Femoral Sheath and Femoral Triangle

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Femoral triangle and

Femoral Sheath
Femoral Sheath

 A downward protrusion
into the thigh of the
fascial envelope lining
the abdominal walls.

Femoral Sheath
Femoral Sheath

 The femoral sheath surrounds the

femoral vessels and lymphatics for
about 1 in.(2.5 cm) between the
inguinal ligament
Walls of the Femoral Sheath

Anterior Wall:
Continuous with the Fascia Transveralis

Posterior Wall:
Continuous with Fascia Iliaca
Walls of the Femoral Sheath
Compartments of Femoral
 Lateral Compartment
 Occupied by the Femoral artery

 Intermediate Compartment
 Occupied by the Femoral Vein

 Medial Compartment
 Occupied by the Femoral Canal
Compartments of Femoral
Femoral Canal

 A small medial compartment for the

lymph vessels
 About 0.5 in (1.3 cm) long
 Upper opening called the Femoral
 Contains :
 Fatty connective tissue
 All efferent lymph vessels from the
deep inguinal lymph
 One of deep inguinal lymph nodes
Femoral Canal
Femoral Sheath and Femoral
Femoral Hernia

 It is the sticking out of the part of the

intestine through a weakening in he
abdominal wall near the thigh
 Alternative names:
 Femorocele
 Enteromerocele
 Crural Hernia
Femoral Hernia

 Protrusion of peritoneum forces down

the femoral canal pushing the
femoral septum before it
 Expands to form a swelling in the
upper part of the thigh deep to the
deep fascia
 More common in women than the
men because of the wider pelvis
and femoral canal

Femoral Hernia

 Protrusion of peritoneum forces down

the femoral canal pushing the
femoral septum before it
 Expands to form a swelling in the
upper part of the thigh deep to the
deep fascia
 More common in women than the
men because of the wider pelvis
and femoral canal

Fenoral Hernia
Femoral Triangle

 Triangular depressed area

 Situated in the upper part of the
medial aspect of the thigh below
the inguinal ligament

Femoral Triangle
Boundaries of Femoral Triangle

 Superiorly
 Inguinal Ligament
 Laterally
 Sartorius muscle
 Medially
 Adductor Longus muscle
Floor of the Femoral Triangle

 Formed from lateral to medial by the

iliopsoas, the pectineus and the
adductor longus
Roof of the Femoral Triangle

 Formed by the skin and fascia of the

Contents of Femoral Triangle

 The terminal part of femoral nerve

and its branches
 The femoral sheath
 The femoral artery and its branches
 The femoral vein and its tributaries
 The deep inguinal lymph nodes

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