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Name of Bahrain

In ancient time the name of Bahrain includes all the

Arabian Gulf region, including the eastern region of

the Arabian Peninsula, which extends from Kuwait
in the north to Oman in the south.
The archipelago was named (Awal), according to the

Arabian geographers Hamwi and Bakri.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Name of Bahrain

The meaning of Bahrain word in the Arabic language

comes from, that meeting between two water blocks,

and this idea was the defined between the
geographers, the first team (Osamai, Azahari,
damask) said that the origin of the word of Bahrain
came from meet fresh water with seawater. Second
team (Hamdani) that indicated that the meaning of
Bahrain word comes form the meeting of sweet water
with another sweet, and the third team (Idrissi)
pointed to a meeting of a marinade with another
marinade water block.
Monday, June 8, 2015

Name of Bahrain

There is no doubt that the flow of fresh water from

the fountains at the bottom of the sea and the

meeting with the salty sea water contributed the
name of Bahrain.
In the sixties of the nineteenth century Britain
separated parts of Qatar from Bahrain, Since this
date it presented the current name of the Bahrain
Current Bahrain archipelago consists of 84 islands.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Discussion and questions:


1. Analyze Historically, the most significant factors

that have been adopted in the name of Bahrain.
2. Select Historically, the impact of the geographical
factor in the importance of Bahrain.
3. Select Historically, the scientific origin of the name
of Bahrain.
4. Select features of historical discrimination, the
evolution of the name of Bahrain in ancient and
modern time.

Monday, June 8, 2015


1. The old name of Bahrain, changed thru the

civilization succession.
2. Dilmun civilization which appeared in the third
millennium BC.
3. The Greek name Taylos, which appeared in the 4th
cent b.c.

Monday, June 8, 2015


4. Awal, was known by the name during the Islamic

5. The area of Bahrain in ancient time, includes
Kuwait in North to Oman in the South.
6. Arabian Geographies, have different views about
the origin name of Bahrain.

Monday, June 8, 2015


7. Asmaei, Azhari, and Al-Dimashqi said, that the

name of Bahrain came from the confluence of fresh
water and salty sea water.
8. Al-hamdani said, the name of Bahrain came from
the confluence of fresh water.
9. Idrissi said that the origin of the name of Bahrain,
came from, the confluence of salty sea water.

Monday, June 8, 2015


10. Groundwater, freshwater springs, had the direct

impact on emerging the name of Bahrain.
11. Britain isolated Qatar from Bahrain in 1868, since
this date Bahrain was known by its contemporary
12. Bahrain Islands is an archipelago consists of 84

Monday, June 8, 2015

Geographical location and its

Bahrain is located at latitude 25 degrees in the north, and

longitude 50 degrees in the east.

Bahrain has a small area and its not more than 750 km 2.
Bahrain has rich and unique history, It is one of the largest
populated islands in the Arabian Gulf.
It is located in the middle of the Arabian Gulf between the
mouth of the Shatt al-Arab in the south of Basra, Iraq and
the Strait of Hormuz in the south. It is close to the east
coast of the Arabian Peninsula. From this came the cultural
communication with the Arab culture and history.
Monday, June 8, 2015

Geographical location and its


Geographical location made Bahrain a cultural meeting

point, between Sumerian civilization in Iraq and Magan

civilization in Oman.
Bahrain was rich with Pearl diving, fertile land and
freshwater availability.
Transit trade depend on the importance route between East
and West.
The discovery of oil in 1932 increased the importance of

Monday, June 8, 2015

Geographical location and its

Local powers, which focused on Bahrain are ayon,

Asfore and Jabouri, during the period between

the eleventh century and sixteenth. The Hawalla
tribe ruled Bahrain in the seventeenth to the end of
eighteenth centuries, and Ottob tribe ruled Bahrain
since the eighteenth century 1783.
Regional powers, which focused on Bahrain, such as
Persia in the eighteenth century, and Oman and
Najd in the nineteenth century.
Monday, June 8, 2015

