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An introduction to

What is Software?
A planned step-by-step set of instructions designed to
perform a specific task.
Basically, it is a computer program that tells hardware how
to operate.
Categories of Software

Commercial (Pre-packaged and released by big companies. Not free)

Shareware (Evaluation period of use then you have to pay)
Open source (Designed and released for free to the public)

Types of Software

System Software: essential for controlling hardware in a computer

system (eg: O.S)
Application Software: written to perform specific data processing job
like writing a letter
Language translator: translate human language to machine code
so computer can understand

System Software (Also called Firmware)

They manage hardware so that application
software can perform a task.
Without system software, application software
cannot function and the computer cannot
Bootstrap loader
Diagnostic routine
Basic input / output system (BIOS)
Operating System

Types of System Software

Bootstrap Loader
It is stored permanently in Read Only Memory(ROM)
It loads the Operating System (OS) into memory
The process is known as booting a computer

Diagnostic Routine
Is also stored permanently in memory
Tests primary memory, Central Processing Unit and other
devices to ensure they are functining properly

Basic Input / Output System (BIOS)

Consists of service programs stored in primary memory
Transmits characters entered on a keyboard unto a monitor
or disk
They enable a computer to interpret keyboard characters

Types of System Software Contd.

Operating System (OS)
It is the core software component of any computer
It is an interface between a computer and the outside
world (devices)
Devices work because the OS provides drivers for them

OS functions
Initialize the hardware of the computer system
Provide basic routines for device control
Provide for the management, scheduling and interaction
of tasks

OS Types

Dos, OS/2, Linux, Unix, Mac Os, Netware, and Windows

Types of System Software Contd.

Operating System User Interfaces / Shells

OS provides each user with an interface that accepts, interprets and

executes user commands or programs.

Command-Driven Interface requires the entering of codes

Menu-Driven Interface selections are made by clicking on menu options using
a cursor
Graphical-User Interface allows the use of menus and visual images such as
Network User Interface offer a browser-like interface to alloe interaction with
online programs

Operating System Capabilities

Real-time OS - used to control machinery, scientific instruments and

industrial systems.
Single-User OS allows access to a single user at a time.
Single-User, multi-tasking OS it is a single-user OS that runs more
than 1 program at a time.
Multi-user OS allows more than 1 user to access the computer at one
Multi-processing OS supports 2 or more CPUs running programs at
the same time.

Application Software
Help users accomplish a certain task
Generalized Application Software
Designed to be used for a wide variety of tasks
Eg: electronic spreadsheet, data managers, word processors,
graphics, and communications.
For instance, a word processor can create a letter and also, a

Specialized Application Software

Performs a specific task and cannot be changed to do
Eg: a cost analysis software can only do cost analysis

Examples of Application Software

Word Processing Software: Used to create worksheets, type letters,
type papers, etc. Eg: MS Word, WordPerfect, MS Works, AppleWorks, etc.
Spreadsheet Software: Used to compute number-intensive problems
such as budgeting, forecasting, etc. Eg: MS Excel, Quattro Pro, etc.
Presentation Software: Used to create multimedia stacks of
cards/screens that can effectively present a lesson or a sales pitch. Eg:
MS PowerPoint, AppleWorks (slideshows), HyperStudio, etc.
Internet Browsers: This software allows one to surf the Web. Often
they can read email and create Web pages too. Eg: MS Internet
Explorer, AOL Browser, Google Chrome, etc.
Graphics Programs (pixel-based): Allows one to touch up
photographs and create graphics from scratch. Eg: Adobe Photoshop,
Paint Shop Pro, etc.

Language Translators
Programs are mostly written in a high-level
language which is almost English
Language translators translate this language
into machine code which is the only language
the computer understands.

Translates a whole high-level language to machine code
It has 2 phases:
1.Translation phase converts the whole program to machine code
2.Execution phase executes the translated code

It converts and executes the program one statement at a time

Programming Languages
All software programs are written in a
programming language
It is basically, a vocabulary and set of grammatical
rules for instructing a computer to perform a
particular task.
Machines only understand machine code which is a
series of numbers
Humans do not understand this code
As such, high-level programming languages such as
C++ and Java are used to write programs and then
they are translated or compiled into machine code.

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