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Object Oriented Concepts

Course Objective

To introduce the principles and concepts behind Object Oriented


To explain how complex scenarios can be handled easily using

Object Oriented Technology

To learn good OO design practices

Digitech Technologies 1
Object Oriented Concepts

Limitations of Structured Programming

Modules are tightly coupled

Scope of reusability is limited

As the code size grows, maintaining code becomes difficult

Any major changes required to functionality later may result in

a lot of changes in code

Digitech Technologies 2
Object Oriented Concepts

What is an Object ?

An object
Is an unique, identifiable, self-contained entity that
contains attributes and behaviors.

Is modeled after real world objects

Can be viewed as a "black box" which receives and sends

Car ,Telephone , Pen etc

Digitech Technologies 3
Object Oriented Concepts

State and Behavior

Example: Car object Example: Dog Object

State State
Current Speed Color
Current Gear Breed
Engine State (Running, Behavior
Not Running) Barking
Behavior (Acts on the object Wag Tail
and changes state) Eat
Slow down
Switch Off Engine
Start Engine

Digitech Technologies 4
Object Oriented Concepts

The process of forming general and relevant concepts from a
more complex scenario

Helps simplify the understanding and using of any complex system

Hide information that is not relevant

Simplifies by comparing to something similar in real world

Example: one doesn’t have to understand how the engine works

to drive a car

Engine Driving
Digitech Technologies 5
Object Oriented Concepts

Abstraction Example (Making of a Computer chip)

Binary Counter
U/D B1

Capacitor Buffer
Reset B8

Carry out


AND Gate
Diode Register
A Q1

XOR Gate
H Q8

MOSFET Boolean Logic Gates Digital circuits built Central Processing unit -
built using basic using Boolean logic Built using complex
Basic Electronic electronic components gates digital circuits
Components (1st Level abstraction) nd rd
(2 Level abstraction) (3 level abstraction)

Digitech Technologies 6
Object Oriented Concepts


Encapsulate = “En” + “Capsulate”

“En” = “In a”
Encapsulate = “In a Capsule”

Encapsulation means localization of information of knowledge

within an object.
Encapsulation also means “Information hiding”

Example: A car’s dashboard hides the complexity and internal

workings of its engine.

Digitech Technologies 7
Object Oriented Concepts

Encapsulation (Data hiding)

Process of hiding the members from outside the class

Implemented using the concept of access specifiers

private etc.

Typically in a class

State is private (not accessible externally)

Behavior is public (accessible externally)

Digitech Technologies 8
Object Oriented Concepts


Different types of relationships can exist between classes

There are 3 types of relationships

Is-A (or Kind-Of)

Has-A (or Part-Of)

Digitech Technologies 9
Object Oriented Concepts
-LoanAmount : double
Is-A Relationship - Inheritance -InterestRate : float
-Duration : int
-CustomerID : int
Inheritance refers to a class replicating some +GetInterestRate() : float
+GetLoanAmount() : double
+GetDuration() : int

features or properties from another class +GetCustomerID() : int


Inheritance allows definition of new classes on

similar lines of a base class (Also called Housing Loan
-InterestType : char
+GetInterestType() : char
parent or Super class) +SetInterestType()

The class which inherits from another
class is called as ‘derived class’ Wealth

Digitech Technologies 10
Object Oriented Concepts

Multi-Level Inheritance -LoanAmount : double

-InterestRate : float
-Duration : int
-CustomerID : int
A class can inherit from another class +GetInterestRate() : float
+GetLoanAmount() : double
Data required
for all types
+GetDuration() : int loans
+GetCustomerID() : int
Derived class inherits all the members +SetDuration()
of base class +SetInterestRate()

Another class can inherit from the

derived class -InterestType : char
Data additionally
-Term : char
required for
+GetInterestType() : char BusinessLoan.
The new class inherits all the member +GetTerm() : char
members inherited
+SetTerm() from base class
of all its ancestor classes
LargeBusinessLoan Special type of
-MoratoriumPeriod : int BusinessLoan.
+GetMoratoriumPeriod() : int Has some more
+SetMoratoriumPeriod() additional

Digitech Technologies 11
Object Oriented Concepts

Multiple Inheritance

Concept of a class inheriting from

more than one base class

Example: A Hybrid car can inherit

from FuelCar and BatteryCar

FuelCar ElectricCar
-TankCapacity : float -BatteryCapacity : float
-TypeOfFuel : char


Digitech Technologies 12
Object Oriented Concepts

Advantages and Disadvantages of inheritance


Promotes reusability

Helps in better abstraction, thereby resulting in better design

Eliminates duplication of code


Overuse of this concept (in cases where not necessary) leads

to bad design

Wrong usage of inheritance can lead to code and design

Digitech Technologies 13
Object Oriented Concepts

Has-A Relationship - Aggregation

class HousingLoan has ‘PropertyDetails’ as a member variable

class PropertyDetails has ‘Address’ as a member variable

Address is a generic class which can store any address

(address of a property or address of a person etc)
-CustomerID : int
-AddressLine1 : char
-Duration : int
-AddressLine2 : string
-InterestRate : float PropertyDetails -City : string
-LoanAmount : double
-PropertyHolderName : string -Zip : string
-TypeOfInterest : char
-Address : Address -State : string
-PropertyDetails : PropertyDetails Has A Has A
-DocumentNumber : int +GetAddressLine1() : string
+GetInterestRate() : float
+GetDocumentNumber() : int +SetAddressLine1()
+SetDocumentNumber() +GetAddressLine2() : string
+GetLoanAmount() : double
+GetProperyHolderName() : string +SetAddressLine2()
Part of +SetPropertyHolderName() Part of +GetCity() : string
+GetCustomerID() : int
+GetAddress() : Address +SetCity()
+SetAddress() +GetZip() : string
+GetDuration() : int
+GetState() : string
+GetTypeOfInterest() : char

Digitech Technologies 14
Object Oriented Concepts

Message Passing

An object by itself may not be very useful

Useful work happens when one object invokes methods on other



A car by itself is not capable of any activity

A person interacts with the car using steering

wheel, gauges on dashboard and various pedals

This interaction between objects result in

‘change of state’ achieving something useful
Digitech Technologies 15
Object Oriented Concepts


Refers to an object’s ability to behave differently depending on

its type

Poly = ‘many’
morph = ‘form’

This characteristic enables making extensions to a class’s


Two features of an object which achieve polymorphism

Method Overloading (or Function overloading)

Method Overriding (or Function overriding)

Digitech Technologies 16
Object Oriented Concepts

What is a Class ?

A Class

Is a blue print used to create objects.

Is a software template that defines the methods and

variables to be included in a particular kind of Object.

Examples :

Animal, Human being, Automobiles,

Bank Account, Customer

Digitech Technologies 17
Object Oriented Concepts

Class Contains …
State (Member variables)
•Variables defined inside a class form the State of the class
•Not exposed to external world
Behavior (Member Methods)
•Behavior exhibited by the classte (BEHAVIOR) Interface to external
world (Through
ler Methods/ Functions
to external world ce Current only)
Ac Number Gear
of Gears 3

•Functions defined inside 5

Seating Speed
the class form the Capacity 45 km/h
State is internal to
7 the object. Not
behavior of class Number
of Doors
exposed to external
world/other objects

) w

wn lo

Do e (S

•Exposed to external world




Digitech Technologies 18
Object Oriented Concepts

Example: Objects and Classes

object class
Class Student
Jodie Daria Jane Brittany setRegnNo()
R001 R002 R003 R004

Digitech Technologies 19
Object Oriented Concepts

Method Overloading

Practice of using same method name to denote several different


Some OO languages allow overloading of both functions and

Operators (like +, - etc)


Consider a String class which is a utility class designed to

abstract and simplify string operations

‘Append’ functions are overloaded to accept different types of


Digitech Technologies 20
Object Oriented Concepts

Method Overriding

Refers to the practice of providing a different implementation of

a method in the derived class

Method in derived class may be completely different from the

implementation in the base class

Example 1:
A base class ‘Shape’ has function ‘Draw’ which draws the shape
on screen
The derived classes Line, Rectangle, Circle etc. implement their
own ‘Draw’ methods which draw respective shapes on screen
Digitech Technologies 21
Object Oriented Concepts

Method Overriding - Examples

Shape Abstract class Loan

(Does not implement -LoanAmount : double
+Draw() Draw function) -InterestRate : float
-Duration : int
-CustomerID : int
+GetInterestRate() : float
+GetLoanAmount() : double
+GetDuration() : int
Line Rectangle Circle Octagon +GetCustomerID() : int
-... -... -... -... +SetLoanAmount()
+Draw() +Draw() +Draw() +Draw() +SetInterestRate()
+SetCustomerID() Simple
+Report() Loan

Housing Loan
-InterestType : char
+GetInterestType() : char
+SetInterestType() Housing
+Report() Loan

Digitech Technologies 22
Structured Programming (Procedure-Oriented)

• The structured programming paradigm is:

– Decide which procedure you want

– Use the best algorithm you can find

• Here the focus is on the algorithm required to perform the

desired computation

• Complexity hiding is also one of the objectives in structured


• In this style of programming, importance is given to procedure

(logic) and not to the data on which these procedures
operateCourse Objective
Digitech Technologies 23
Limitations of Structured Programming

• Modules are tightly coupled

• Scope of reusability is limited

• As the code size grows, maintaining code becomes difficult

• Any major changes required to functionality later may result in

a lot of changes in code

Digitech Technologies 24
Procedural versus Object Oriented Programming

• In procedural programming, functions operate based on either

local or global data
• In Object oriented programming, Objects interact with other
objects by passing message

Digitech Technologies 25
Object Oriented Concepts

• Abstraction: Process of forming of general and relevant concept

from more complex scenarios.

• Encapsulation: Localization of information within an object.

This also leads to Information Hiding

• Inheritance: Is a process by which one object acquires the

properties of another object

• Polymorphism: Is a characteristic of OO Programming which

allows one interface to control access to a general class of actions.
The specific action is determined by the exact nature of the

Digitech Technologies 26
Basics of C++

• C++ is an Object Oriented programming language

• It can be considered as a super set of C

• This enables backward compatibility

• Bjarne Stroustrup first invented “C with Classes” and then it

was renamed to C++ in 1983.

