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Frequency Response



Nyquist Diagram
Nichols Charts

The Concept of frequency Response

In steady state sinusoidal inputs to a linear system
generate sinusoidal responses of the same frequency.
even though these responses are of same frequency
as the input, they differ in amplitude and phase angle
from the input.
These differences are the functions of frequency.
representation of sinusoids thru complex numbers as

Mo(w) (w) = Mi(w) M(w) [i(w) + (w)]

M(w) = M0(w) / M(w)

(w) = o(w) i(w)
We call M(w) as magnitude frequency response &
(w) as phase frequency response.
the combination of both of them is called as
frequency response

Analysis Through
Bode Plots

Since G (j*w) is a complex number, we can plot both its

magnitude and phase (the Bode plot) or its position in the
complex plane (the Nyquist plot).

Magnitude of G(jw) vs w is called as

magnitude frequency response.
Phase of G(jw) vs w is called as
phase frequency response

Plotting the frequency Response

lets call system transfer function as G(s) and the

frequency response of a system is found as

G( jw ) = G(s) | sjw

This function G(jw) can be plotted in different

1) as a function of frequency with separate
magnitude and phase plots
2) as a polar plot where the phasor length is the
magnitude and phasor angle is the phase.

Plotting as separate magnitude & phase plots(1)

Called as Bode Diagram

Plotting on the polar plot(2)

Called as Nyquist Diagram

Example of plotting the frequency Response(2)

Find the analytical expression for the magnitude
frequency response and the phase frequency response
of the system G(s) = 1 / (s+2)(s+4) . Also plot both the
separate magnitude and phase diagrams and the polar
M(w) = 1 / ( 8 w2) 2 + ( 6w) 2
for w 8
(w) = - arc tan ( 6w / 8 w 2) &
for w > 8
(w) = - [ + arc tan ( 6w / 8 w2)]

Plotting as separate magnitude & phase plots(2)

Bode Diagram

Asymptotic Approximations
A line whose distance to a given curve tends to zero. An
asymptote may or may not intersect its associated curve.
[Ultimately from Greek asumpttos, not intersecting]

X and Y axis are the

asymptotes of hyperbola
Bode plot sketching can be simplified using asymptotes.
Straight line approximations can be used to simplify the
evaluation of the magnitude and frequency response

Bode Plots for First Order Systems

G(s) = ( s+a)
G(s) = s + a

& G(jw) = ( jw + a) = a ( 1 + jw /a)

for low frequencies as w <<a then G(jw) a ( constant)

so 20 log M = 20 log a
at high frequency w >> a then G(jw) a ( jw/a) = w 90 or just for
magnitude G(jw) = 20 log w
High frequency approximation is equal to low frequency
approximation at the break frequency where w =a
the line has a slope of 20dB/dec or 6 dB / octave.
the rise in the slope of line begins at w=a.
low frequency approximation is called as low frequency asymptote.
high frequency approximation is called as high frequency

now come to phase response as G(jw) = (a+jw) = a( 1 + jw/a)

G(jw) = a tan -1 ( w/a)
at w < < a then phase is zero.
at w =a the n phase is 45
at w > > a phase is 90
one decade below the break frequency the phase is 0 and
one decade above the break frequency the phase is 90.
for the table in the coming slides we can enter the accurate
values for magnitude and phase as well as the

Normalization & Scaling

we normalize a frequency by factoring out the quantity
a and define a new frequency variable s1 i.e
to normalize ( s+a) we have a ( s/a + 1) = a ( s1 + 1 )
then the magnitude is divided by the quantity a to
yield 0 dB at the break frequency
This process is called normalization and scaling.
thus the normalized and scaled function is ( s1 + 1)
to obtain the original frequency response the
magnitude and frequency are multiplied by the quantity

More about Asymptotes

actual magnitude curve is never greater than 3.01 dB
from the asymptotes.
Maximum difference in magnitude occurs at break
Max. Phase difference occurs is 5.71
this difference occurs at one decade above and one
decade low to the break frequency.

Bode Plots for G(s) = ( s+a)

Asymptotic and actual normalized and scaled

Magnitude response Bode Plots for
G(s) = ( s+a)

Bode Plots for G(s) = 1 / ( s+a)

G(s) = 1 / s + a = 1 / a ( s/a + 1)
at low frequencies the asymptote is G(jw) = 20 log 1/a by letting
w to 0.
at high frequency we need to have w to thus
G(jw) = 1 / a ( jw/a ) = 1/w - 90

G(jw) = - 20 log w

the high frequency approximation equals the low frequency

approximation when w =a and decreases for w > a.
result is same as the previous one just with the difference that
here the slope is negative.
Bode log magnitude curve reduces at 20 dB/dec after the break
phase plot is also negative of previous one, starting from zero,
and reaching -90 at the rate of -45 deg/dec.

Asymptotic Bode Plots for G(s) = 1 / ( s+a)

Asymptotic Bode Plots for G(s) = s


has only a high

frequency asymptote.
for s=jw the
magnitude is 20 log w
Bode magnitude plot
is a straight line with
+20 dB/dec slope
passing thru 0 dB
when w =1
phase plot is a
constant at + 90 deg.

Asymptotic Bode Plots for G(s) = 1/s


has only a low

frequency asymptote.
for s=jw the
magnitude is -20 log w
Bode magnitude plot
is a straight line with-20
dB/dec slope passing
thru 0 dB when w =1
phase plot is a
constant at - 90 deg.

Summary of Asymptotic Bode Plots for all four

major functions
Function Name

s + a


Magnitude Plot

At BF gain is zero and

after that it increases by
the rate of 20 dB/dec

At BF gain is zero and

after that it decreases at
the rate of - 20 dB/dec

Phase Plot

Phase is 45 at BF and
one decade below BF it
is zero and increases at
the rate of 45 deg/dec
and becomes 90 one
decade above the BF
and continues with this
Phase is -45 at BF and
one decade below BF it
is zero and decreases at
the rate of -45 deg/dec
and becomes -90 one
decade above the BF
and continues with this

Summary of Asymptotic Bode Plots for all four

major functions
Function Name


Magnitude Plot

At BF gain is zero and

below BF and onwards it
increases by the rate of
20 dB/dec

At BF gain is zero and

below BF and onwards it
decreases by the rate of
--20 dB/dec

Phase Plot

Phase is fixed at 90 deg.

Phase is fixed at -90 deg.

Bode Plots for ratio of first order functions

Draw the Bode Plots for the system shown in the figure where
K ( s + 3) / [ s ( s + 1) ( s + 2) ]

G(s) =

Composite Magnitude Table


Frequency (rad/s)
Start pole at 0

start pole at -1

start pole at -2

start pole at

Pole at 0


Pole at -1



Pole at -2



Zero at -3


Total slope








Bode Plots for ratio of first order functions

Magnitude Plots

Bode Plots for ratio of first order functions

Composite Phase Table

Pole at -1

Frequency (rad/s)


Start pole at -1

start pole at -2 start pole at -3

end pole at -2 end at -2



Pole at -2


Zero at -3

Total slope













end at

Bode Plots for ratio of first order functions

Phase Plots

Draw the Bode log magnitude and phase plots for the system
G(s) = ( s+20) / ( s+1) ( s+7) ( s+50)

Magnitude Plot

Phase Plot

Draw the Bode Plots for

the following functions:
a)G(s) = 1 / s(s+2)(s+4)
b)G(s) = (s+5) / (s+2)(s+4)
c)G(s) = (s+3)(s+5) / (s (s+2)

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