Geographical location and its

International powers, which focused on Bahrain,

such as Portugal in the sixteenth century until the

seventeenth century, Britain since 1820, and the
U.S. presence in the Gulf region after the Second
World War, especially after the appearance of a
conflict of oil interest.
Britain has benefited from Bahrains location, so it
worked to create a set of military bases. Where
founded ground base in Hamalla, the naval base in
Juffair and the air base in Muharraq.
Monday, June 8, 2015

Geographical location and its

After the end of World War II, Britain has transferred the

British Political Resident from Bushaher city in

southwestern Iran to Bahrain in 1946.
Bahrain remains very important in the Western strategy,
because of its site and oil interests in the region.
Bahrain has benefited from its important site, especially in
the transit trade. Today Bahrain's regional finance center is
very important.

Monday, June 8, 2015


1. Bahrain is located at latitude 25 North.

2. Bahrain is located at longitude 50 East.
3. Bahrain is a small country and its area does not
exceed 750 km2.
4. Bahrain is located in the middle of the Arabian Gulf,
between North and South of the Hormuz Strait.
5. Bahrains location became a meeting point of
civilized history.
Monday, June 8, 2015


6. Bahrains pearl characteristic: large size, full rotation,

clearness color.
7. Bahrain is rich with fresh water and arable land.
8. Bahrain relies on transit trade because of the site linking
Europe with Asia.
9. The discovery of oil in Bahrain has increased the
importance of Bahrain in the region.

Monday, June 8, 2015


10. Bahrain became a target for the ambitions of local powers,

regional and international.
11. Alaionion, alasforion, Jabour, ruled Bahrain during the
period from 11 until the 16th century.
12. The Hawalla tribes ruled Bahrain during the period from
the end of the 17th century until the end of the 18th
13. Ottob tribe ruled Bahrain after the Zobarra battle in 1783.
under the command of Ahmed Al Fateh.
14. Regional powers that ruled Bahrain are: Persia in 18th
century, Oman and Najd in the 19th century.
Monday, June 8, 2015


15. Portugal dominated Bahrain in the 15th century and

Britain dominated Bahrain during the 19th century.
16. United States presence in the Gulf after the second world
17. Britain benefited from Bahrain site extensively, it
established a naval base in juffair, an air base in Muharraq,
and ground base in Hamalla.
18. The transfer of the headquarters of the political resident
to Bahrain from Bushehr city in 1946.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Discussion and questions:


1. Analyze historically, the phenomenon of the small size of

Bahrain spatially, and historical situation which
distinguishes it.
2. Discuss Historically, the impact of geographic location and
the cultural activities in Bahrain.
3. Analyze historically, the underlying causes of various forces
controlling interest in Bahrain.
4. Discuss Historically, the method used by Britain to benefit
from the site of Bahrain.
5. How can the historic distinction between the old role of
Bahrain and contemporary role.
Monday, June 8, 2015


Bahrain archipelago consists of a large group of

islands, such as 51 natural island and 33 artificial

These islands vary in space of area and population
Bahrain (Manama) Island is the main island
represents an area of 80% of the total area of the
archipelago, and 76% of the total population.

Monday, June 8, 2015


Bahrain is surrounded by coral reefs, where it formed a

barrier that prevents the passage of large ships.

Even the Portuguese commander Peru Albu Kirk failed
to invades Bahrain in 1514 and returned to the island of
Hormuz disappointed.
Khoor Julai'a is a deep waterway which is located
between Muharraq and Manama and it is called Julai'a
because of the castles in this site such as: (Bahrain Fort,
Arad Fort and Abu Maher fort). These forts have
contributed in the face of the invasion of Oman during the
nineteenth century.
Monday, June 8, 2015


Bahrain has increased in the size, during the year 1972 it

was 660 square kilometers in 2008 it became about 750

square kilometers.