•In 1997, ANSI/ISO standards committee standardized C++

•Like C, C++ is also case sensitive.


Digitech Technologies 27
cin and cout Basics

cin and cout are objects of C++, used with standard input and
standard output device.

cin and cout objects use >> and << operators. The << is referred
to as the insertion operator and >> operator is called extraction

cin and cout objects with >> and << are similar to scanf and printf


int main()
{ Output
printf("%d %c\n",65,65); 65 A
cout<<65<<" "<<(char)65<<endl;
return 0; 65 A
Digitech Technologies 28
cin and cout Basics

#include<iostream.h> output
Enter two numbers 45 Hello
void main() Invalid input
int a,b; Enter two numbers 45 55
cout<<"Enter two numbers ";

if( cin.good() )
cout << a+b << endl;
cout << "Invalid input\n";


Digitech Technologies 29
Data types of C++

Digitech Technologies 30
C++ comments

C++ is backward compatible with C

C Style comments are also supported
C Style comments are used to write function headers ,
file headers etc

* This style of commenting is used for functions and files

C++ style of comments are single line comments

Any text after // is comment till the end of the line

// This is for single line comment
fArea = fRadius * fRadius * PI ; // calculating area of Circle
Digitech Technologies 31
Control Structures

Control Structures are statements which changes the execution

sequence of the program

C++ supports all the control structures supported in C

– If, else if, else

– switch case

– for loop

– while loop

– do while

Digitech Technologies 32
C and C++ differences

In C the main function can be made recursive, but not in C++.

In C++ the variables can be declared any where.

The advantage is a variable can be declared near its use.

In C new structure variables are created using

struct struct_name var_list;
In C++ the struct keyword is not required.
struct_tag itself serves as type name.
struct_name var_list;

Scope resolution operator (::)

a) Unary form: ::object
refers to an object of global scope.
b) Binary form: class_name::member
defines a member that belongs class_name
Digitech Technologies 33
C and C++ differences


int a=100;

void main()
{ output
int a=45; 78 45 100
int printf=78; 55
int cout=55;

::printf("%d %d %d\n",printf , a , ::a );


Digitech Technologies 34
C and C++ differences

In C++ a constant variable must be initialized but not in C.

All standard library functions must have prototypes in C++.

C++ supports C type-cast syntax and also got a new syntax

syntax : (data_type)expr
C++ syntax : data_type(expr)

void main() Output
int a=300;
char b; 44
b=a; 44
printf(“%d\n”,char(a)); Digitech Technologies 35
C and C++ differences

C++ constants are of two types

Logical constant

Logical constants are internally handled as macros.

A Logical constant does not exist in memory. A const declaration
is taken as logical constant if the initial value is known.

Physical constant

Physical constants are provided sufficient memory space.

A const declaration is taken as physical constant if the initial value
is given at run-time.

Digitech Technologies 36
C and C++ differences

efault arguments

++ function formal parameters can be initialized. Such formal

arameters are known as default arguments.

he default values are assumed by the function if the required

ctual parameters are missing in the function call.

ules for setting the default arguments

After a default argument the remaining arguments must have

default values.

Default arguments must be set either in the function prototype

or in the function definition, which ever occurs first.

Digitech Technologies 37
C and C++ differences

Default arguments


void abc(int=100,int=200);

void main()
} Output
100 200
void abc(int a,int b) 10 200
{ 10 20
cout << a << " " << b <<endl;
Digitech Technologies 38
C and C++ differences

Function overloading

#include<iostream.h> int main()

int max(int a,int b) int n1=55,n2=90;
{ float f1=67.55,f2=22.22;
return a > b ? a : b; char c1='p',c2='a';
cout << max(n1,n2) <<endl;
char max(char a,char b) cout << max(f1,f2) <<endl;
{ cout << max(c1,c2) <<endl;
return a > b ? a : b; return 0;
} }
float max(float a,float b) 90
{ 67.55
return a > b ? a : b; p

Digitech Technologies 39
C and C++ differences

Reference variables

A Reference variable is another name given to an existing variable.

Reference variables use the memory given to the existing variable.

syntax: data_type &ref_var=var;

void main()
int a=200;
int &b=a;
cout << &a << " " << &b <<endl; 0x0012FF7C 0x0012FF7C
20 20
cout << a << " " << b << endl;
Digitech Technologies 40
C and C++ differences

#include<iostream.h> #include<iostream.h>

void swap(int *a,int *b) void swap(int &a,int &b)

{ {
int t=*a; int t=a;
*a=*b; a=b;
*b=t; b=t;
} }

void main() void main()

{ {
int x=10,y=20; int x=10,y=20;
swap(&x,&y); swap(x,y);
cout << x << " " << y cout << x << " " << y
<< endl; << endl;
} }
Output Output
20 10 20 10

Digitech Technologies 41
C and C++ differences

Returning reference to a variable


int& abc(int &a)

return a;

int main()
int x=90;
cout << x << endl; Output
cout << x << endl;
return 0;

Digitech Technologies 42

The real or virtual world is made of objects. The objects exist in

some relationship with other objects.

A programming language should enable programmers to create

objects that behave like real world objects.

Software Objects define an abstract representation of real or

virtual world entities in order to simulate them.

Objects encapsulate a portion of knowledge in a problem domain

or the world in which they evolve.

Digitech Technologies 43


An atomic entity composed of state, behavior.

An Object is a region of storage with associated semantics.

An Object is an instance of a data type.

An object is a self-contained entity that can maintain its state.

Digitech Technologies 44


The state groups the values of all the attributes of an object at

a given time, where an attribute is a piece of information.


The behavior groups all the abilities of an object and describes the
actions and reactions of that object. Each individual behavioral
component is called an operation.
The operations of an object are triggered as a result of an
external event, represented in the form of a message sent by
another object.

Digitech Technologies 45
C++ struct and class

from data members can also

as methods.

e behavior to the object.

ng ‘.’ or ‘->’ operators.

sending message to the object.


ere as
ass type.

Digitech Technologies 46

A class or a structure should hide (protect) its data members

and expose its operations to outside world.

C++ members can be protected or exposed to others by using

access specifier.

C++ access specifiers

A private member can be accessed only from within
the class members.
A public member can be accessed from any where.
A protected member is same as private member to the
class but it can be accessed in derived type.

Digitech Technologies 47
Access specifiers in a class

Access specifiers specify the scope of the access permitted on a

member variable or a member function

public: Can be accessed within the class or from outside of the class

private: Can be accessed only within the class

protected: Same like private but accessible in derived class

Data members in a class should always be private

Methods that define the behavior of the object and are accessed by
other classes are made public

Methods which are invoked only within the class and not required
to be invoked externally are usually made private
– They are called helper methods
Digitech Technologies 48
class and struct keywords

class is same as struct except the default access specifier.

In struct the default access specifier is public.

In class the default access specifier is private

struct student class student

{ {
char name[20]; char name[20];
int age; int age;
: :
}s; }s;

void main() void main()

{ {
s.age=20; // legal s.age=20; // illegal
Digitech Technologies 49

An instance of a class in memory

In a program, there can be many instances of a class

(Many objects of same class)

If class can be viewed as a type, then object is a variable of

that type


Trainee is a class. “Arun” is an Object of Trainee class

Educator is a class. “Rajagopal” is an Object of Educator class

Digitech Technologies 50
Constructor (object initialization)

Using class we can create a complex object that have some hidden
data and a set of well defined member funcions.

If the object have legal value, then the member functions can
maintain the object’s state.

But an object that is just created may contain illegal values.

So there must be some way to initialize a newly create object.

class student void main()
{ {
char name[20]; student s;
int age;
public: cout << s.getAge()<<endl;
int getAge() }
return age; Output
} -858993460
Digitech Technologies 51

Constructors are special member functions and have the same

name as the class itself.

A constructor implicitly gets called when an object of that type

is created.

Constructors have no return value ( not even void ).

Constructors can be overloaded.

A constructor without arguments is called default constructor and

a constructor with arguments is called overload constructor.

If a class does not have any constructor , then C++ adds default
constructor without any statements in it.

Digitech Technologies 52

#include<iostream.h> void main()

#include<string.h> {
student s("Ravi Kumar",20);
class student;
{ }
char name[20];
int age;
strcpy(name,"unknown"); Output
} Ravi Kumar 20
student(char *a,int b)
void show() { cout << name << " " << age << endl; }

Digitech Technologies 53

Like constructors being invoked at the time of creation,

a destructor is invoked when an object is destroyed

Destructors will have the same name as the class preceded

by a tilde(~)

• No arguments
• No return value
• Cannot be overloaded

Used for housekeeping job for recovering the memory allocated

class employee
Digitech Technologies 54
Named and anonymous objects

Named object declaration syntax

class_name var;
// implicitly calls default constructor

class_name var(value1,..);
// implicitly calls overloaded constructor

Unnamed (Anonymous) objects syntax

// unnamed default object

// unnamed initialized object

Digitech Technologies 55
Anonymous Object

#include<iostream.h> int main()

#include<string.h> {
person p1("ramesh");
class person p1.display();
{ {
char name[20]; person t("Kiran");
public: p1=t;
person(){ name[0]=0; } }
person(char *a) return 0;
{ } int main()
strcpy(name,a); {
} person p1("ramesh");
void display() {
{ p1=person("Kiran");
cout << name << endl; }
} p1.display();
return 0;
void setName(char *a) { strcpy(name,a); } }
Digitech Technologies 56
Representing a class in UML Class Diagrams

UML Class Diagram Representation of Exployee Class

Notations in UML Emplopyee

-name : char[20]
‘+’ before a member indicates ‘public’ -age : int
#total_marks : int
‘-’ before a member indicates ‘private’
‘#’ before a member indicates ‘protected) +getName*() : char*
+getAge() : int
+getTotalMarks() : int
-calculate() : int

Digitech Technologies 57
Constant data members

Constant data member

An object may have some fixed properties. Such properties remain

unchanged throughout the life of the object.

Fixed properties can be created using ‘const’ type qualifier.

A constant data member can be initialized with the help of a


class class_name
class_name( ... ) : mem1(val1),mem2(val2) ...
Digitech Technologies 58
Constant member functions

Methods are of two types

Accessor methods
Accessor methods can not modify the active object state.

