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Presented by:
Shiraz S. Syed

Organizational Behavior
Karachi, Pakistan

Why Leadership?

We are all MBA students and professionals.

MBA degree was designed to develop
leadership qualities among professionals.

In this presentation we will see what

leaders are and ask ourselves a question
“Am I a LEADER?”

Topics covered in this

1- Three components of organization

2- Definition of a Leader
3- According to Leaders…
4- Traits of a good Leader
5- Examples of Leaders
6- You decide for your self…

Three components of

Organizations consist of three components;

1- Structure: refereeing to building and system

2- Followers: group of people performing day to day activities
3- Leaders: heart & soul of the organizations, real assets

Either we are a Leader or follower, inspiring or inspired by

others, convincing or convinced by others…

Definitions of a Leader on the web
 Create something of value that did not exist before or
made an improvement.

 Exhibit positive energy, lead people by virtue. The one

who walk the talk.

 Actualize, going beyond vision to create a new reality.

 Welcome change, leaders knows that change is progress.

According to Leaders
 Managers are people who do things right, while leaders are
people who do the right thing.
Warren Bennis, Ph.D.

 Courage - is our need today. Leadership not salesmanship.

John F. Kennedy

 Leadership is “driving good ideas and innovations into

existence by courageous patience”.
Hyman Rickover

 Don’t manage! LEAD!

Jack Welch

Traits of a good Leader

 Honest - Display sincerity & integrity in all actions


 Competent - Base actions on reason and moral

principles. Do not make decisions based on emotional
desires or feelings.

 Forward-looking - Set goals and have a vision of

the future. The vision must be owned throughout the
organization. Effective leaders envision what they want
and how to get it.

 Inspiring - Display confidence in all that you do. Inspire
others to reach for new heights. Take charge when necessary.

 Intelligent - Read, study, and seek challenging assignments.

 Fair-minded - Show fair treatment to all people. Display

empathy by being sensitive to the feelings, values, interests,
and well-being of others.

 Broad-minded - Seek out diversity

 Courageous - Display a confident calmness when under

 Straightforward - Use sound judgment to make a good

decisions at the right time.

 Imaginative - Make timely and appropriate changes in your

thinking, plans, and methods. Show creativity by thinking of new
and better goals, ideas, and solutions to problems. Be innovative!

Examples of Leaders
These are the people who do not need any introduction;

1- Hazrat Muhammad SAW

2- Hazrat Omer RA (The Great Caliph)

3- Abrahim Lincoln (US President)

4- Martin Luther King (African American Leader)

5- Nelson Mandela (Former President of SA)

You decide for your-self

Carry a pad and pencil with you for one full day and note every single
action you take and how much time it requires.

At the end of the day, determine the percentage of time you spent on
each activity.

Then review the list and put star on the activity that helped advance
organization or department mission using leadership qualities.

If your time is being spent on activities that helped organization move

forward and increased value added work. Then, You are a Leader.

If not, then set new guide lines for your self…

Anyone with the determination &
willpower can be a leader. We just have
to try it harder.

Impossible says it self;

I M Possible

Thank You


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