Monday, June 8, 2015


1. Bahrain archipelago consists of 51 natural islands and 33

artificial islands.
2. There is variation in the size of the islands and the number
of people in it. Some Bahrain islands are big but the
population number is low like the Hawar Island.
3. There are small islands such as Nabih Saleh which is less
than one kilo meter square.
4. The most important islands in Bahrain are: Manama,
Muharraq , Setraa and Om alnassan.
5. Bahrain island is the most important in the archipelago
with the proportion of area 80% and the population at
Monday, June 8, 2015


6. Bahrain is surronded by coral reefs that forms a barrier in

the face of the invaders.
7. Aljlieh is a deep waterway separates Bahrain and
8. Khour Jeleiaa was named after the defensive castles such
as: the Bahrain Fort, Arad fort and Abu Maher fort.
9. Reclamation of the shallow water reefs and islands started
in the seventies of the twentieth century.
10. Bahrains area was 660 km 2 then it became after filling
750 km 2.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Bahrain Manama Island


It is called the mother island and its area is 606 km.

Length of Bahrain island 48 km and the width is 17

The highest point in Bahrain island is Jabal Dukhan,
which is 134 meters.
Bahrain island is 20 meters above sea level.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Muharraq island

Located in the northeast of Bahrain.

The topography of Muharraq convex in the North,

and concave in the South.

Arad bay is located in the West and AL-Zemma bay
is in the East.
AL-Hid City is shaped as a narrow tongue.
The area of Muharraq was 18 k2 in 1976 and it
became 47 km2 in 2008.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Sitra Island

Longitudinal shape.
Located in the eastern island of Bahrain.
Khor Abu sakeen is located between the island of

Bahrain and Sitra.

In 1976 Sitra island area was 10 km 2 and it became
16 km2 in 2008, because of the reclamation process.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Hawar Islands

The area of Hawar Islands is 52 km2.

Highlighted phenomenon in the Hawar Islands is the

low surfaces.
The general nature of the Hawar Islands is flat
toward the West.
Southern Swaad Island is 7 km 2.
AL-Hajeeat Islands, consisting of three small islands
and it is very low in the South.

Monday, June 8, 2015


The climate of Bahrain belongs to the warm desert

It is very hot in the summer, warm and wet in winter.
In the summer, there are blowing sand storms.
Humidity is around 70%.
Rain is very rare and it is non-regular.
The climate of Bahrain didnt help the European
powers to settle.
Britain depended on Indian elements because of the
hot weather.
Monday, June 8, 2015


Bahrain inhabited since the Stone Age, where they found

traces in Jebel Dukhan area.

The civil settlement has emerged in the Dilmun civilization
as evidenced by the presence in the village of Barbar s and
Then the link is in the Arab culture, through the migration
of Arab tribes before Islam, such tribe (Tamim, Abdul Qais,
Wael Bakr).

Monday, June 8, 2015


Arab migrations continued in the Islamic period until the

seventeenth century.
The migration of Hawalla tribes and the migration of Ottob
tribes in the eighteenth century.
The evidence of the Hawalla tribe is by the AL-Omar fort
that was built by Jbarra AL-Huwally in 1698 and Ottob
tribe by the Riffa Fort that was built in 1812 and Abu Maher
fort in 1820.
Omanis built Arad Fort in 1802.

Monday, June 8, 2015


Waves of foreign invasion contributed to the emergence of

Bahrain Fort that was built by the Portuguese on the ruins

of Jabour tribe in 1561.
Deewan castle was built by the Persians in 1739.
The British established the system of military bases.
Population is concentrated in the north of Manama for a
variety of reasons such as: abundance sweet water, fertile
land suitable for cultivation, provide vegetation and the
abundance of natural anchors.

Monday, June 8, 2015


Industrial activity is concentrated in the north-eastern

region on the island of Sitra.