Accessor method can be created by declaring the method as


data_type function_name(…) const


Mutator methods
Mutator methods can modify the active object state.

Digitech Technologies 59
Constant members

#include<iostream.h> int main()

#include<string.h> {
Employee e("Rajesh",1001,8900);
class Employee;
{ e.setSal(10000);
const int empid;;
int sal; return 0;
char name[20]; }
Employee(char *a,int b,int c) : empid(b) , sal(c)
strcpy(name,a); Output
} 1001 Rajesh 8900
void show() const 1001 Rajesh 10000
cout << empid << " " << name << " " << sal << endl;
void setSal( int a ) { sal=a; }

Digitech Technologies 60
Object property types

Objects may have three different types of properties

Individual object property

A copy of ordinary data member is given to every
instance of the class. Different instances of the class may
have different content

Fixed property
A copy of fixed data member is given to every
instance of the class. Once the member initialized,
it cannot be modified ( const data members )

Shared property
A single copy of the data member is created and
it is used by all instances of the class type
( static data members )

Digitech Technologies 61
Static data member

A static data member is used to provide shared property for

the objects of the same class type.

A single copy exists for all instances of the class type.

All static data members must be defined in the global space.

( only in C++ )

class demo
{ Size of the class demo is four bytes
static int num; but not eight.
int color;
public: Size of a class is the sum of the
: sizes of non-static data members

Int demo::num=45;

Digitech Technologies 62
Static Member Functions

Provide a very generic functionality that doesn’t require us to

instantiate the class.

Can be called using the class name.

class demo
{ void main()
static int num; {
int color; demo d(77),e(88);
public: cout << d.getColor() << endl;
demo(int a):color(a){} cout << e.getColor() << endl;
static int getNum() cout << demo::getNum();
{ }
return num;
int getColor(){ return color; }
Int demo::num=45;
Digitech Technologies 63
Static Members

#include<iostream.h> int main()

class car car a,b,c,d;
{ cout << car::getcount() <<endl;
static int count; {
public: car e,f;
car(){ count++; } cout << car::getcount() <<endl;
~car(){ count--; } }
static int getcount() cout << car::getcount() <<endl;
{ return 0;
return count; } Output
}; 4

Digitech Technologies 64
Memory Allocation for Classes and Objects

Member functions
are assigned GetEmployeeNumber();
common memory GetEmployeeName();
location to all objects SetEmployeeNumber(int);

char* m_pcEmpName
char* m_pcEmpName
m_iEmpNum; EmployeeTwo
char* m_pcEmpName
Data members are
EmployeeOne assigned seperate
memory locations for
seperate objects

Digitech Technologies 65
this pointer

‘this’ pointer is a pointer that is automatically available in

all non-static member functions of a class.

It allows objects to access its own address

It points to the current object, the object that invoked the method.

When a member function is called, it is automatically passed an

implicit argument that is a pointer to the invoking object

Since static functions are not members of a class instance,

‘this’ pointer cannot be used with static member functions.

Digitech Technologies 66
this pointer

A class instance have a copy of data members but not member


All instances of a class share a single copy of member functions.

If this is the case then how a member function know which instance
it is supposed to be working on.

The answer lies in the fact that the a member function implicitly
uses a special pointer ‘this’ which a hidden parameter to the
member function.

‘this’ pointer points to the object that is used to invoke the

member function. Within member function all member references
are changed to


Digitech Technologies 67
this pointer

The ‘this’ pointer can be used to differentiate between instance

variables and local variables in (which have same names) a
member function.
void main()
#include<iostream.h> {
class demo demo a(67);
{ int num;;
public: a.display(); // 55
demo():num(0){} }
demo(int a):num(a){}
void display() { cout<<num<<endl; }
void store(int num)
Digitech Technologies 68
this pointer

#include<iostream.h> void main()

#include<string.h> {
radio a("Hyd"),b("Sec"),c("Mum"),d("Kol");
class radio b.send("Hello");
{ static int count; }
static radio *r[50];
char name[20]; output
public: from Hyd:Hello
radio(char *k) from Mum:Hello
{ strcpy(name,k); from Kol:Hello
void receive(char *k){ cout<<"from "<<name<<':'<<k<<endl; }
void send(char *k)
{ for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
if( this!=r[i] ) r[i]->receive(k);
}; Write a program to create some radio stations.
int radio::count=0; Show a message sent by a station is received by all
radio * radio::r[50]; other stations.
Digitech Technologies 69
Different ways of class implementation

#include<iostream.h> #include<iostream.h>

class demo class demo

{ {
int num; int num;
public: public:
demo():num(0){} demo();
demo(int a):num(a){} demo(int);
void show() void show();
{ };
} demo::demo():num(0){}
demo::demo(int a):num(a){}

void main() void demo::show()

{ {
demo a,b(45); cout<<num<<endl;; };

Digitech Technologies 70
Coding standards and naming conventions

Class names should start with capital letter

- Account, Employee, Date

Member variables should have 'm_' prefix followed by

Hungarian notation
class Date
int m_iDay;
int m_iMonth;
int m_iYear;
char m_acDayOfWeek[10];

Instance of classes should typically have a prefix 'o'

- Date oToday, oTomorrow;

Digitech Technologies 71
Coding standards and naming conventions

Names of functions:

- prefix 'fn' only for C-Style functions which don't belong

to any class

- Names of Member functions should start with capital letter

followed by capital letter for every subsequent word.

class Date
//Data members
short GetDayOfMonth ();
char* GetDateOfWeek ();

Digitech Technologies 72
Coding standards and naming conventions

There are two steps to create a class

– A class is declared in a header file (.h file)
Only one class should be declared in a single header file

– A corresponding .cpp file must have the implementation

of the class
The body of methods are defined #ifndef _EMPLOYEE_H
#define _EMPLOYEE_H
The class should be declared within the // Class definition here
#ifndef _FILENAME_H #endif // _EMPLOYEE_H
#endif block
– Avoids double inclusion of same header even if included twice

– The block between the #ifndef and #endif is expanded only

if the header has not been included already

Digitech Technologies 73
Coding standards and naming conventions

Commenting Guidelines

File Header Block : All the source and header files must have the
header information as shown in the format below. The code must
not exceed 80 columns width
* File : <filename>
* Description : <description>
* Author : <author> <company>
* Version : <version number>
* Date : <Date>
* Modification log :

File Footer Block : All files should have this footer at the end
of the file.
* End of <filename>
Digitech Technologies 74
Coding standards and naming conventions

Commenting Guidelines

Function or Method Header block:

All functions (or methods) in the C++ files should be preceded

by a comment block in the format given below:

* Function: <Function Name>
* Description: <Overview of the function>
* Input Parameters:
* <Parameter 1> – <brief description>
* <Parameter 2> - <brief description>
* ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
* Returns : <Return values both in case of success and
* error conditions if the function returns something>

Digitech Technologies 75
Coding standards and naming conventions

* FileName: Employee.h
* Author: E&R Department, Digitech Technologies Limited
* Date: 03-Sep-2007
* Description: Declares the class ‘Employee’.
#include <malloc.h>

#ifndef _EMPLOYEE_H

#define _EMPLOYEE_H

class Employee
int m_iEmpNum;
char m_acEmpName[25];

Digitech Technologies 76
Coding standards and naming conventions

//Method to get the Employee number
int GetEmployeeNumber();

//Method to get the Employee name

char* GetEmployeeName();

//method to set the Employee number

void SetEmployeeNumber(int iEmpNum);

//Method to set the Employee name

void SetEmployeeName(char* pcEmpName);

#endif // _EMPLOYEE_H

* End of Employee.h
Digitech Technologies 77
Coding standards and naming conventions

* FileName: Employee.cpp
* Author: E&R Department, Infosys Technologies Limited
* Date: 01-Jul-2005
* Description: Implements the class ‘Employee’.

#include "Employee.h“

* GetEmployeeNumber
* RETURNS: int m_iEmpNum
int Employee::GetEmployeeNumber()
return m_iEmpNum;

Digitech Technologies 78
Coding standards and naming conventions

* GetEmployeeName
* RETURNS: char* m_acEmpName
const char * Employee::GetEmployeeName()
return m_acEmpName;

* SetEmployeeNumber
* int iEmpNum- Employee Number
* RETURNS: Nothing
void Employee::SetEmployeeNumber(int iEmpNum)
Digitech Technologies 79
Coding standards and naming conventions

* SetEmployeeName
* char* pcEmpName- Employee name (String)
* RETURNS: Nothing

void Employee::SetEmployeeName(char* pcEmpName)


* End of Employee.cpp

Digitech Technologies 80
Method chaining(returning current obj. reference)
#include<iostream.h> demo& putTwo(int k)
class demo {
{ num=k;
int num; return *this;
public: }
demo():num(0){} };
demo(int k):num(k){}
void show(){ cout<<num<<endl; }
demo setOne(int k) void main ()
{ {
num=k; demo d1(45),d2(45);
return *this;
} d1.setOne(20).setTwo(30);
demo setTwo(int k) d2.putOne(20).putTwo(30);
return *this;;
} }
demo& putOne(int k) Output
{ num=k; 20
return *this; 30
Digitech Technologies 81

Aggregation refers to a relationship where one class contains

objects of another class as it’s members

Aggregation leads to Has-A relationship

Digitech Technologies 82
C++ Dynamic Allocation Operators

The new and delete operators are used to allocate and free
memory at run time.

The new operator allocates memory and returns a pointer to the

start of it.

The delete operator frees memory previously allocated using new.

The general forms of new and delete are shown here:

p_var = new type;
delete p_var;
Here, p_var is a pointer variable that receives a pointer to memory
that is large enough to hold an item of type type.

Use malloc/realloc to allocate memory for the simple variables

Use new for allocating memory for the objects

Digitech Technologies 83
C++ Dynamic Allocation Operators

• The dynamic memory allocation happens on the heap.

• Heap is a memory space which grows or shrinks dynamically.

• Whenever the memory is allocated dynamically for any object,

a space is allocated in the heap. This allocation remains until it is
deleted (freed).

• Suppose the allocated memory is not freed then this space will
remain allocated even after the execution of the program. Such
memory spaces could be very dangerous and may lead to the
system crash due to lack of free memory.

