inductive reactance reduces the A.C. current flow in the coil, which is detected and used to provide a signal to indicate when the steel is
in close proximity to the sensor

Electronic Fundamentals

Capacitance Transmitters
Capacitance transmitters consist of a variable capacitor
located inside a liquid, such as an aircrafts fuel tank or
hydraulic reservoir.
The capacitor mounted inside the fuel tank is called a tank unit, and is
normally constructed from two aluminum alloy tubes, one mounted inside
the other and separated by insulating supports
The capacitance of the tank unit will vary depending on the quantity of
fuel in the tank
The dielectric constant of fuel is higher than that of air, so when the fuel
level rises between the two aluminum tubes, the capacitance of the tank
unit will rise

Electronic Fundamentals



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