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Chapter 3

The Community Reacts To The


The news that Kino had found the pearl of the world
spread to the entire town.

All of them were thinking how they could benefit from

the money Kino would get when he sold the pearl.

Kino had his own dreams as well.

The priest

The priest heard about the pearl.

He thought about certain repairs that the church


The shopkeepers

The shopkeepers heard about the pearl.

They wanted Kino to buy the clothes in the
shop that had not been sold.

The doctor

The greedy doctor heard about Kinos large

He told his client that Kino and his family were
his clients too.
He thought of his life in Paris after he had
charged Kino for treating Coyotito.

The beggars

The beggars in front of the church heard about the

They were excited.
They knew a poor man who had suddenly become
rich would be generous.

The pearl buyers

The pearl buyers were very excited.

They were hoping to get very rich quickly.
Each one of them ( about 5 ) dreamt of
owning the largest pearl in the world.

The pearl had become a part of everymans dreams,

hopes, plans for the future.
Kino became every mans enemy because only he
had the pearl.

The news of the pearl stirred up something black

and evil in the town.

It was like the poison of the deadly scorpion.

Kino and Juana were not aware of these things.

They were too happy and excited.
His brush hut was crowded with neighbours in the

The neighbours looked at Kinos pearl and wished

they would have such luck too.

Juan Tomas asked Kino what he would do now he

was rich.

Kino said:
I will wear new white clothes
and a new hat.
Coyotito will wear a blue
sailor suit from the United
States and a little cap.

I will get a new harpoon of iron.

I will get a new rifle a Winchester carbine.

Kino dreamt of Coyotito sitting

at a little desk in school.

Kino saw a vision of himself

and Juana squatting by a fire
in the brush hut.
Coyotito was reading a book.

Coyotito would learn to read, write and

do maths.

With education, Coyotito would

set them free.

It was getting dark, but the neighbours were

reluctant to leave.
Suddenly, the neighbours started whispering
among themselves.
The women covered their faces with their shawls
and looked down.

The priest had arrived.

The priest was an old man. He had grey hair and

sharp eyes.
He told Kino that he wanted to see the pearl.

The priest was surprised

at the size and beauty of
the pearl.

The priest told Kino that he must thank God

for his luck.
Kino nodded.

Juana told the priest that they

would get married in church soon.

The priest gave his blessings and left.

The neighbours left.

Juana prepared some food for


Kino walked to the door and

looked around.
His dog came to him.

He suddenly felt afraid and alone. He held the pearl

tightly in his hand.

As Kino was standing at the door two men approached

It was the doctor and his
Kino hated the doctor because
he humiliated him that morning.

The doctor said he had

come to treat the baby.
Kino felt more afraid. He did not
know about scorpion stings.

Kino did not know

what to do. He felt

The doctor entered the house and examined

He said that Coyotito was getting worse. He gave
some pills.
He said he would be back an hour later.

Juana was afraid and worried.

Kino made a hole in the

floor and buried the pearl.

Then he and Juana sat by the fire and had dinner.

Suddenly, Coyotito became sick.

His face was red and

saliva drooled from
his lips.

Kino and Juana were afraid.

Kino became suspicious that the medicine
given by the doctor had made Coyotito sick.

The news about Coyotitos illness spread

very fast.
The doctor returned. He said that he knew about
scorpion stings.

The doctor gave

Coyotito some more
medicine (antidote).

Coyotito vomited. Slowly he became better.

The doctor
asked for
Kino said he would pay after selling the pearl.
The doctor said that he would help Kino look
after the pearl.
Kino refused.
The doctor looked at the place where the pearl was
buried. Then he left.

After the neighbours and the doctor had gone,

Kino sat by the fire.
He sensed evil around him.

He was afraid someone might come and

steal the pearl.

He dug up the pearl.

He buried it in a hole underneath his sleeping mat.

After a while Kino went to sleep.

As he slept, Kino dreamt of Coyotito reading a

The book was as big as a house.

covered the

Kino could hear the song of evil again.

Kino woke up. He heard a soft noise.

Someone was walking very lightly and slowly. He
knew there was someone in his house.

He stopped breathing
and listened carefully..

He heard someone scratching the soil.

Kino knew that this

person wanted to steal
his pearl.
Kino was furious.
There was a struggle.
He struck the intruders clothes with his knife but
hit nothing.
Then, he was hit on the head. He heard someone
running away.

Juana awoke and was frightened.

Kino was hurt on his head. Blood was running
down to his feet.
She washed the
blood from his head.

Juana was convinced that the pearl was evil.

She wanted Kino to destroy it.
Kino told her that the pearl was their only chance
to allow Coyotito to go to school.

Then, Kino noticed a red stain on his

knife. It was blood.
He cleaned the knife by plunging it into the soil.

Kino lifted his sleeping mat to see if the pearl was

still there,
Yes, it was still therethank god

The pearl glittered in the light of the candle.

It was very beautiful.

The pearl represented Hope and a new life.

Dawn was coming.

Kino looked at Juana.

He smiled at her and she smiled back at him.
The new dawn had begun with hope.

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