Digitech Technologies 84
Best Practices in using new and delete operators

• Never use new/delete operators in case of the simple variables;

Instead use malloc and free

• All the memory allocations that happen within the class needs to
be deallocated within the destructor.

• All the object pointers allocated dynamic memory must be

deleted when not required.

Digitech Technologies 85
String class

#include<iostream.h> void copy(char *a)

#include<string.h> { delete s;
s=new char[ strlen(a)+1 ];
class str strcpy(s,a);
{ }
char *s; void add(char *a)
public: {
str() char *t
{ t=new char[ strlen(s)+strlen(a)+1 ];
s=new char[1]; strcpy(t,s);
*s=0; strcat(t,a); Output
} delete s;
str(char *a) s=t;
{ } welcome xyz
s=new char[ strlen(a)+1 ]; };
strcpy(s,a); void main()
} {
void display() str a("hello"),b("welcome");
{ a.copy("abc"); b.add(" xyz");
cout<<s<<endl; a.display(); b.display();
} }

Digitech Technologies 86
Copy constructor

A built-in type variable can be initialized with one that is already

existing variable of the same type. This is also extended to user
defined types created using structures. In case of user defined
types, the initialization is done using member by member copy of
the structure data members.

In C++ the same is applicable to variables of class types.

The default member by member copy is not sufficient in case of a

class with pointer data members. The initialized object pointer
member and the existing object pointer member, both point to
same memory space. If the memory space is released with one of
the object pointer data member, then the other object pointer
member is invalid.

Digitech Technologies 87
Copy constructor

A copy constructor is automatically invoked when a new object

is initialized with an existing object of the same class type.

class_name::class_name( const class_name &var );

The parameter to copy constructor must be a reference of the same


The copy constructor of a class is called when

1)An instance of a class created from an existing instance of
the same class.
2)A function is called and an argument of class type is
passed by value.

If a class does not have copy constructor, then C++ provides a

default copy constructor. The default copy constructor simply
uses memberwise copying.
Digitech Technologies 88
Copy constructor
#include<iostream.h> #include<iostream.h>
#include<string.h> #include<string.h>
class str class str
{ { Hello
char *s; char *s; Hello
public: public:
: :
void abc( str k ) void abc( str k )
{ {
strcpy(k.s,”aaa”); strcpy(k.s,”aaa”);
} }
}; str( str &m )
Output {
void main() Hello s=new char[ strlen(m.s)+1];
{ aaa strcpy(s,m.s);
str a,b(“Hello”); }
b.display(); };;
b.display(); void main(){ same as before }

Digitech Technologies 89
Inline Functions

We can create short functions that are not actually called;

rather, their code is expanded in line at the point of each invocation.

This is process is somewhat similar to using a function-like macro.

To make a function inline, prefix the function definition with inline

class Rectangle
double Length;
double Breadth ;
inline double CalcArea() { … }
void Show(){ … } // is also inline function
void Display(); // while defining, should be decl. inline

Digitech Technologies 90
Friend Functions

A friend function is a non-member function that is granted

permission to access private members.

A class may grant friendship

•to a global function

•to another class

•to a particular member function of another class

Digitech Technologies 91
Friend Functions

Global friend function

int sum2(demo x,demo y)
#include<iostream.h> {
return x.num+y.num;
class demo
int num;
public: void main()
demo():num(0){} {
demo(int a):num(a){} demo a(5),b(7);
cout<<a.sum1(b) <<endl;
int sum1(demo x) cout<<sum3(a,b) <<endl;
{ }
return num+x.num;
/* output
friend int sum2(demo,demo); 12
}; */

Digitech Technologies 92
Friend Class

#include<iostream.h> void main()

class demo abc a;
int num; a.display();
public: }
demo(int a):num(a){} /* Output
friend class abc;
class abc */
void show() { demo k(45); cout << k.num << endl; }
void display() { demo k(45); cout << k.num << endl; }

Digitech Technologies 93
Friend Functions

#include<iostream.h> void abc::show()

class abc demo k(45);
{ cout << k.num << endl;
public: }
void show();
void display(); void abc::display()
}; {
demo k(45);
class demo //cout << k.num << endl;
{ }
int num;
public: void main()
demo():num(0){} {
demo(int a):num(a){} abc a;
friend void abc::show();;
}; a.display();

Digitech Technologies 94
Operator overloading

Consider the following messages on a string object.

str a; str a;
a.copy(“Hello”); a=“Hello”;
a.add(“Abc”); a+“Abc”;

Using = and + is easy to remember and more readable than

the function names like copy and add.

But C++ operators cannot operate on user defined types.

Operator overloading is a process of providing a user defined

behavior to an operator on user defined data_type.

The overloaded operators behavior remains unchanged on other

data types.

Digitech Technologies 95
Operator overloading

Operator overloading rules

1) Only existing operators can be overloaded.

2) The operators . :: sizeof .* and ?: cannot be overloaded.

3) The overloaded operators priority and associativity cannot

be changed.

4) Operators can be overloaded only on user defined types.

Digitech Technologies 96
Operator overloading

An operator is overloaded by providing a special function called


When the compiler see an operator on user defined type, it will

search and map the statement to the special function operator
provided for the operator and the operand types.

data_type operator opr_char( [ data_type p1 ] [, data_type p2 ] )

Digitech Technologies 97
Operator overloading

Operators can be overloaded as member functions and also

as global functions.

To be a member function, the first operand in the expression must

be of the class type.

The first operand is used as active object to call the method.

The other operand if exists will become formal parameter to

the method.

A global operator overloading is most likely made a friend function

to a class. This is in order to gain access on private members
of the class.

Digitech Technologies 98
Operator overloading
class str
char *s;
str() { s=new char(0); }
str(char *a) { s=new char[ strlen(a)+1 ]; strcpy(s,a); }
void display() { cout<<s<<endl; }
char* operator=(char *a)
{ delete s;
s=new char[ strlen(a)+1 ]; strcpy(s,a);
return a;
char* operator+(char *a)
{ char *t=new char[ strlen(s)+strlen(a)+1 ];
return t;
friend char* operator+(char*,str);
Digitech Technologies 99
Operator overloading
char* operator+(char *a, str x)
char *t=new char[ strlen(a)+strlen(x.s)+1 ];
return t;

void main()
{ Output
str a,b(“hello”),c,d,e;
e=a=”abc”; abc
d=”123”+b; hello
a.display(); 123hello
b.display(); abc
Digitech Technologies 100
Ellipsis (…)

Ellipsis enables a function have variable number of arguments

( like with printf and scanf functions ).
data_type function_name( … )
Ellipsis can be accessed using va_list, va_start and va_arg defined
in stdarg.h header file.

First create a variable of va_list type

va_list k;

After creating the list variable, the list need initalized using
va_start( va_list , the last known parameter name )

To extract elements from ellipsis use

data_type va_arg( va_list , data_type )
Each call to va_arg returns the next element from ellipsis.
Digitech Technologies 101
Ellipsis (…)


void abc(int m,...)

{ va_list k;
for(int i=0;i<m;i++) cout << va_arg(k,int) << " ";
void main() 44 55 66
{ 67 44
abc(2,67,44); 23 77 55 48 34
Digitech Technologies 102
Operator overloading
#include<stdlib.h> void main()
class array array a(10,56,7,89,45,33,8,9,32,11,30);
int *n,max;
for(int i=0;i<10;i++) cout << a[i] << “ “;
array(int a,...) : max(a)
va_list x;
n=new int[max];
for(int i=0;i<max;i++) n[i]=va_arg(x,int);
int& operator[](int a)
if(a<0 || a>=max ) { cout<<“error in index”<<endl; exit(1); }
return n[a];
Digitech Technologies 103
Operator overloading
Simulation of **, the power operator

#include<iostream.h> void main()

class Number Number a(5),b(3);
{ cout<<a*b<<endl<<a**b<<endl;
int num; }
Number():num(0){} /*
Number(int a):num(a){} Output
int operator*(Number &a) 15
{ 125
return num*a.num; */
Number* operator*() { return this; }
int operator*(Number *a)
int i,n=1;
for(i=0;i<a->num;i++) n = n * num ;
return n;
Digitech Technologies 104
Type Conversions

Example for Built-in type to User-defined type conversion

class demo
int num;
demo(int a):num(a){}
demo(char *k) { num = strlen(k); }
void display() { cout<<num<<endl; }
void main() 90
{ demo a,b(23),c=b,d=45; 23
a=90; 23
a.display(); b.display(); c.display(); d.display(); 45
a=”Hello”; 5
Digitech Technologies 105
Type Conversions

Example for User-defined to Built-in type conversion

class demo
int n1,n2;
demo(int a,int b):n1(a),n2(b){}
operator int() { return n1+n2; }

void main()
{ demo d(45,55);
int k;
cout << k << endl; // 100
Digitech Technologies 106
Operator overloading
Example for User-defined to User-defined conversion
#include<iostream.h> fahrenheit::operator celsius()
class celsius; {
class fahrenheit return (f-32.0)*5.0/9.0;
{ }
float f;
public: void main()
fahrenheit():f(0){} {
fahrenheit(float a):f(a){} celsius a,b(30);
void display(){ cout<<f<<endl; } fahrenheit c,d(100);
operator celsius();
}; a=(celsius)d;
class celsius
{ a.display();
float c; b.display();
public: c.display();
celsius():c(0){} d.display();
celsius(float a):c(a){} }
void display(){ cout<<c<<endl; }
operator fahrenheit() { return c*9.0/5.0 + 32.0; }
Digitech Technologies 107

• The process of deriving a new class from an existing class is

called Inheritance

• The old class is referred to as the base class and the new class is
called the derived class or subclass.

• Through Inheritance, C++ strongly supports the idea of

Reusability. That is making use of the existing features to
create the new feature.

• All the objects in this world come under some kind of classification.
Inheritance allows the creation of hierarchical classification.

• For example, the bike “Yamaha” is a part of the class

‘Two Wheeler’ which is again a part of the class ‘Vehicle’.

