Endocrinology: by Revathy - RK

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Endocrine system is composed of glands located in
different regions releases chemical substance into
the body.
These are the hormones and regulate many
function of an organism
Produce their effect by binding to the
receptors.Each hormone will have its own receptor
Endocrine glands secrete their hormones directly
into their blood stream than into ducts
Exocrine glands sends their chemical subs into the
ducts sweat,lacrimal,salivary.

Thyroid gland
Parathyroid gland
Adrenal gland - Adrenal cortex,Adrenal medulla
Ovaries in female
Testes in male
Pineal gland- located in Central portion of brain secretes
melatonin responsible for skin pigmentation
Thymus glands- located behind the sternum in the
mediastinum secretes thymosin important for
development of immune response in new borns.

Some hormones other than endo crine glands

Kidney secretes erythropoeitin
GIT- gastrin , secretin, cholecystokinin
Thyroid gland: located on either side of neck
Secretes thyroxine and triiodothyronine
Parathyroid Gland: four oval small bodies
located in the dorsal aspect of thyroid gland.
Parathormone is secreted by parathyroid glands
mobilizes calcium from bones into blood stream
where calcium is needed for muscles.

Adrenal glands: situated one on top of each kidney

Adrenal cortex secretes
Mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids
Mineralocorticoid aldosterone
Glucocorticoid- cortisol,Androgens,estrogens and
Adrenal medulla: secretes
Ephinephrine(adrenaline)- increases heart rate dilates
bronchial tubules . Stimulates production of glycogen
when glucose is needed.
Norepinephrine(noradrenaline) Constricts vessels and
raises blood pressure.

Pancreas: located behind the

stomach secretes Insulin and
Pituitary Gland: Pea shaped gland
located at the base of brain
Hypothalamus is a region that is
close proximity to the pitutary
gland.signals transmitted from the
hypothalamus controls the secretion
by pituitary gland

Thyroid Gland:
Enlargement of TG is goitre defiency of iodine in
the diet
Hyperthyroidism: Graves disease(Protusion of eye
balls)- exophthalmia
Myxedema: - skin becomes dry and puffybecause
of collection of mucus like material under the skin.
Cretinism: lack of physical and mental growth.
Obese short and stocky child.
Thyroid Carcinoma

Parathyroid glands:
Hyperparathyroidism excessive
secretion of parathormone.(Bones
are decalcified and fractured
Hypoparathyroidism Tetany.
Calcium remains in bones unable to
enter the blood stream .weakness
and spasm of muscles occur

Adrenal cortex:
Hypersecretion: Cushing syndrome
Moon like face
Hyposecretion: Addisons diseaseweight loss,weakness,darker
Adrenal Medulla:
Hypersecretion- PhechromocytomaTumour

Hyperinsulinism hypoglycemia.
Insulin draws sugar out of the blood
stream.Fainting,loss of consciousness
Diabetes mellitus
Diabetus insipidus

Pituitary Gland:
Acromegaly- enlargement of the
Gigantism- Abnormal overgrowth of
the body

Lab Test

Serum and urine test

Glucose Tolerance Test
Radioimmunoassay- Hormone levels in plasma
Thyroid function test T4,T3,TSH,Thyroxine is T4
and TriiodothyronineT3
CT scans Thyroid scans
Radioactive iodine uptake - administered orally
and its uptake into the thyroid gland is measured
as evidence of thyroid function
Skull Xray

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