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Numerical Skills

Linear Equations

Topic & structure of the lesson

Determining the equation of a
straight line
Solving linear equation
Solving simultaneous equations

ABUS003-3-1-Numerical Skills

Solving Equations

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Learning Outcomes
At the end of this module, YOU should be
able to:
Solve simple linear and simultaneous equations.
Model simple scientific/business situations, for
example using linear.

ABUS003-3-1-Numerical Skills

Solving Equations

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Key Terms you must be able to use

If you have mastered this topic, you should be able to use the following terms
correctly in your assignments and exams:

ABUS003-3-1-Numerical Skills

Solving Equations

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Linear Functions
Determining the equation of a
Gradient or slope
Given the linear function, defined
by the equation y = mx + c, where
m is the slope or gradient and c is
the y-intercept.
ABUS003-3-1-Numerical Skills

Solving Equations

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Two lines when graphed on the same

coordinate system, they are either parallel
or intersect at one point. We use the
slope/gradient of the two lines to determine
whether they intersect or are parallel
Given two lines with slopes m 1 and m2:
the two lines intersects if m 1 m2
the 2 lines are parallel if m 1 = m2
the 2 lines are perpendicular to each other if m 1 x m2
= -1.
(Note that this property does not apply to horizontal
and vertical lines since the slope of a horizontal line
is zero while the slope of a vertical line is undefined)

ABUS003-3-1-Numerical Skills

Solving Equations

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The equation of a line can be

determined if given the following
slope/gradient and intercept
slope/gradient and a point
two points on the straight line

ABUS003-3-1-Numerical Skills

Solving Equations

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Solving linear equation

Analytic (algebraic) techniques
it involves manipulating the given
equation algebraically

Graphical techniques
it involves drawing the appropriate
graph and find where the line
intersects the x axis.

ABUS003-3-1-Numerical Skills

Solving Equations

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Solving simultaneous
2 x 2
3 x 3

ABUS003-3-1-Numerical Skills

Solving Equations

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Quick Review Question

ABUS003-3-1-Numerical Skills

Solving Equations

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Follow Up Assignment

ABUS003-3-1-Numerical Skills

Solving Equations

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Summary of Main Teaching Points

ABUS003-3-1-Numerical Skills

Solving Equations

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Question and Answer Session

ABUS003-3-1-Numerical Skills

Solving Equations

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Next Session
Quadratic Functions

ABUS003-3-1-Numerical Skills

Solving Equations

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