Digitech Technologies 108


Digitech Technologies 109


Generalization and Specialization

• Generalization and Specialization are associated with the

concept of Inheritance

• The Trainee class derives the Employee class

• Employee class is a generalization of Trainee class

• Trainee class is a specialization of the Employee class

Digitech Technologies 110


Inheritance Relationship

• “is a” relation exists between the derived class

and base class.

• Trainee is an Employee


Digitech Technologies 111


Creating derived classes

• The general format of deriving the properties from one class

to another class is :

class derived-class-name : [visibility-mode] base-classname [,…]

// members of derived class

• Here, the visibility mode is optional and , if present, may be

either private , public or protected.

• The default visibility mode is private.

• Visibility mode specifies whether the features of the base class

are privately derived or publicly derived.
Digitech Technologies 112

Types of Inheritance based on structure

Digitech Technologies 113

Derivation types Derivation Base class Access in
type member derived class
Derivation type Private private (inaccessible)
determines the base
members accesibility public private
in the derived class
protected private

Public private (inaccessible)

public public

protected protected

Protected private (inaccessible)

public protected

protected protected

Digitech Technologies 114


Protected Members

• The ‘private’ members cannot be accessed outside the scope

of the class.

• The derived class also cannot access the private members.

• Sometimes, we want the derived class to access the private

members of the base class but at the same time, we don’t want
to access those members thru the object of the class.

• Those members come under protected access specifier.

• In other words, protected members are private to all, but public

to its derived classes.

Digitech Technologies 115


Protected Members


• Derived classes can modify values directly

• Slight increase in performance; Avoids set/get function
call overhead


• No validity checking
- Derived class can assign illegal value
• Implementation dependent
- Derived class member functions more likely dependent on
base class implementation
- Base class implementation changes may result in derived
class modifications resulting in Fragile (brittle) software
Digitech Technologies 116

Constructors in the Base and Derived Classes

An instance of a derived class contains the data members inherited from

its base class and its own data members. To initialize the members,
compiler first calls the base class constructor to initialize base class
members, and then calls derived class constructor to initialize the derived
class members.

The derived class constructor must tell the Compiler which base class
constructor to use for base class member initialization. This is provided by
using base class parameter list:

derive_class( a1,a2,a3,… ) : base_class( p1,p2,… ) , mem_init


If base class parameter list is not provided, then compiler automatically

calls the base class default constructor.

Digitech Technologies 117


class base
{ void main()
int num; {
public: derive d(45);
base(int k):num(k){};
void show() d.display();
{ cout<<num<<endl; } }

class derive : public base

/* output
{ 22
int num; 45
public: */
derive(int k):base(k/2),num(k){}
void display()
{ cout<<num<<endl; }

Digitech Technologies 118


ethod Overriding

Providing different implementation in the derived class for the

methods defined in the Base class is called as Method Overriding.

The method signatures must be same.

In such cases where the derived class objects invoke the

overridden methods, the derived class overridden methods are

Digitech Technologies 119


class base
{ void main()
int num; {
public: derive d(45);
base(int k):num(k){} d.base::show();
void show();
{ cout<<num<<endl; } }

class derive : public base

/* output
{ 22
int num; 45
public: */
derive(int k):base(k/2),num(k){}
void show()
{ cout<<num<<endl; }

Digitech Technologies 120

Point2D and Point3D ( without inheritance )
#include<iostream.h> class threeD
class twoD twoD td;
{ int z;
int x,y; public:
public: threeD():z(0){}
twoD():x(0),y(0){} threeD(int a,int b,int c):z(c)
twoD(int a,int b):x(a),y(b){} {
void display() td.setx(a); td.sety(b);
{ }
cout << x << " " << y << " "; void display()
} {
void setx(int a){ x=a; } td.display();
void sety(int a){ y=a; } cout << z << " ";
}; }
void main()
void setx(int a){ td.setx(a); }
void sety(int a){ td.sety(a); }
threeD td(56,34,90);
void setz(int a){ z=a; }
td.display(); cout<<endl;
Digitech Technologies 121
Point2D and Point3D ( with inheritance )
#include<iostream.h> class threeD : public twoD
class twoD int z;
{ public:
int x,y; threeD():z(0) { }
public: threeD(int a,int b,int c):
twoD():x(0),y(0){} twoD(a,b),z(c){}
twoD(int a,int b):x(a),y(b){}
void display() void display()
{ {
cout << x << " " << y << " "; twoD::display();
} cout << z << " ";
void setx(int a){ x=a; } }
void sety(int a){ y=a; } void setz(int a){ z=a; }
}; };
void main()
threeD td(56,34,90);
td.display(); cout<<endl;
Digitech Technologies 122

Assignment Operator overloading for a Derived Class

Like Copy Constructor of derived class that explicitly calls

Copy Constructor of base class, assignment operator overloading
of derived class must explicitly call base class assignment
operator function.

derive derive::operator=(int a)
base::operator=(a); // calling base assignment operator overloading

Digitech Technologies 123


Copy Constructors of Base and Derived Classes

When a new instance of derived class created using derive class

copy constructor, the Compiler does not automatically call the
base class copy constructor. Instead of the base class
copy constructor, the compiler calls default constructor of
the base class.

This problem can be overcome by an explicit call to base class

copy constructor from derive class copy constructor.

Digitech Technologies 124


class base from base default
{ from derive default
public: from base copy const
base() { cout<<"from base default\n"; } from derive copy const
base(base &a) { cout<<"from base copy const\n"; } from derive destructor
~base() { cout<<”from base destructor\n”; } from base destructor
}; from derive destructor
class derive : public base from base destructor
derive(){ cout<<"from derive default\n"; }
derive(derive &a) : base(a) { cout<<"from derive copy const\n"; }
~derive(){ cout<<”from derive destructor\n”; }
void main()
derive a;
derive b=a;
Digitech Technologies 125

Multiple Inheritance
C++ allows a class derived from more than one base or parent
classes. The derived class will have all the members of the base
classes. The base classes may have members with same name.
Use base class name and scope resolution operator ( :: ) to avoid
ambigious member reference.

Virtual Inheritance
Suppose a class DERIVE is derived from two different base
classes BASE1 and BASE2, which in turn are derived from the
same base class COMMON_BASE. It is clear that the DERIVE
class will have two copies of COMMON_BASE class members.
Virtual inheritance can solve the above problem.
When a class derives several times from the same virtual base class,
this derive class will have only one copy of the base class.
Digitech Technologies 126


class common_base virtual inheritance

int x;
common_base(int a):x(a){}
void show() { cout<<x<<endl; }

class base1 : virtual public common_base

int x;
base1(int a):x(a){}
void show() { cout<<x<<endl; }

Digitech Technologies 127


class base2 : virtual public common_base

int x; virtual inheritance
base2(int a):x(a){}
void show() { cout<<x<<endl; }

class derive : public base1,public base2

int x;
derive():x(0){} void main()
derive(int a):common_base(a), {
base1(a),base2(a),x(a){} derive d(25);
void show();
{ d.common_base::show();
cout<<x<<endl; d.base1::show();
} d.base2::show();
}; }

Digitech Technologies 128

Inheritance - Example


class employee
char name[20];
char grade;
employee(char *a,char b):grade(b) { strcpy(name,a); }
void display()
cout<<name<<” “<<grade<<” “;
char getgrade(){
return grade;
Digitech Technologies 129
Inheritance - Example

class manager : public employee

int sal;


manager(char *a,int b):employee(a,’A’),sal(b){}
void display()
cout<<sal<<” “;
int pay()
return sal;

Digitech Technologies 130

Inheritance - Example

class wage_employee : public employee

int hours,rate;

wage_employee(char *a,int b,int c):employee(a,’C’), hours(b),rate(c){}
void display()
cout<<hours<<” “<<rate<<” “;
int pay(){ return hours*rate; }
wage_employee(char *a,int b,int c,char d):employee(a,d),

Digitech Technologies 131

Inheritance - Example

class sales_person : public wage_employee

int comm,sales;
sales_person(char *a,int b,int c,int d,int e):wage_employee(a,b,c,’B’),
void display()
cout<<comm<<” “<<sales<<” “;
int pay()
return wage_employee::pay()+( sales>100 ? comm : 0 );

Digitech Technologies 132

Inheritance - Example

void main()
manager m[50];
wage_employee w[50];
sales_person s[50];

char ch,name[20];
int mmax,smax,wmax,sal,hours,rate,comm,sales;

while( ch!='q' )
cout<<"\nwage employee sales person manager quit ";
cin>>ch; cin.get();

if(ch=='w' || ch=='s' || ch=='m')

cout<<"Enter name ";
Digitech Technologies 133
Inheritance - Example

cout<<"Enter salary "; cin>>sal;

m[mmax]=manager(name,sal); mmax++;
if(ch=='w' || ch=='s')
cout<<"Enter hours ";
cout<<"Enter rate ";
cin>>rate; cin.get();

Digitech Technologies 134
Inheritance - Example

cout<<"Enter comm ";
cout<<"Enter sales ";


Digitech Technologies 135

Inheritance - Example

int i; long wsum=0;

long msum=0; {
for(i=0;i<mmax;i++) w[i].display();
{ cout<<w[i].pay()<<endl;
m[i].display(); wsum=wsum+w[i].pay();
cout<<m[i].pay()<<endl; }
} cout<<msum+ssum+wsum
long ssum=0; }
for(i=0;i<smax;i++) /* end of main */
s[i].display(); The for loops are identical
except the object references
This is because the data is
stored in three different arrays

Digitech Technologies 136

Inheritance - Example

void main()
employee *e[150];

char ch,name[20];
int max,sal,hours,rate,comm,sales;

while( ch!='q' )
cout<<"\nwage employee sales person manager quit ";

if(ch=='w' || ch=='s' || ch=='m')

cout<<"Enter name ";

Digitech Technologies 137

Inheritance - Example

cout<<"Enter salary "; cin>>sal;

e[max]=new manager(name,sal);
if(ch=='w' || ch=='s')
cout<<"Enter hours ";
cout<<"Enter rate ";
cin>>rate; cin.get();
e[max]=new wage_employee(name,hours,rate);
Digitech Technologies 138
Inheritance - Example

cout<<"Enter comm ";
cout<<"Enter sales ";

new sales_person(name,hours,rate,comm,sales);

Digitech Technologies 139

Inheritance - Example

int i;

switch( e[i]->getgrade() )
case 'A': ((manager*)e[i])->display();
case 'B': ((sales_person*)e[i])->display();
case 'C': ((wage_employee*)e[i])->display();
} The code repetition problem still exists

Digitech Technologies 140


• Is a Greek word, which means one name, multiple forms.

