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Adult Bible Study Guide

Apr May Jun 2015

powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz


Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide

An Appeal

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This PowerPoint Show is freely shared
to all who may find it beneficial. While
intended primarily for personal use,
some find it useful for teaching the
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There are those, however, who add
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may be good, this is not right. Slide #2
says designed by claro ruiz vicente.




John M. Fowler, Principal Contribut


The Book of Luke

Our Goal

Under the guidance of the

Holy Spirit, Luke surveyed

the historical materials,
interviewed the
eyewitnesses (1:2), and
then, with perfect
understanding of all things,
wrote an orderly account
that readers may know the

The Book of Luke

1 The Coming of Jesus
2 Baptism and the Temptations
3 Who Is Jesus Christ?
4 The Call to Discipleship
5 Christ as the Lord of the Sabbath
6 Women in the Ministry of Jesus
7 Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and Prayer
8 The Mission of Jesus
9 Jesus, the Master Teacher
10 Following Jesus in Everyday Life
11 The Kingdom of God
12 Jesus in Jerusalem
13 Crucified and Risen

The Book
Book of
of Luke
Lesson 13,
13, June
June 27

Crucified and


Crucified and Risen

Key Text

Luke 24:7 NKJV

The Son of Man must be

delivered into the hands of
sinful men, and be
crucified, and the third day
rise again.

Crucified and Risen

Quick Look

1. The Fearsome Struggle

(Luke 22:41, 42; 48)
2. The Fiendish
Crucifixion (Luke 23:4446)
3. The Far-reaching
Resurrection (Luke

Crucified and Risen

Initial Words

Nothing would deter the Son

of God from going to Golgotha.

He denounced, as coming from
Satan (Matt. 16:22, 23), any
suggestion to reject the cross.
He was convinced that He
must go killed, and be

Crucified and Risen

1. The Fearsome Struggle

Luke 22:41, 42; 48 NKJV

And was withdrawn from

...and He knelt down and
...Father, if it is Your will,
remove this cup from Me;
nevertheless not My will, but
Yours, be done.

1. The Fearsome Struggle

At Gethsemane

In Eden the world was

into the disaster of sin; in
Gethsemane the worlds
ultimate victory was assured.
Eden saw the tragic triumph
of self asserting itself against
God; Gethsemane showed

1. The Fearsome Struggle

At Gethsemane

Gethsemane stands for a most

vicious attempt of Satan to
derail Jesus from Gods mission
and purpose; for the noblest
example of reliance on Gods
strength to accomplish His will
and purpose. It shows that,
however strong the battle is
and however weak the self is,

1. The Fearsome Struggle

At Gethsemane

Judas, as did others, believed

that Jesus would use His
extraordinary powers to
establish a worldly
kingdom, and Judas clearly had
wanted a place in that
How tragic: his desire for a
place in a temporal kingdom

1. The Fearsome Struggle

At Gethsemane

All Judas could see was

money, and his love of money
overshadowed his love of
Jesus. This fixation with
money and power led Judas to
put a price tag on the
priceless gift of heaven (Matt.
From then on, Satan entered

Crucified and Risen

2. The Fiendish Crucifixion

Luke 23:44-46 NKJV

And it was about the sixth

hour, and there was darkness
over all the earth until the
ninth hour. Then the...veil of
the temple was torn in two.
And...with a loud voice, He
said, Father, into Your hands I
commit My Spirit. And having

2. The Fiendish Crucifixion

Either for Him or Against Him

The Cross is also the great

divider of history: the divider

between faith and unbelief,
between betrayal and
acceptance, and between
eternal life and death.
There is no middle ground for
any human being concerning
the Cross. In the end, we are

2. The Fiendish Crucifixion

Either for Him or Against Him

Sanhedrin (22:53). When I

was with you daily in the
temple, you did not try to
seize me. But this is your hour,
and the power of darkness.
Pilate (23:22-24). He said to
I have found no reason for
death in Him.... But they were

2. The Fiendish Crucifixion

Either for Him or Against Him

Herod (23:11). Then Herod,

with his men of war, treated
Him with contempt and
mocked Him, arrayed Him in
a gorgeous robe....
Two Thieves (23:39-42).
Then one of the criminals
who were hanged
blasphemed Him.... But the

Crucified and Risen

3. The Far-reaching Resurrection

Luke 24:3-6 NKJV

Then they went and did not

find the body of the Lord
Jesus. And it happened, as
they were greatly perplexed
about this, that behold, two
men stood by them...[and]
said to them, Why do you
seek the living among the

3. The Far-reaching Resurrection

Risen and Victorious

The resurrection of Christ is

foundational to Gods
redemptive act and to the
totality of Christian faith and
The apostle Paul makes that
very clear: If Christ is not
risen, then our preaching is
empty and your faith is also

3. The Far-reaching Resurrection

Risen and Victorious

It is empty, or vain, because

only in Christs resurrection can
we find the hope that is ours.
Without that hope, our lives
here end, and they end
for eternity.
Christs life didnt end in a
and the great promise is that

3. The Far-reaching Resurrection

Risen and Victorious

When He appeared to the

disciples, showed them His
flesh, and ate with them, Jesus
did more: He pointed them to
the Word of God to help them
understand exactly what had
happened to Him.
Also, He directly linked His
resurrection with the mission

3. The Far-reaching Resurrection

Risen and Victorious

After all, without the Word of

God among us today, how
would we know of our calling
and mission to preach the
gospel to the world?
How would we even know
what the gospel was? The
Bible is, then, as central to us
today as it was to Jesus and

Crucified and Risen

Final Words

Fallen men could not have a

home in the paradise...without
the Lamb slain from the
foundation of the world. Shall
we not then exalt the cross of
The angels ascribe honor and
glory to Christ.... It is through
the efficacy of the cross that

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