The agricultural activity is concentrated in the north-west
coast in the area of Budaiya.
Geographical location and natural resources of Bahrain
made it a crossroads of many races and peoples. There is no
doubt that Arab and Islamic identity of Bahrain, but it
attracted the Persians, Indians and East Africa elements.
Bahrain Origins date back to the Arab tribes (Baker,
Tamim, Qais, Amer).
Monday, June 8, 2015


Since the eighteenth century, many people

emigrated from India and Persia to Bahrain.

Issuance of the Bahraini Nationality Act in 1937.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Discussion and questions:


1. Bahrain inhabited since ancient times, historically analyze

the factors that indicates this argument
2. Analyze Historically, migration path to Bahrain.
3. Tracking Historically, the impact of foreign invasion on
4. Analyze historically, the impact of the factors that
contributed to the concentration of population in the
northern region and distribution of agricultural and
industrial activities.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Discussion and questions:


5. Analyze parameters of the unity and diversity of the

population of Bahrain.
6. Analyze Historically, the level of business relationship with
India and Persia since the eighteenth century.

Monday, June 8, 2015


1. The first settlement in Bahrain appeared in the stone age,

the directory is found in the Dukhaan mountain.
2. The first civilian settlement emerged during the Dilmun
3. Hawalla tribes settled in Bahrain in the 17th century a.d.,
directory building AL-Ommar fort.
4. Ottob tribes showed the effects thru buidling Riffa Fort and
Abu Maher.
5. Omani built Arad Fort in 1802.

Monday, June 8, 2015


6. Portuguese put their finishing touches on Bahrain fort in

1561, Bahrain fort was found by Jobour tribe.
7. The effects of British military presence, highlighting three
military bases in Hamalla, Joffair and Muharaq.
8. Focus of settlement in the northern part in Bahrain
because of the availability of sweet water, fertile land
suitable for agriculture and vegetation.
9. Industrial activity is concentrated in the East coast of the
Sitra island.

Monday, June 8, 2015


10. Agricultural activity is concentrated in the North-West

coast of the Budaya.
11. The majority of the population of Bahrain, Arab origin
dates back to the tribes of Banu Tamim, Bakr, Abdul qays,
Banu Amer.
12. The location of Bahrain made it a distinct trade relations
with Persia and India.
13. The Bahraini citizenship nationality Act, issued in 1937,
especially after the discovery of oil and many workers went
to Bahrain to obtain jobs in the oil sector.
Monday, June 8, 2015

Population growth

Captain Campbell estimated the population of Bahrain,

about 50,000 people in the mid-nineteenth century.

In 1907 Lorimer estimated Bahrain's population around
100,000 people.
Bahrain's population doubled during the half century.
During the period 1921 until 1930 appeared inaccurate
estimates of the population, the government was forced to
do the first population census in 1941. Where it showed that
the population of Bahrain was 90 thousand people.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Population growth

Census of population in 2006, referred that the population

of Bahrain 743,000 people.

Percentage of Bahrainis employed in the public sector, up
to 89% and it is a very large proportion that indicates that
the national abundance efficiency and the success of the
Bahrain in Human Development field.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Population Density

In spite of the small population of Bahrain when it is

compared with other countries. The small size of the

country, makes Bahrain highly populated country.
The density in Bahrain island is approximately of 868
people per km2.
Muharraq island population density with 2000 people per
Population density in Manama with 5,000 people per km2.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Diving for pearls


Is one of the most important and oldest professions known

in Bahrain.
The importance of diving comes from being a good
financial resource and it is the main income source for
people in the country until the thirties of the twentieth
In 1907, Lorimer said the number of the workers in the
diving sector were about 18,000 people out of a population
of 100,000 people.

Monday, June 8, 2015


Financial resources obtained by the Government of Bahrain

was dependent on the customs.

Britain tried to make a pressure on Shaikh Isa bin Ali in order
to intervene in the affairs of customs and thus control of the
The importance of customs was reduced after the discovery of

oil in the thirties of the twentieth century. The contribution of

customs in government revenue in 1928 reached 92%, but the
ratio decreased until it reached 53% in 1936. The main income
of government depend on Oil during 2006 the contribution of
oil in national income has reached 79%.