• Is the ability of objects to respond differently to the same message.

The kind of response is dependent on the data types used in a
given instance.

• Allows objects having different internal structure to share the same

external interface.

Digitech Technologies 141


Polymorphism - Binding

• Binding refers to the process of linking a procedure call to the

code to be executed in response of the call.

• Are of two types.

– Static binding or Early binding and
– Dynamic binding or Late binding.

• In Static binding the code associated with a given procedure call

is resolved during compiler time.

• In Dynamic binding the code associated with a given procedure

call is resolved during run-time.

Digitech Technologies 142



class employee ...

class manager : public employee …
class wage_employee : public employee ...
class sales_person : public wage_employee ...

void main()
employee *e=new sales_person("Ravi Kumar",5,90,500,102);

} output
Ravi Kumar B
Ravi Kumar B 5 90 500 102

Digitech Technologies 143



class employee {… virtual void display(){ … } ...

class manager : public employee …
class wage_employee : public employee ...
class sales_person : public wage_employee ...

void main()
employee *e=new sales_person("Ravi Kumar",5,90,500,102);

} output
Ravi Kumar B 5 90 500 102
Ravi Kumar B 5 90 500 102

Digitech Technologies 144


Virtual functions—Dynamic Polymorphism

• Instead of making type casting the pointer the same effect can be
got by defining the overridden methods as virtual in the base class
class employee
virtual void display();

• The base class pointers can now be pointing to derived types

employee *e=new sales_person(…);


• This actually invokes the sales_person class method

• This determination of which version of the overridden method to

invoke happens at run time. This is known as Dynamic Binding
Digitech Technologies 145

class employee
virtual void display(){ … }
: Compiler Error:
void main() 'pay' : is not a member of 'employee'
employee *e=new sales_person("Ravi Kumar",5,90,500,102);


Digitech Technologies 146


class employee
virtual void display(){ … }
virtual int pay(){ return 0; }
: Output
: Ravi Kumar B 5 90 500 102 950
void main()
employee *e=new sales_person("Ravi Kumar",5,90,500,102);

Digitech Technologies 147

class employee
virtual void display(){ … }
virtual int pay(){ return 0; } manager pay
class manager : public employee
// int pay(){ return sal; } Output
}; Ravi Kumar A 19000 0
void main()
employee *e=new manager("Ravi Kumar",19000);
Digitech Technologies 148

Abstract class

• At times we may not want the objects of the base class to be

created at all

• If one of the methods of the base class is made pure virtual

function then that class will become abstract.

virtual int pay()=0;

• No objects of abstract class can be created.

• But pointers to abstract class can be created

• Abstract classes act like an interface.

Digitech Technologies 149


class employee
virtual void display(){ … }
virtual int pay()=0;
class manager : public employee
// int pay(){ return sal; } Compiler Error:
}; 'manager' : cannot instantiate abstract class
void main()
employee *e=new manager("Ravi Kumar",19000);
Digitech Technologies 150

class employee
virtual void display(){ … }
virtual int pay()=0;
class manager : public employee
int pay(){ return sal; } Output:
}; Ravi Kumar A 19000 19000
void main()
employee *e=new manager("Ravi Kumar",19000);
Digitech Technologies 151

class shape Shape Example
{ public:
virtual int area()=0;
class circle : public shape
int r;
circle(int a):r(a){}
int area() { return 22.0/7.0*r*r; }
class square : public shape
int s;
square(int a):s(a){}
int area() { return s*s; }
Digitech Technologies 152

class rectangle : public shape

{ Shape Example
int h,w;
rectangle(int a,int b):h(a),w(b){}
int area() { return h*w; }
void main()
shape *s[]={ new circle(5), new rectangle(6,10),
new rectangle(12,4), new square(5),
new circle(15), new circle(6),
new circle(19), new square(16),
new square(25) };
long sum=0;
int max = sizeof(s) / sizeof(s[0]) ;
for(int i=0;i<max; i++) sum=sum+s[i]->area();
cout << sum <<endl;
Digitech Technologies 153

General purpose sort Example

#include<iostream.h> class sort

#include<string.h> {
class sortable static void bubble(sortable **e,int max)
{ {
public: sortable *t;
virtual int compare(sortable*)=0; int i,k;
if( e[k]->compare(e[k+1]) >0 )
Any user-defined types can e[k]=e[k+1];
be sorted using the sort e[k+1]=t;
class, provided the class }
defines ‘compare’ method.

Digitech Technologies 154

class employee : public sortable General purpose sort Example
char name[20];
int sal;
employee(char *a,int b):sal(b)
void show()
cout<<name<<" --- "<<sal<<endl;
int compare(sortable *k)
employee *e=(employee *)k;
return sal-e->sal;

Digitech Technologies 155

#define MAX 5 General purpose sort Example
void main()
employee *e[MAX]={ new employee("Ravi",9000),
new employee("Giri",12000),
new employee("Sham",8000),
new employee("Sing",10000),
new employee("Neha",11000) };


for(int i=0;i<MAX;i++)
e[i]->show(); Output
} Sham --- 8000
Ravi --- 9000
Sing --- 10000
Neha --- 11000
Giri --- 12000

Digitech Technologies 156


#include<iostream.h> Virtual Destructor

class base
~base(){ cout<<"from base destructor\n"; }
class derive : public base
~derive(){ cout<<"from derive destructor\n"; }

void main() Output

{ from base destructor
base *d=new derive();
delete d;
Digitech Technologies 157

#include<iostream.h> Virtual Destructor

class base
virtual ~base(){ cout<<"from base destructor\n"; }
class derive : public base
~derive(){ cout<<"from derive destructor\n"; }

void main() Output

{ from derive destructor
base *d=new derive(); from base destructor
delete d;
Digitech Technologies 158
Exception Handling

• An Exceptional condition is an event that occurs during the

execution of C++ program (runtime anomalies) causing a
program to interrupt.

Out-of-bound array subscript, arithmetic overflow or underflow,
division by zero, out of memory, invalid function parameter, etc.,

• An exceptional condition may be either an unexpected error or

an expected error at an unpredictable time.

Digitech Technologies 159

Exception Handling

• The process of detecting and taking an appropriate action for

exceptions is referred to exception handling.

• Exception handling involves the following steps.

(1) Find the error (try),
(2) Inform that an error as occurred (throw),
(3) Receive the error information (catch) &
(4) Take corrective actions (Handle)

• The C++ exception handling mechanism is built upon three

keywords namely try, throw and catch.

Digitech Technologies 160

Exception Handling

• The keyword try is used to preface a block of statements which

may generate exceptions. This block of statements is known as
try block.

• The throw statement is used to inform that an exception has

occurred. It is coded within the try block.

• The keyword catch is used to preface a block called catch block

to receive and handle the exception informed by the throw

• The catch block must immediately follow the try block that
throws the exception.

Digitech Technologies 161

Exception Handling

Syntax for try and catch blocks

if( … ) throw exception;
catch (type argument)

Digitech Technologies 162

Exception Handling

• When the try block throws an exception, the program control

leaves the try block and enters the catch block.

• If the type of the object thrown matches the argument type in

the catch statement, then the catch block is executed otherwise
the program is aborted with the help of the abort ( ) function.

• If no exception is thrown, the control goes to the statement

immediately following the catch block.

Digitech Technologies 163

Exception Handling
Simple example
int abc(int x,int y)
if(y==0) throw "/ by 0 error";
return x/y;
void main()
int a,b,c;
cout<<"Enter two numbers ";
catch(char *e)
Digitech Technologies 164
Exception Handling
Raising exception from within try block
int abc(int x,int y) and from outside try block
if(y==0) throw "/ by 0 error";
return x/y;

void main()
int a,b,c;
char ch;

while( 5 )
cout<<"Enter two numbers ";

Digitech Technologies 165

Exception Handling
cout<<c<<endl; Raising exception from within try block
} and from outside try block
catch(char *e)

cout<<"\ntry more (y/n) ";


if(ch=='n' || ch=='N') throw -1;

catch(...) // default handler
cout<<"\ntry next time...";

Digitech Technologies 166

Exception Handling

• It is possible to have multiple catch blocks following a try block

to handle all possible exceptions.

• In some situations, we may not be able to anticipate all possible

types of exceptions. In such cases we can catch all exceptions
using the following form of catch statement.

Syntax to catch all types of exceptions

catch(…) // catch with ellipsis


Digitech Technologies 167


• Is mechanism provided to implement the concept of

generic programming.

• Allows programmers to create a family of similar

classes or functions.

• Eliminate code duplication for different types and thus make the
software development easier and more manageable.

• Are to be defined with parameters that would be replaced by a

specified data type at the time of actual use of the
class or function.

Digitech Technologies 168


Templates are example code for compiler, which generates actual

code with the help of the template.

Templates are of two types

Function templates: Function templates are also known as

parameterized or generic functions.
Class templates: Class templates are also known as parameterized
or generic types.

