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Industrial psychology and sociology

Adil Amin PG-E10-08

Qaiser Mahmood PG-E10-11
Gulzar hussain CE-E10-26
Shahid pervaiz CE-E10-38

Muhammad Farooq
I.C.E.T., University of the Punjab

Meet our manager


The Manager works for a


The Manager works for a



But there is a

The workers arent


The Manager needs to figure out how to

increase employee motivation

He tried to get the workers

Lets go!


He put motivational quotes up

around the office

He tried to instill fear!

Get moving or
you're fired!

These fixes all work for a while

Ho Hum

But none of them seemed to work for


So what should Manager

do now??

To answer this question,

We need to


Relation between Motivation and Productivity
Theories (Content , process)
How to motivate employees
Example of an eagle

Motivation at workplace
Internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in
people to be continually interested in and committed to a job,
role, or subject, and to exert persistent effort in attaining a goal
It is a process by which a persons efforts are energized, directed and sustained
towards attaining the goal.

Elements of motivation
Motivation has three key elements
Intensity : It is a measure of motivational energy in the person. It tells
how hard a person tries.
Direction : Proper direction towards the goals.
Persistence : It is a measure of how long a person can sustain his

Types of motivation

Extrinsic motivation (May be +ve or ve)

Intrinsic motivation (May be +ve or ve)

Extrinsic motivation: Extrinsic motivations are those that arise from

outside of the individual and often involve rewards such as trophies,
money, social recognition or praise
o People are compelled to do things out of desire or pleasure.
Intrinsic motivation: Intrinsic motivations are those that arise from
within the individual such intrinsically person will work on math
equation because it is enjoyable.

Types of motivation(cont.)

Basic model of motivation

Needs or


Drive force
(Behavior or

To Achieve

Desired Goals


Which Provides

Characteristics of
Art of Stimulating Someone Or Oneself
Produces Goal Directed Behaviour
Motivation can be either Positive or Negative
Motivation is different from Satisfaction

Importance of Motivation

Puts human resources into action

Improves level of efficiency of employees
Enhance productivity
Leads to achievement of organizational goals
Builds friendly relationship
Leads to stability of work force

Relation between motivation

and productivity
Pritchard had developed Productivity and performance measurement
system called ProMES
Performance = Motivation * Ability
Ability ( e.g , intelligence )

If motivation=0 , then ability will not matter so performance=0

Theories of motivation
Content theories

Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory

Herzberg's two-factor theory
Alderfer's ERG theory
McClelland's acquired needs theory
M.C.Gregor X and Y theory

Process theories

Vrooms Expectancy Theory

Adams Equity Theory
Likerts Theory
Reinforcement theory

Content theories

Maslows needs and motivation model

Developed by Abraham Maslow in the 1940s
Theory is based on the needs
Abraham Maslow defined need as a physiological or psychological
deficiency that a person feels the compulsion to satisfy
This need can create tensions that can influence a person's work
attitudes and behaviours
Humans are motivated by multiple needs and that these needs exist in a
hierarchical order

Maslows needs and motivational model (cont.)

Maslow's theory is based on the following two principles:
Deficit principle:A satisfied need no longer motivates behaviour because
people act to satisfy deprived needs.
Progression principle: Need at any level only comes into play after a
lowerlevel need has been satisfied.

Maslows needs and motivational

model (cont.)

Plus point of Maslows theory

Simple to understand

Limitations of Maslows theory

Helps the manager to understand employee needs.

The Various Individuals having different motivation and needs

All the needs can not fulfilled or might be employee satisfied in 3

or 4 level

Herzberg's two-factor theory

Herzberg developed his theory called two factor theory in 1950s
Herzberg and his associates conducted a questionnaire at Pittsburgh.
He asked them:
i) Recall times they felt satisfied
ii) Recall times they felt
Unmotivated times : Poor relationship with Boss ,no gratitute, poor Payment
Motivated times : Good relation with boss , Feelings of recognition , Growth

Herzberg found that entirely different factors were related to the

employees feelings about their jobs

Herzberg's two-factor theory(cont.)

He uses concept Opposite of job satisfaction is no
satisfaction , it is not dissatisfaction and vice versa
Two factors impact motivation at workplace :
1. Hygiene factors
. Presence of which eliminate the dissatisfaction from
person but can no provide motivation
2. Motivator
.The person is motivated by these factors.



