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Sveuilite u Rijeci Fakultet za menadment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu


Kolegij: Health tourism

Student: Marko Ranitovi
006161 r-17


I. Meaning of the word shiatsu
II. What is shiatsu?
III. According to the Japanese
medical department
IV. Types of shiatsu massage
V. Zen Shiatsu
VI. Macrobiotic shiatsu
VII. Five element Shiatsu
VIII. Benefits
IX. Side effects

X. How it is done..
XI. Additional tips
XII. shiatsu pressure points


In this power point presentation I will try to explain

the meaning of shiatsu massage and
its characteristics throughout history and today. I
will also explain the physical, mental and spiritual healing as
her main characteristic

1. Meaning of the word shiatsu

Shiatsu ( ) Japanese from shi,

meaning finger, and atsu,
meaning pressure), as well
as Teate ( ).
In Japan around 1000AD this
practice of this massage was a
semi-mystical activity performed
by women and the blind.

2. What is shiatsu and shiatsushi ?

The shiatsu massage is a

way of relaxation, but in its
main theory shiatsu it is a
holistic bodywork

The acupressure technique

has its roots from the
acupuncture therapy and
Traditional Chinese

2. What is shiatsu and shiatsushi ?

In Japan, shiatsu
practitioners are called
shiatsushi, and the
educational standard for
their approval corresponds
to that of the licenses
for Anma, Massage, and
shiatsu practitioners.

3. According to the Japanese medical department of

the Ministry of Welfare (current Ministry of Health,
Labor and Welfare):
Shiatsu technique refers to
the use of fingers and
palm of one's hand to
apply pressure to
particular sections on the
surface of the body for the
purpose of correcting the
imbalances of the body,
and for maintaining and
promoting health.It is also
a method contributing to
the healing of specific
illnesses. December,1957

4. Types of shiatsu massage

There are:
- Zen Shiatsu
- Macrobiotic Shiatsu
- 5 element Shiatsu
just to name a few

5. Zen Shiatsu

the diagnosis proceeds through

several stages. The practitioner first
looks for signs in the subject's
superficial appearance and odor, in
the sounds he or she makes and in
the sensations felt by touch.

The practitioner will also

feel for "energy imbalances"
related to the internal
organs in and around the
abdomen and view signs of
these in the back.

6. Macrobiotic shiatsu

Macrobiotic shiatsu
introduces the idea that
foods have a living energy
or chi of their own and that
when eaten this will change
the way chi flows in a

7. Five element Shiatsu

Practitioners of this therapy use

their finger tips to
manipulate pressure points on the
human body in order to facilitate
the flow of chi, or vital energy.

human health is achieved through

balancing the five elemental
manifestations: earth, fire, water,
wood, and metal. Each of these
elements correspond to different
parts of the human anatomy.

8. Benefits

Back pain
Neck and shoulder

Recovery from
Arthritis pain
Poor digestion

9. Side effects
Shiatsu can promote a sense of well being, but it
also has a number of temporary side effects
resulting from the blockages being released.
Patients may feel tired or emotional, or experience
coughing, headaches

9.1. Side effects

In general, any such effects

are considered positive
signs that the body is
making an attempt to
correct its own condition in
a natural way that will
balance the body, mind and

10. How it is done..

A shiatsu practitioner asks the patient to lie on a mat on the

floor, while wearing loose, natural fiber clothing. He or she
will then use his hands, elbows, knees, and feet to work on
balancing your meridian.

Shiatsu works on the whole being, from the physical to the

spiritual, so during and after the treatment a patient may
experience a variety of reactions-crying, laughing, joy,

11. Additional tips

dont eat a heavy meal before

the shiatsu
if it's your first time at the
clinic or spa, arrive at least 10
minutes early to complete the
necessary forms.

Otherwise, arrive 5 minutes

early so you can have a few
minutes to rest and relax
before starting the shiatsu.

12. shiatsu pressure points

There are many points on

the body so the person who
is performing
shiatsu massage has to be
well trained and well know
the art of shiatsu


If you are looking for a way to relax and purifie the mind body
and spirit, shiatsu massage is the best way to achieve this ...

Thank you for your attention

End of presentation

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