Monday, June 8, 2015


Availability of groundwater and fertile contributed to the

emergence of agriculture since ancient time.

Dates of Bahrain got famous because of its good quality.
Agriculture in Bahrain deteriorated during the sixties of the
twentieth century because of the overuse of water.
In the seventies of the twentieth century, the
transformation of agricultural land into the property

Monday, June 8, 2015


Bahraini consumes 23 kilograms of fish per year.

Bahrain Development Bank provided a loan for the

fishing sector, about 5 million interest-free.

Fishing and agriculture sector contribute in
government revenue by 22 million, the proportion
reach 1%.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Oil production

Sheikh Hamad bin Isa Concession oil Franchise to Major

Holmes in 1925.
Franchise has been transferred between the major oil companies
until reached to Bapco in 1929.
The first oil well was opened in Bahrain in 1932.
The first shipment of oil was exported to Japan in 1934.
The first offshore oil field shared between Bahrain and Saudi
Arabia opened in 1966.
Rate of oil production a little, so Bahrain is not a member in
Bapco is responsible for the oil activity in Bahrain.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Oil refining

Bahrain exports refined oilnot crude oil, due to lack

of production.
The first oil refinery factory was found in 1936 in
Caltex company is responsible for marketing the
refined oil.
In 1945, oil pipeline was opened from Bahrain to
Dhahran harbor.
Monday, June 8, 2015


Gas reserves are 90 billion cubic meters.

In 2006, Bapco planned to invest $200 million to drill ten

wells gas.
Bena Gas Company is responsible for the management of

gas liquefaction.

Monday, June 8, 2015


Alba company responsible for this sector.

Number of employees in the company is around

7000 workers .
The contribution of the company in the industrial
sector grew by 34%.
The value of aluminum's export, is up to 13% of the
total exports from Bahrain.

Monday, June 8, 2015


JEPEC company is responsible for Petro chemical.

The factory is located in Sitra.

It is a joint project between Bahrain, KSA and
Production rate is in a continuous increase.
In 2006, Bahrain petrochemical exports a rate of one
million and a half tons.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Iron and steel


Iron smelting factory is located in AL-Hid industrial

The project is managed by the Gulf Investment
Corporation and it is a Kuwaiti company.
Qatar contributed by 250 million US in the project.
In 2009, The capacity of the factory was 11 million

Monday, June 8, 2015

Ship repair

ASRI company is based in AL-Hid city.

It is a joint project between Arab Petroleum

Exporting countries (OAPEC).

In 2008, it was sold at a cost of 20 million dollars.
The company was able to cover all its debts in 2008.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Construction and establishment


This sector benefited from high government

expenditure on infrastructure.
There are large projects such as the Bahrain financial
harbor, Bahrain Bay project, tourism and housing
projects, the establishment four new cities, Bahrain
friendship bridge with Qatar and the total length of
the bridge is approximately 38 km.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Bahrain, a regional financial center


The total number of financial institutions that worked in

Bahrain in 2007 were 400.

Provided specialized national organization and expertise
Financial services grew by 8% in 2006.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Local Banks

Total number of banks in 2005 were approximately 25 and

it were mostly foreign banks.

The Central Bank forced banks to submit statements of
profit and loss account, quarterly, and disclosure of
financial assets to avoid money laundering.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Islamic finance

Bahrain is a regional centre for Islamic finance.

The number of Islamic banks in 2007 were approximately

29 banks.
Consolidated balance sheet amounted to 16 billion dollars.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Bahrain financial Harbour


Real estate project provides offices for financial companies.

The first phase of the project was opened in 2007.
Gulf Finance House is an Islamic Bank that owns 60

percent of the project.

The Government of Bahrain owns 40% of the project.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Stock market

Contains a 51 companies with capitalization reaches 9

billion dinars in 2007.

In 2007, the value of trade wad increased.
Bahrain was able to correspond with the global economic

Monday, June 8, 2015

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