Accounting For Musyarakah Financing

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Accounting for

Hadyan Rifqi Antoro

List of Content

and application of Musyarakah in

Kinds of Musyarakah that is being used in IB
Pillars of Musyarakah Transactions
Musyarakah Transactions Flow
Accounting for Musyarakah Transaction
Musyarakah Transactions Presentation
Musyarakah Transaction Disclosure

Definition and Application of

Musyarakah in Financing

comes from arabic word

Syirkah that means interaction or
IAI in PSAK 106 define Musyarakah as
coopeeration contract between two
parties or more for a certain venture
with each of parties give contribution on
fund, with requirement that the profit
will be distributed based on each party

Kinds of Musyarakah that is

being used in IB

are two type of musyarakah that

used in IB, that are:
Musyarakah inan
Musyarakah Mutanaqisha

Pillars of Musyarakah

Ijab and Qabul

Musyarakah Transactions Flow

Accounting for Musyarakah

Transaction (1/2)
When the contract was agreed
Db. Pos lawan komitmen administratif pembiayaan
Cr. Kewajiban komitmen administratif pembiayaan
Db. Kas/rekening nasabah
Cr. Pendapatan administrasi
The time of delivery Musharaka financing by the Bank
to customers
Db. Pembiayaan musyarakah
Cr. Kas/rekening nasabah
Db. Kewajiban komitmen administratif pembiayaan
Cr. Pos lawan komitmen administratif pembiayaan

Accounting for Musyarakah

Transaction (2/2)
When the receipt of profit sharing for bank
A. Db. Kas/rekening nasabah
Cr. Pendapatan bagi hasil musyarakah
B. Db. Piutang pendapatan bagi hasil musyarakah
Cr. Pendapatan bagi hasil musyarakah-accrual
Db. Kas/rekening nasabah
Cr. Piutang pendapatan bagi hasil musyarakah
. When the contract ended
Db . Kas/rekening nasabah
Cr. Pembiayaan musyarakah

Musyarakah Transactions




based on PAPSI 2013 there were several related accounts Musharaka

financing transactions which must at present, namely
Musharaka financing, are stated at the balance customers
Musharaka financing to bank . Claims on active partners caused due
to negligence or irregularities active partners is presented as part of
Musharaka financing. Musharaka financing are terminated before
maturity or has expired and has not been resolved by the
customers continue to be presented as part of Musharaka financing.
The profit sharing receivable , presented as part of other assets
belonging to when the customer classified as performing. whereas,
if the customer classified as non-performing, the profit sharing
receivable presented in administrative accounts.
Allowance for impairment losses Musharaka financing,
presented as a contra account of Musharaka financing.

Musyarakah Transaction
Disclosure (1/2)




Based on PAPSI 2013 things that should be disclose in Musyarakah

financing transaction, are
Details of the number of Musharaka financing partners based
capital, currency type, type of use, the economic sector, the status
of banks in financing Musharaka (passive partner), and active
partners (if active partner does not come from one of the partners
Classification of Musharaka financing according to financing
agreement period, the quality of financing, and the level of the
average yield.
Number and percentage of Musharaka financing granted to related
Number and percentage of Musharaka financing which has been
restructured and other information about the restructured
Musharaka financing during the period.

Musyarakah Transaction
Disclosure (2/2)


Policy management in the implementation of risk

control Musharaka financing portfolio
The amount of Musharaka financing problems and
allowance for impairment losses for each economic
The policies and methods used in the treatment of
problematic Musharaka
Overview Musharaka financing are removed books that
show the beginning balance, the elimination during the
year, upon receipt of written-off Musharaka financing
and Musharaka financing that has dihapustagih and
ending balances are written off Musharaka financing.

BI examine pivot scheme for

Islamic banking - Bank Indonesia (BI) continues to tighten prudential or safety
aspects of banking products, including Islamic banking products. One of these
schemes Mutanaqisah Musharaka (MMQ) for the financing of home and
vehicle. This scheme permits are still experiencing the collision because it
does not allow the pivot or waiting list for funding.
Executive Director of Islamic Banking Department of the Bank Indonesia Edy
Setiadi said BI is a review of the difference between the ready stock and
pivot. This is to avoid speculation that could potentially occur in the country
of Islamic banking.
"We've been over the one that does not make any preventive speculation,"
said Edy at the Bank of Indonesia, Jakarta, Friday (21/6).
Edy explains the potential speculation in the pivot mechanism BI concern is
the misuse of customer funds. "Where is the element of speculation arises?
Say, have not agreed when completed, but the money has flowed there. As a
result of what? As a result we see its use is not clear later, we've both agreed
on this, but in 2 or 3 years to be built, well where is the money runs, so, "said

BI examine pivot scheme for

Islamic banking
BI worrying, pivot mechanism is used as an excuse to gain
or profit margins greater than the waiting period longer
consumers. "It is feared that this money is not to make the
construction, but deliberately so long the price rise.
Therefore not say at this time should not be, but we are
still studying," said Edy.
In addition, the central bank is still studying the Musharaka
scheme Mutanaqisah (MMQ) for home financing, financing
has not discussed the imposition of the motor vehicle. "It is
also still talk between what may be outside the property,
eg motor vehicles, now we have not fully arrive. While this
arrangement MMQ itself is limited to setting the home
property and so on," said Edy.

BI examine pivot scheme for

Islamic banking
Currently, BI is now perfecting codification of rules
regarding the product. Thus Islamic banking that
want to market products that have been listed in
the guide no longer need to seek approval from
"So let's say which products are considered to be
generic and not bring a different interpretation of
a fatwa, for example. All had believed such a
fatwa, the implementation is done like that, we
input the product codification book. So the bank
does not need to ask permission from us, "Edy lid.

Problem Solving

banks should avoid ghahar and also

uncertainty in the transaction
Musharaka Schematic is good in my opinion, but in
this matter BI decision to examine further is true. Do
not let the contract transactions at Bank Syariah the
same as conventional banks where they are only
thinking of profit without thinking about its benefit for
many people.
pivot mechanism in the Musharaka mutanaqisha will
only make the banks who get the benefit, so it should
be avoided because such a scheme would reduce the
value of Islam in Islamic banks.


Rizal, dkk. 2014. Akuntansi

perbankan syariah teori dan praktikum
kontemporer. Jakarta: salemba empat

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