Function Template syntax:

template< class T [ , class M , ..... ] >
data_type function_name( data_type var1, ... )
data_type v1,v2; // local variables
Digitech Technologies 169
#include<string.h> Function Template Example
template< class T >
T max( T x, T y )
return x>y ? x : y;

char* max( char *x, char *y )

if( strlen(x)>strlen(y) ) return x; else return y; Output
} 20
void main()
{ 88.34
int a=10,b=20; welcome
char c=’x’,d=’h’;
float e=56.99,f=88.34;
char s1[20]=”welcome”,s2[20]=”hello”;
cout << max(a,b) << endl << max(c,d) << endl
<< max(e,f) << endl << max(s1,s2) << endl;
Digitech Technologies 170
template<class T> Class Template Example
class demo
T data;
demo(T a):data(a){}
void display()
cout << data << endl; Output
void main() hello
{ -1.07374e+008
demo<int> a(67);
demo<char*> b(“hello”);
demo<float> c;

a.display(); b.display(); c.display();

Digitech Technologies 171

General Purpose Sorting Template Function


template<class T>
void bubble(T **e,int max)
T *t;
int i,k;

if( e[k]->compare(e[k+1]) > 0 )

Digitech Technologies 172


General Purpose Sorting Template Function

class employee
char name[20];
int sal;
employee(char *a,int b):sal(b)
void show()
cout<<name<<" --- "<<sal<<endl;
int compare(employee *k)
return sal-k->sal;

Digitech Technologies 173


General Purpose Sorting Template Function

#define MAX 5

void main()
employee *e[MAX]={ new employee("Ravi",9000),
new employee("Giri",12000),
new employee("Sham",8000),
new employee("Sing",10000),
new employee("Neha",11000) };

for(int i=0;i<MAX;i++) Sham --- 8000
e[i]->show(); Ravi --- 9000
} Sing --- 10000
Neha --- 11000
Giri --- 12000

Digitech Technologies 174


Class Template : Array Example


template<class T,int s>

class array
T *n;
int max;
array(int a,...) : max(a)
va_list x;

n=new T[max];
for(int i=0;i<max;i++) n[i]=va_arg(x,T);

Digitech Technologies 175


Class Template : Array Example

T& operator[](int a)
if(a<0 || a>=max ) { cout<<"error in index"<<endl; exit(1); }
return n[a];
} Output
56 7 89 45 33 8 9 32 11 30
void main() Hello Welcome
array<int,0> a(10,56,7,89,45,33,8,9,32,11,30);
array<char*,2> b(2,"Hello","Welcome");
int I;
for(i=0;i<10;i++) cout << a[i] << " ";
for(i=2;i<4;i++) cout << b[i] << " ";

Digitech Technologies 176

#include<iostream.h> void main()
template<class T> demo<int> a(45);
class demo demo<char*> b("Hello");
{ demo<float> c;
T data;
demo(T k):data(k){};
void show(); }

template<class T>
void demo<T>::show()
{ Output
cout<<data<<endl; 45
} Hello
template<class T>
class derive : public demo<T>
Digitech Technologies 177
IO Streams

Streams are channels of communication between programs and

source/destination of data

A stream is either a source of bytes or a destination for bytes.

Provide a good abstraction between the source and destination

Abstract away the details of the communication path from

I/O operation

Streams hide the details of what happens to the data inside the
actual I/O devices.

Streams can read/write data from/to blocks of memory, files etc...

Digitech Technologies 178

IO Streams

Source Stream Program


Program Stream Destination

Digitech Technologies 179

IO Streams

The stream classes are defined in ‘iostream.h and fstream.h’

header files.

The stream classes are of two types. Console streams and

File streams.

istream ostream


ifstream fstream ofstream

Digitech Technologies 180

IO Streams

A stream property can be set by using formatting flags.

Formatting flags are enums defined in ‘ios’ class.
The formatting flags are

ios::dec output number format is decimal

ios::oct output number format is octal
ios::hex output number format is hexadecimal
ios::uppercase hexadecimal alphabets ( a-f ) in uppercase

ios::left left adjust data in a field width

ios::right right adjust data in a field width

ios::showpos ‘+’ prefixed to a positive value

ios::showbase prefix the base indicator
no_prefix --- decimal ex: 65
0 prefix --- octal ex: 065
0x prefix --- hexadecimal ex: 0x65
Digitech Technologies 181
IO Streams

Methods for setting/resetting formatting flags

setf(long flag) sets specified flag without affected other flags
unsetf(long flag) resets specified flag without affected other flags


void main()
printf("%x %d\n",65,70);

cout<<65<<" "; Output
cout.unsetf(ios::hex); 41 70
cout.setf(ios::dec); 41 70
Digitech Technologies 182
IO Streams

Method for setting field width

width(int) :the width set is valid only for the next argument printed.

void main()

cout<<'*'; Output
cout.width(10); *65 *
cout.setf(ios::right); * 70*
cout.unsetf(ios::left); *65 *
* 70*
Digitech Technologies 183
IO Streams

Method for setting padding character : fill(char)

padding character is a character used to fill unused spaces in a

void main()

Digitech Technologies 184
IO Streams

Unformatted input methods

char get()
get() is same as ‘getchar’ function in ‘C’

get(char *dest, int max, char termination =’\n’)

gets input from buffer and stores at ‘dest’. The characters input
is either max or upto the termination character.

getline(char *dest, int max, char=’\n’)

getline() is same as get(...) except it extracts data from buffer
including the termination character.

read(char *dest, int max)

read() gets max characters from input buffer. It does not have
any termination character.
Digitech Technologies 185
IO Streams

#include<iostream.h> #include<iostream.h>

void main() void main()

{ {
char s[80]; char s[80];

cout<<"Enter name : "; cout<<"Enter name : ";

cin>>s; cin.get(s,80);

cout<<s<<endl; cout<<s<<endl;
} }

Output Output
Enter name : Ravi Kumar Enter name : Ravi Kumar
Ravi Ravi Kumar

Digitech Technologies 186

IO Streams


void main()
char s1[80],s2[80];

cout<<"Enter name : ";


cout<<"Enter name : "; Output

cin.get(s2,80); Enter name : ravi
Enter name : giri

Digitech Technologies 187

IO Streams

Read method is used to read a random access file


void main()
char s[80];

cout<<"Enter name : ";,80);


Digitech Technologies 188

IO Streams
Formatted input methods
The formatted input methods are ‘>>’ operator overloading providedin istream class.
istream& operator>>(int&);
istream& operator>>(unsigned int&);
istream& operator>>(char&);
istream& operator>>(unsigned char&);
istream& operator>>(char*);
istream& operator>>(float&);
Formatted output methods
The formatted output methods are the ‘<<’ operator overloading provided in
ostream class.

ostream& operator<<(int);
ostream& operator<<(unsigned int);
ostream& operator<<(char);
ostream& operator<<(unsigned char);
ostream& operator<<(char*);
ostream& operator<<(float);

Digitech Technologies 189

IO Streams

Customizating cin and cout objects


class employee
char name[20];
int sal;
friend istream& operator>>(istream &,employee &);
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &,employee &);

istream& operator>>(istream &k,employee &m)

cout<<"Enter name : ";
cout<<"Enter sal : ";
return k;
Digitech Technologies 190
IO Streams

Customizating cin and cout objects

ostream& operator<<(ostream &k,employee &m)

cout<<<<" --- "<<m.sal<<endl;
return k;

void main()
employee e;

cin>>e; Output
} Enter name : Ravi Kumar
Enter sal : 9000
Ravi Kumar --- 9000

Digitech Technologies 191

IO Streams

cin customization

istream& operator>>(istream &a,void *b)
return a;

void main()
int a,b;

cin >> (void*)”Enter a number “ >> a

>>(void*)”ENTER A NUMBER “ >> b;
cout << a+b << endl;
Digitech Technologies 192
IO Streams

File Streams

Sequential access file :

In sequential file records can only be read sequentially.

To read records randomly, the address of Nth record should known.
Sequential file record size varies, that is why the address of Nth
record can not be found.

Random access file :

In random access files records can be read randomly.

Random records size is fixed, that is why address of Nth record
can be found.
( rec_number - 1 ) * ( size of record )

Digitech Technologies 193

IO Streams

File stream classes are defined in fstream.h header file.

ifstream(char *fname,int mode=ios::in)
open(char *fname,int mode=ios::in)
long tellg()
seekg(long position,int seek_direction=ios::beg) ad )

ofstream(char *fname,int mode=ios::out)
open(char *fname,int mode=ios::out)
long tellp()
seekp(long position,int seek_direction=ios::beg)

fstream(char *fname,int mode)
open(char *fname,int mode) ...
Digitech Technologies 194
IO Streams

File Open Modes

ios::in file opened to input
ios::out file opened to output
ios::app file opened to append records

File Seek Direction

ios::beg set file pointer from beginning of the file
ios::cur set file pointer from current position of the file
ios::end set file pointer from end of the file

File Status Methods

int good() returns true value if the last operations successful
int bad() returns true value if last operation failed
int eof() returns true value if end of file is reached

Digitech Technologies 195

IO Streams

Appends a record to emps.dat sequential file

void main()
char name[20];
int sal;

cout << ”Enter emp name “;

cout << ”Enter salary “;
cin >> sal;

ofstream x(“emp.dat”,ios::app);
if( x.bad() ) { cout << ”error\n”; return 1; }
x << name << ’,’ << sal << endl;
Digitech Technologies 196
IO Streams

Reads records from emps.dat and prints them on screen

void main()
char name[20];
int sal;
ifstream x(“emp.dat”);
if( x.bad() ) { cout << ”error\n”; return 1; }
while( !x.eof() )
x >> sal;
if( x.good() ) cout << name << ” ----- “ << sal;
Digitech Technologies 197
IO Streams

Appends a record to empr.dat random file

struct record
char name[23];
int sal;

void main()
record r;
cout << ”Enter emp name “; cin.getline(,23);
cout << ”Enter salary “; cin >> r.sal;
ofstream x(“empr.dat”,ios::app);
if( x.bad() ) { cout << ”error\n”; return 1; }
x.write( (char*)&r,sizeof( r ));
Digitech Technologies 198
IO Streams

Reads records randomly

struct record
char name[23];
int sal;

void main()
record r;
int rec,max;

ifstream x(“empr.dat”);
if( x.bad() ) { cout << ”error\n”; return 1; }
max=x.tellg()/sizeof( r );
Digitech Technologies 199
IO Streams

while( rec>0 )
cout << ”enter a record number 1 to “ << max << ” : “;
cin >> rec;
if(rec>=1 && rec<=max)
x.seekg( (rec-1)*sizeof( r ),ios::beg ); (char*)&r,sizeof( r ) );
cout << << ” ---- “ << r.sal << endl;
else cout << ”invalid record number\n”;
Digitech Technologies 200
IO Streams

Manipulators are objects that can be used within the chain of
insertion and extraction operators. Manipulators are used to set
stream attributes from within the chain of << or >> operators.

