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Internet Marketing

by Group No. 10
Why Internet Marketing
• You may be asking yourself why you
should be using internet marketing.
• You could deliver the mankind's most
extraordinary merchandise but if
you do not advertise on the World
Wide Web, nobody will be capable
to discover you the least bit.
•  It tells the world how to FIND you,
your internet site and your product.
Banner Advertisements
• Banner ads used to be a very popular
form of advertising in the past. Five
years ago, in 1997, the
average CTR for banner ads was as high a
. With today's CTR being a tenth of
that and continuing to drop
• In the beginning of targeted online
advertising, there were banner ads
• Advertisements were introduced on
HotWired in October, 1994, for brands
including Zima, Club Med and AT&T.

Pop Up Advertisement
• Pop-up ads or pop-ups are a form of online
advertising on the World Wide Web intended
to attract web traffic or capture email
addresses ,When certain web sites open a
new web browser window to display 
advertisements .
• The pop-up window containing an
advertisement is usually generated by 
• A variation on the pop-up window is the pop-
under advertisement, which opens a new
browser window hidden under the active
Floating ad:
An ad which moves across the user's screen or

floats above the content.

• A floating ad is a type of rich media Web

Trick banner:
A banner ad that looks like a dialog box with

buttons. It simulates an error message or an

• A banner ad that attempts to trick people
into clicking, often by imitating an
operating system message.
• Trick banners seek to overcome "banner
F lo a tin g

W o rld ’ s 1 st
The Internet Has Changed

T h e first te n ye a rs o f co m m e rcia l
In te rn e t w e re a w a rm -u p a ct fo r w h a t
is a b o u t to h a p p e n .” – M o rg a n
S ta n le y / M a ry M e e ke r
“ N o t o n ly d id w e fa ilto im a g in e w h a t
th e W e b w o u ld b e co m e , w e stilld o n ’ t
se e it to d a y ! ” – C h ris A n d e rso n , Wired

“If your target audience isn’t

listening, it’s not their fault, it’s
yours.” – Seth Godin, author
The Google Turn Around
• In 2000, Google launched a keyword-
targeted advertising program called
AdWords, revolutionizing the online
advertising industry.
• AdWords showed ads on
that were related to a person’s
specific search
• And Google disallowed pop-up and
pop- under ads of any kind.
What is Google Advertising?
Your customers see your ad when they search

Your ad reaches users at the

moment they demonstrate
A Typical AdWords Ad

•Ad Title (25 character limit)

•Ad Text (35 character limit)
•Display URL (35 character limit)
Google Adword Technology
Google AdSense
• Google AdSense is the program that can
give you advertising revenue from each
page on your website—with a minimal
investment in time and no additional

• AdSense delivers relevant text and image
ads that are precisely targeted to your
site content

• when you add a Google search box to your

site, AdSense delivers relevant text ads
that are targeted to the Google search
results pages generated by your visitors’
Google Network Basics – Ad
The Google Network reaches
over 80 % of Internet
Users worldwide*
Content publishers ,
Google properties ,
including: Search partners ,
Revolution of WEB 2.0
T h e se a re th e five e sse n tia l tools




video E- Zines
A b lo g demonstrates
a u th o rity
The Rule of 1%, 10%, 89%
• 1% Create original content
• 10% add content: comments, rating,
reviews, aggregation, tagging,
embed, etc.
• 89% Consume Content
• Your Brand Lives Everywhere… Not
just on Your Site
• Experience Matters, Not Pageviews

An RSS & e-zine builds
Blog RSS Data Flow

A podcast makes a personal
Social Networking helps in building
a network
Social Network Marketing
• Applications
• Groups
• Paid Groups
• Targeted Ads
• News Feed Ad Buys
• Pages
V id e o s create an exp e rie n ce
To g e th e r, th e y le a d p e o p le to
yo u .
We are witnessing nothing less than the
rise of a new economy ---- a digital
economy ---- a new global medium that
will be the single most important global
driver of business, economic and social
change in this century .
Getting Ready for
The Digital Indian General
Elections 2009!
Why Go Digital
• Wired India today has evolved
exponentially in comparison with
India in 2004.
• The Internet population of the
country is at 49 Million users today.
The mobile base of the country is
almost at a whopping 300 Million.
• The Internet has become a dominant
medium in the daily lives of regular
• Juxt Consult reports 41% of Internet
Why Youth? Why Digital?

36% of all eligible voters in India are YOUTH!

Youth can be influenced: if they can be engaged and
listened to!
30% of the electorate is reportedly going to be first
time voters, it’s hard to ignore the potential of both
Internet and Mobile media.
LK Advani Tries to do a
Google Search
Banner Advertisements
Videos on You Tube
Advani’s Presence on Orkut
Major Mistakes
• BJP as Mr Advani 

• BJP achievements 

• Other BJP leaders


• Economic crisis reforms 

• Not the right candidate to target
the Youth (Internet Audience).
Peoples Take on this
• Pranav, an active blogger, posted this comment, "It irritates
when you visit any website with Indian content and see a
photo of LK Advani. Had it been Angelina Jolie I would not
have typed this post."

• Sharad Natani, an MBA student from Delhi, said, "I don't
know from where they got my email address but I am
receiving emails from Advani's office inviting me to visit
his website. I don't want so many mails from the BJP
office in my inbox."

• Another blogger expressed his anger, "I came. I saw. I saw. I
saw. I saw. I saw. I saw. I saw. I saw. I kept seeing. And all
I saw were LK Advani's ads. [sic] Advaniji, I hereby urge
you to take immediate steps to reduce the number of
advertisements in the Internet space.
A couple of interesting and
simple things they can do are
• Have videos of his speeches & Rally
uploaded under an official youtube
channel, so that more people can see
them and know more about him and his
• Have an option to vote for or against his
stands on various issues. This could help
them understand what’s the popular
opinion for netizens about his stands.
• Even if they decide to focus on just the site
without doing anything fancy, they can
get a lot of attention and earn goodwill by
just spending more time conversing with
the users/visitors.

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