Herzberg's two-factor theory(cont.)

Result ;
Following Herzberg's twofactor theory, managers need to ensure that
hygiene factors are adequate and then build satisfiers into jobs.

Limitations and criticisms

what motivates me may be a hygiene factor for the
Its for individuals, not as a homogeneous group with
one set of wants and needs

Alderfer's ERG theory

Alderfers in 1972 gave ERG theory

Built upon Maslows hierarchy of needs theory

He collapses Maslow's five levels of needs into three categories.

Alderfer's ERG theory


Growth needs

Love (Social)
Safety & Security

needs (are
the desires
for satisfying

Principles of ERG theory









McClelland's acquired needs theory

Everyone prioritizes needs differently
Need for Achievement

Need for Affiliation

The drive to excel, to

achieve in relation to a set
of standards, to strive to

The desire for

friendly and close


Need for Power

The need to drive and
manage others behavior



McClelland's acquired needs theory (cont.)

High achievers often exhibit the following behaviours
Seek personal responsibility for finding solutions to problems
Want rapid feedback on their performances so that they can tell
easily whether they are improving or not
Individuals with a high need of power often demonstrate the
following behaviours:
Enjoy being in charge
Want to influence others

McClelland's acquired needs theory (cont.)

People needing affiliation display the following
o Take a special interest in work that provides companionship and
social approval
o Strive for friendship
o May not make the best managers because their desire for social
approval and friendship may complicate managerial decision

M.C.Gregor X and Y theory

Gregor divided the Human beings in to two different parts
according to physical structure According to feelings, affections,
sympathy and etc.
On the basis of nature it is divided in to two parts:
X theory
Y theory
X type people can become Y type and Y type people can become
X type

M.C.Gregor X and Y theory

Theory X

Assume that workers have little ambition, dislike work, avoid

responsibility, and require close supervision.
This theory means the workers have no power to suggest anything
and only carry the order of supervisor and obey the order
They do not work automatically ,They wait for the instructions or
They simple treated as machine not as employee

M.C.Gregor X and Y theory

Theory Y
Assumes that workers can exercise self-direction, desire,
responsibility, and like to work
Work is the source of satisfaction
Life is hell for high skilled people if their job is challenge less
Utilized the full optimum of employees according to capability of
each employees

Cognitive Evaluation Theory

Providing an extrinsic reward for behaviour that had

been previously only intrinsically rewarding tends to
decrease the overall level of motivation.
The theory may only be relevant to jobs that are
neither extremely
dull nor extremely interesting.

Process Theories

The Expectancy Theory

Expectancy Theory, first proposed by Victor H. Vroom in the


Vroom derived that the motivation come from the belief of

o As man is a rational human being, he will try to maximize the
perceived value of such reward

The Expectancy Theory equation



Will My effort
Improve my

Will Performance
Lead to reward


Will Reward Satisfy

the Individual Goal

Valence-Which means that the strength of an individual to

achieve the reward, Means his effort to rewards and Goals
Eg-When a retired employee willing to work again.
Expectancy-To the extent that someone belief that the
performance will lead him to the reward.
Eg-If the employee understand that after giving his effort the reward
is zero he will never try for the Organizational goal.
Instrumentality-It is refers to the performance Reward
Probability. Means what is he is going to get for the performance.
o From the above discussion we find out that if the above three are
weak then employee is not interested for goal.

Adamss Theory of Inequity

Inequity -

The situation in which a person perceives

he or she is receiving less than he or she is giving, or is
giving less than he or she is receiving

Person Comparison
Outcomes = Outcomes
Outcomes < Outcomes
Positive Outcomes > Outcomes

Inequity Case Study

Sajid and Naeem were the two fresh student in a college and
were the room mates in hostel. And became good friends.
In 2nd month naeem joined fun society of college, and his
friendship with sajid flattered.
In exams he asked his society friends for help and they told him
to prepare past papers as it always repeat and he can get good
scores with little effort, and he would not share this information .
He did the same and got good grades, while sajid with a lot of
effort stand average. It happened again in next exams. Sajid got
upset and he asked naeem about his unexpected results.