Manipulators are of two types

Built-in manipulators without arguments
dec - sets output format to decimal
oct - sets output format to octal
hex - sets output format to hexadecimal
endl - generates newline sequence

#include<iostream.h> Output
void main() 70
cout << hex << 65 << endl << dec << 70 << endl;
Digitech Technologies 201
IO Streams

Built-in manipulators with single argument

Method Manipulator
setf(long) setiosflags(long)
unsetf(long) resetiosflags(long)
width(int) setw(int)
fill(char) setfill(char)

The single argument manipulators are defined in ‘iomanip.h’

header file.

Digitech Technologies 202

IO Streams


void main()
cout << setw(10) << setiosflags(ios::left) << setfill('*')
<< 65 << endl
<< setw(20) << resetiosflags( ios::left )
<< setiosflags(ios::right) << setfill('-') << 65 << endl;


Digitech Technologies 203

IO Streams

User-Defined Manipulator

class set
int w,j;
char f;
set(int a,int b,char c):w(a),j(b),f(c){}

ostream& operator<<( ostream &a,set b )

a.width( b.w );
a.fill( b.f );
if( b.j )
Digitech Technologies 204
IO Streams

return a;

void main()
cout << set(10,0,'*') << 65 << endl Output
<< set(20,1,'-') << 65 << endl; 65********
} ------------------65

Digitech Technologies 205

Smart Pointers

•Take care of automatic initialization and cleanup

•Take care of dangling pointers

•Keep track of dynamically allocated objects shared by

multiple owners

Digitech Technologies 206

Smart Pointers

void abc() void abc()

{ {
demo *p(new demo); auto_ptr<demo> *p(new demo);
p->doSomething(); p->doSomething();
delete p; }

void abc() void abc()

{ {
demo *p; auto_ptr<demo> p(new demo);
try try
{ {
p=new demo; p->doSomething();
p->doSomething(); }
delete p; catch(…){…}
Digitech Technologies 207
Smart Pointers( Simple Example )


class demo
int num;
int rc;
demo(int k):num(k),rc(0){}
void show(){ cout<<num<<'-'<<rc<<endl; }
void addReference(){ rc++; }
int removeReference()
if(rc>0) rc--;
return rc;
Digitech Technologies 208
Smart Pointers( Simple Example )

class RCPtr void main()

{ demo *pointee; {
public: RCPtr t(new demo(56));
RCPtr(demo *t):pointee(t) t->show();
{ pointee->addReference(); (*t).show();
} }
RCPtr(const RCPtr &t):pointee(t.pointee)
if( pointee->removeReference()==0 ) delete pointee;
demo* operator->(){ return pointee; }
demo& operator*(){ return *pointee; } Output
}; 56-1
Digitech Technologies 209
RTTI - Run-Time Type Identification

•Knowing the type of identifiers at run-time

•typeid(expr.) is used to know the type of expression at run-time

typeid Operator
typeid( type-id )
typeid( expression )

•The typeid operator allows the type of an object to be determined

at run-time.

•The result of a typeid expression is a const type_info&.

The value is a reference to a type_info object that represents

either the type-id or the type of the expression, depending on
which form of typeid is used.
Digitech Technologies 210
RTTI - Run-Time Type Identification

type_info Class

The type_info class describes type information generated within

the program by the compiler. Objects of this class effectively store
a pointer to a name for the type. The type_info class also stores
an encoded value suitable for comparing two types for equality or
collating order. The encoding rules and collating sequence for
types are unspecified and may differ between programs.

class type_info {
virtual ~type_info();
int operator==(const type_info& rhs) const;
int operator!=(const type_info& rhs) const;
const char* name() const;
const char* raw_name() const;
private: ...};
Digitech Technologies 211
RTTI - Run-Time Type Identification

#include<iostream.h> For RTTI make settings as shown:

#include<typeinfo.h> Project > Settings >
C/C++ tab >
class employee Category - C++ Language >
{ Check Run-Time Type information
virtual void show()
{ cout<<"from employee\n"; }

class manager : public employee

void show()
{ cout<<"from manager\n"; }

Digitech Technologies 212

RTTI - Run-Time Type Identification

class wage_employee : public employee

void show()
{ cout<<"from wage_employee\n"; }

void main()
employee *e=new manager;

if( typeid(*e) == typeid(manager) )

cout << "manager" << endl;


Digitech Technologies 213
Standard Template Library ( STL )

The STL is a generic library that provides solutions to managing

of data with modern and efficient algorithms

Advantages of the STL

- You don’t have to write your classes and algorithms

- You don’t have to worry about allocating and freeing memory

- Reduces your code size because STL uses template

- Easy to use and easy to learn

Digitech Technologies 214

Standard Template Library ( STL )

STL Components

• Containers:
used to manage collections of objects of a certain kind
ex: vector, queue, list

• Algorithms:
functions for processing the elements of a container
ex: function to copy, sort and search container

• Iterators:
are used to step through the elements of containers
ex: iterator to move through a list

Digitech Technologies 215

Standard Template Library ( STL )

STL Containers

- Sequential containers:

are ordered collections in which each element has a certain

ex: vector, list, deque

- Associative containers:

are sorted collections in which the actual position of an

element depends on its value due to a certain sorting criterion
ex: set, map, multiset, multimap

Digitech Technologies 216

Standard Template Library ( STL )

STL Containers




Digitech Technologies 217
Standard Template Library ( STL )

#include<iostream> vector example


using namespace std;

void main()
vector<int> v;
int i;

v.push_back(45); v.push_back(59); v.push_back(22);

v.push_back(78); v.push_back(14);

cout << v[i] << " ";;
Digitech Technologies 218
Standard Template Library ( STL )

cout<<endl; vector example

for(i=0;i<v.size();i++) cout << v[i] << " ";

vector<int>::iterator it=v.begin();

for(i=0;i<v.size();i++) cout << it[i] << " ";

v.erase( it );
45 59 22 78 14
45 59 88 78 14
45 59 88 78 14
45 59 78 14
cout << << " ";

Digitech Technologies 219
Standard Template Library ( STL )

#include<iostream> deque example


using namespace std;

void main()
deque<int> d;
int i;

d.push_back(45); d.push_back(59); d.push_back(22);

d.push_front(78); d.push_front(14);

cout << d[i] << " ";
14 78 45 59 22
Digitech Technologies 220
Standard Template Library ( STL )

#include<iostream> list example

using namespace std;
void main()
list<int> l;

l.push_back(45); l.push_back(59); l.push_back(22);

l.push_front(78); l.push_back(14);

list<int>::iterator it=l.begin();

for(int i=0;i<l.size();i++)
cout<<*it<<" ";
Digitech Technologies 221
Standard Template Library ( STL )

cout<<endl; list example

while( !l.empty() )
cout << l.front() << " ";


78 45 59 22 14
78 45 59 22 14

Digitech Technologies 222

Standard Template Library ( STL )

STL - Associative Containers

- Set:
A set is a collection where elements are sorted according to
their own values

- Multiset:
A multiset is the same as set except that duplicates are

- Map:
A map contains elements that are key/value pairs. Elements
are sorted on keys. Each key may occur only once.

- Multimap:
A multimap is the same as map, except that duplicates are
allowed ( multiple elements may have the same key
Digitech Technologies 223
Standard Template Library ( STL )

#include<iostream> set example

using namespace std;
void main()
set<int> s;
int i;

s.insert(45); s.insert(59); s.insert(22);

s.insert(78); s.insert(14);

set<int>::iterator it=s.begin();
{ cout<<*it<<" ";
it++; Output
} 14 22 45 59 78
cout<<endl; }
Digitech Technologies 224
Standard Template Library ( STL )

#include<iostream> set example

using namespace std;
class employee
{ char name[20];
int sal;
employee(char *a,int b):sal(b) { strcpy(name,a); }
void show() { cout<<name<<" "<<sal<<endl; }
bool operator<(const employee &e) const
{ //if(sal<e.sal) return true;
if( strcmp(name,<0) return true;
return false;
Digitech Technologies 225
Standard Template Library ( STL )

void main() set example

{ set<employee> s;
int i;


set<employee>::iterator it=s.begin();
for(i=0;i<s.size();i++) Output
{ Ganesh 2200
it->show(); Giri 8900
it++; Kiran 7700
} Ravi 6700
} Sham 4500
Digitech Technologies 226
Standard Template Library ( STL )

#include<iostream> map example

using namespace std;
void main()
map<int,int> m;
int i;

m.insert( pair<int,int>(1,10) );
m.insert( pair<int,int>(2,20) ); Output
m.insert( pair<int,int>(0,30) );
m.insert( pair<int,int>(3,40) ); 30 10 20 40 50
m.insert( pair<int,int>(4,50) );

for(i=0;i<m.size();i++) cout<<m[i]<<" ";

Digitech Technologies 227
Standard Template Library ( STL )

#include<iostream> sort example

using namespace std;
void main()
int n[10]={56,44,78,90,34,12,36,78,95,44};


for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
cout<<n[i]<<" ";
12 34 36 44 44 56 78 78 90 95
Digitech Technologies 228
Standard Template Library ( STL )

#include<iostream> find example


using namespace std;

void main()
int n[10]={56,44,78,90,34,12,36,78,95,44};

int *p=find(n,n+10,34);

cout<<"Position:"<<p-n<<" Value:"<<*p<<endl;
Position:4 Value:34
Digitech Technologies 229
Standard Template Library ( STL )

Function Objects

- A function object encapsulates a function in an object for use by

other components.

- An object of any class or struct that overloads the function call

operator, operator()

Passing a function object to an algorithm is similar to passing a

pointer to a function, but there are some important differences

- pass function objects to algorithms at compile time

- increases efficiency, by inlining the corresponding call

Digitech Technologies 230

Standard Template Library ( STL )

#include<iostream> Function Object Example


using namespace std;

class abc
bool operator()(int x,int y) const
return x>y;

void main()
int n[10]={56,44,78,90,34,12,36,78,95,44};
int i;
Digitech Technologies 231
Standard Template Library ( STL )

sort(n,n+10); Function Object Example

for(i=0;i<10;i++) cout<<n[i]<<" ";

for(i=0;i<10;i++) cout<<n[i]<<" ";

abc t;
for(i=0;i<10;i++) cout<<n[i]<<" ";
12 34 36 44 44 56 78 78 90 95
95 90 78 78 56 44 44 36 34 12
95 90 78 78 56 44 44 36 34 12
Digitech Technologies 232

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