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Ethiopian Aviation Academy

Aviation Maintenance Technician school


Fundamentals of Digital Techniques
Total Time allotted (Hrs)
Theory ---20Hr
Practical ---12Hr
Course Duration: 32Hrs

Instructor: TSEGAZEAB H.

R. P. Jain, Modern Digital Electronics, 3rd Edition,
Walter A. Triebel, Integrated Digital Electronics,
2nd Edition, 1985
Anil K. Maini, Wiley, Digital electronics principles,
devices and applications ( from Internet
Handout materials

Course outline
LESSON1: Introduction to Digital Electronics
LESSON 2: Number System.
A. Binary, Octal, decimal, Hexadecimal Number
B. Conversion between Decimal & Binary Numbers.
C. Conversion between Octal & Binary Numbers.
D. Conversion between Hexadecimal & Binary Numbers.
E. Bits, Bytes, word & data organization.
F. Signed number format

Course outline
A. Standard Numeric Codes
B. Binary Coded Decimal(BCD)
C. Excess-3 Code
D. Gray Code & Excess-3 gray code
E. Alphanumeric Codes: BCIDIC, ASCII, EBCIDIC
F. Parity & the Parity bit in Codes

Course outline
LESSON 4: Basic Logic Gates
A. The Logic Gate & Truth Table
B. The AND, OR & NOT Gates
C. The NAND & NOR Gates
D. Exclusive-OR & Exclusive-NOR Gates

Course outline
A. Diode Logic (DL) & Diode Transistor Logic (DTL)
B. Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL) Schottky TTL
C. Emitter Coupled Logic (ECL)
D. Integrated Injection Logic (I2L)
E. MOS Logics : NMOS, PMOS & CMOS Logic

F. TTL Families Vs CMOS Families

G. Tri-State Logic circuit

Course outline
H. IC Integration Scales
a. Small Scale Integration (SSI)
b. Medium Scale Integration (MSI)
c. Large Scale Integration (LSI)
I. IC Packaging : TO-5, Flat pack, dual-in-line

Course outline
LESSON 6: Boolean Rules & Equations
A. Verification of Boolean Postulates & Theorems.
B. Simplification of Boolean Equations
C. Logic Function simplification

Review & Test :

After completion of this course you will be
able to know about:
Digital systems.
Binary numbers and coding systems.
Basic logic gates.
Integrated logic circuits and their technology.
IC packaging.
Boolean rules, Boolean equations and simplifications .

Modern aircraft is built with the latest
technological innovation, and consists of
complex electronic circuits.
If we take the communication, navigation,
flight controls, and display devices it uses
digital electronic circuits which are
microprocessor controlled.


For example, Thrust management computer

(TMC) controls the engine performance, Flight
Management Computer (FMC) which generates
flight control data, navigation calculations, and
display information. The flight crew can use the
FMCs data to manually or automatically fly the

The Air Data Computer (ADC) generates
pressure altitude, computed air speed, Mach
number etc. There are so many digital circuits
that control the airplanes operations.
This course looks into the basics of digital circuit

There are two basic ways of representing the numerical
values of the various physical quantities with which we
constantly deal in our day-to-day lives.
One of the ways, referred to as analog/ue, is to express
the numerical value of the quantity as a continuous range
of values between the two expected extreme values.
Example: To may be given as: 65 C or 64.96 C or
64.958 C or even 64.9579 C
Voltage as: 6.5 V or 6.49 V or 6.487 V or

The underlying concept in analog mode of representation
is that variation in the numerical value of the quantity is
continuous and could have any of the infinite
theoretically possible values between the two extremes.
Is that possible to store these infinite possible values
using any machine?
It is possible to represent continuous values between two
extreme points using discrete values that can be
handled using digital machines(Like computers).
This representation of physical quantities using discrete
time and discrete amplitude is called digital

Any physical quantity is inherently analogue.
Therefore some process is required to handle the
physical quantities in the form of digital representation.
The process is called ANALOG TO DIGITAL

1. Sampling and holding (discretizing the time)

2. Quantizing (discretizing the amplitude)
3. Encoding ( representing sampled and quantized value
using fixed length bit combination)

Digital techniques and systems have the advantages of
being relatively much easier to design and having higher
accuracy, programmability, noise immunity, easier
storage of data and ease of fabrication in integrated
circuit form, leading to availability of more complex
functions in a smaller size.

Digital systems were introduced with the invention of
the so called integrated circuits(IC).
The development of ICs advanced digital technology
with a great leap to the present days computer stage.
As applied to aviation, modern aircrafts use
computers which perform important duties thus
changing the way aircrafts are designed, fly and
Modern aircrafts such as Air bus 320 fly a complete
fly-by-wire system, where the controls from the
cockpit to the control surfaces are linked by electrical
wiring and computer systems.

Some of the digital computers used on commercial and
military aircrafts are the :
Flight control computer (FCC)
Flight management computer (FMC)
Thrust management computer (TMC)
Traffic and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)
The Engine Indicating & Crew Alerting System
(EICAS ) Computer, etc.



The study of number systems is important from the
viewpoint of understanding how data is represented
before it can be processed by any digital system including
a digital computer.
In digital system, the operation of circuitry, data and
instructions are expressed using numbers.
Compared to analog system that has varying quantities,
the digital system contains two distinct states; the True
and False or Hi and Lo or ON and OFF or 1 and 0.
What is the need of a number in digital system?
Ans: It is a language by which computers communicate with each

Binary numbers
All types of computers handle numbers represented by
binary digits.
A binary digit is a digit that can take on the values of 0
or 1. It does not take any other value.
A binary digit in computers can represent electrical
signals, magnetic and mechanical devices.
The term binary digit is abbreviated as a bit.