Inequity Case Study

Naeem told him everything as friends, and that he was not

allowed to share.
Inspite of being angry at him for not sharing the stuff, sajid aware
him of the inequity and he understanded the issue and started to
work hard by himself.

New Perspectives on Equity Theory

Equity Sensitive I prefer an equity ratio
equal to that of my
comparison other

New Perspectives on Equity Theory


I am comfortable with
an equity ratio less
than that of my
comparison other

New Perspectives on Equity Theory

I am comfortable with
an equity ratio greater
than that of my
comparison other

Likerts Theory

Exploitative-Authoritative In this this Stage the manager has no

confidence in his subordinates, and the decision made by top
management. The Goal Achieved by Punishment.
Benevolent-Authoritative- In this Stage the Manager has enough
confidence and trust on subordinates but the maximum decision
taken by Top management. Some reward and some time punishment
is used for motivation.
Consultative-Authoritative-Some decision has been taken by the
subordinates and Management has less belief on the employees.
Rewards and little Punishment has given for motivation.
Participative-Authoritative-Highly decentralized decision making
with great deals of rewards to motivate the employees

Reinforcement theory

This theory is given by J . F. Skinner , the father of modern


Reinforcement theory depends on three simple elements :

i) Stimulus
ii) Response
iii) Reward

Reinforcement theory
o According to this theory if response in the presence of a particular
stimulus is rewarded , that response is likely to occur again in the
presence of that stimulus.

Example ,
If a worker achieves a particular level of performance and he is
rewarded for that. It is more likely that the worker will again try to
achieve that level of performance again in future.

Main modern world theories

Following are the main motivational theories practised in the modern
Activation Theory: Humans can be aroused easily by their
nature. In this motivation theory, the arousal is used for keeping
the people motivated. Take an army as an example. The arousal
for eliminating the enemy is a good motivation factor
Affect Perseverance : An employee is attracted to a company
due to its reputation. Once the employee starts working, he
develops loyalty towards the company. Later, due to some issue,
the company loses its reputation, but employee's loyalty remains
Consistency Theory: This theory uses our internal values for
keeping us motivated. As an example, if we promise to do
something, we will feel bad about not doing it.

Consistency Theory: This theory uses our internal values for

keeping us motivated. As an example, if we promise to do
something, we will feel bad about not doing it
Extrinsic Motivation: This is also one of the most used theories
in the corporate world. The employee is motivated through
Positive Psychology: This way, employees are motivated by
making them happy when it comes to environment, rewards,
personal space, etc.

How can you increase employees Motivation

Enabling workers to make decisions, solve problems within their
sphere of responsibility and authority
New forms of working arrangements:
Flexible work schedules , job sharing , Telecommuting
Incentive system:
People get pay amounts at each pay period.

Job enlargement:
This involves the expanding the job of an employee that has them
doing more work of a similar nature to what they are already do.
This actually remove the boredom of the employee.
o Example , packaging products as well as manufacturing
Job Rotation :
Allowing the employees to change the nature of their job
o Example , you may give employee administration
Gratitude :
This is the best way of motivating employees . This costs nothing .
Alas ! Todays managers dont pay much attention on this factor
which is easy to do .

Show respect :
Managers often treat employees like child in a parent-child
relationship. This is not good. Managers should avoid it.
Give them what they want :
Give employees what they want . If you dont know their wants ,
ask them. Like some employees needs money , some needs trips ,
educational opportunities , verbal recognition .

So now The Manager knows the way to structure pay and

rewards to leverage the drive to Acquire

So now The Manager knows the way to structure pay and

rewards to leverage the drive to Acquire

Utilize incentives to
drive performance and
create a culture of
recognition and

Bonus Check


Find out who your

themselves too
(this is not always
obvious) and make
sure that your pay
and perks are

And you need to know what your employees think

And The Manager knows that the drive to Acquire is

about more than just money
Make sure you
give credit and
promote your

Wendy is

[ form positive social

relationships with coworkers ]

Do you
need any

They will go out of their way to help people in their group

These bonds will help to instill loyalty and engender

positive emotions about the company
What a great
place to work!

Employees are now the team

His employees/team now become super


The Company

And The Manager got promoted!


Without motivation your business will suffer from lack
of efficiency that your employees may fail to apply
It is therefore important you give them something as
reward or gratitude for their high level of performance

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