Number system
Formed by selecting a set of symbols (digits) to
represent a numerical value.
Binary, octal and hexadecimal number systems are
widely used.

Number System (contd)

The number of symbols in a number system is called the
base or radix.

1. Decimal number system

Contains 10 symbols or digits (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9),
thus uses base 10.
When writing numbers in decimal, the left-most digit
is the most significant digit (MSD) and the right-most
digit is the least significant digit (LSD).
Eg. 34510

Number System contd

In counting a given digit N in decimal, the
maximum count is 10N-1.
Eg. With two digits , the max. count is 102-1=99.
With N digits, we can count 10N different
numbers including 0.
Eg. With 3 decimal digits, we can count a total of
(103) or 1000 different states from 000 to 999,.

Number system Contd

2. Binary number system
Uses symbols (0,1),and is base 2.
In binary numbers, the left most bit is the most
significant bit (MSB),and the right most bit is
the least significant bit(LSB).
Eg. (1101)2

Number system Contd

3. Octal
Symbols (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7), base 8
Eg. 3278
Note: Each octal number is represented by a group of
E.g. 0= 000 , 1= 001, .. 7= 111

4. Hexadecimal
Symbols (0,1,2,. 9, A,B,C,D,E,F), base 16.
Eg. A6916
Note: Each hexadecimal digit represents a group of 4bits.
E.g. 0 =0000, 1 = 0001, ..F= 1111.
Many computers utilize the hexadecimal system
rather than octal, to represent large binary numbers.

Decimal to binary
For small decimal number to binary:
Eg1. 13. .(Use binary positional weight as 8421
13 = 8 +4 +0 +1
= 23+ 22+01+ 20
=1 1 0 1
Eg2. 13.375 = 1101.011
The fractional part is obtained by repeated
multiplication as shown on the next slide.

Fractional Parts
It is converted by repeatedly multiplying by
2 and recording any carries into integer
Eg. 0.375*2=0.750 carry =0 ----MSB
0.75*2 = 1.50 carry =1
0.50 *2 = 1.00 carry =1----LSB
Thus ;
0.37510 = .0112

For larger decimal number it is repeatedly divided by
2 and the reminders are used to form the binary digits.
Eg. (163) 10
2 /40
2 /20 0
2 /10 0
2 /5
2 /2 1
2 /1 0
= (10100011) binary

What about the other way, Binary to decimal?
Evaluate the decimal equivalent of the binary
number: use positional weight starting from the
binary point.
1010, 11111, 100011
Use the expanded form for the conversion.
E.g. 1010 = (1*23)+ 0 +(1*21) +0
(1*8) + (1*2)

Binary to octal
Separate the binary number into groups with 3 bits
starting from the binary point for each side.
The 0s can be added to complete the outside groups if
Replace each group of bits by their octal equivalent.
Eg. Consider (101111011010) binary
1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0


Octal to Binary
The numbers in each octal digit is replaced
with its equivalent 3-bits binary
Eg. Consider the octal number (6072), the
equivalent binary number is
1 1 0
0 0 0 1
1 1 0 1 0

Express each of the following binary
numbers in octal form?
1. 10101102
2. 1101011002
3. 10101101.011012

Binary to hexadecimal
Separate the binary number into groups with 4 bits
starting from the binary point for both sides.
Replace each group of bits by their hexadecimal
Eg. Consider the binary (10000.111)
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 .1 1 1 0
. E


Hexadecimal to binary
The numbers in each hex- digit is replaced
with its equivalent 4-bits binary.
Eg. Consider the hexadecimal number
(A52), the equivalent binary number is
1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0

Convert the following binary numbers into
their hexadecimal form?
1. 00011101
2. 11000101.1111
3. Write the binary number for C1D16, and 2B016

Word, byte and data organization

Electronic systems handle information in a fixedlength group of binary bits, called Word.
The number of bits in a word is known as its word
E.g.. 4, 8, 16, 32, 64- bits are common lengths.

In most applications, a word of data is processed

in 8-bit pieces
8 bit piece of a word is called one byte.

Signed number format

The first digit, MSB, is used in most cases to identify the sign of a binary
The remaining digits represent the magnitude of the number or data or
E.g. MSB= 0, the number is positive.
MSB = 1, the number is negative.


27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20

Data (information)

Signed number format

0 = positive number
1 = negative number
Find the sign & value of: 0 0100110
+ 25+22+21
32 + 4 + 2

Signed number in 1s Complement

In the 1s complement format, the positive
numbers remain unchanged. The negative
numbers are obtained by taking the 1s
complement of the positive counterparts .
The 1s complement of a binary number is
obtained by complementing all its bits, i.e. by
replacing 0s with 1s and 1s with 0s.
For example, the 1s complement of (10010110)2
is (01101001)2.

Signed number in 2s Complement

In the 2s complement representation of binary numbers,
the MSB represents the sign, with a 0 used for a plus
sign and a 1 used for a minus sign similar to that of 1s
complement representation.
The remaining bits are used for representing magnitude.
Positive magnitudes are represented in the same way as
in the case of sign-bit or 1s complement representation.
Negative magnitudes are represented by the 2s
complement of their positive counterparts.
The 2s complement of (00001001)2 =+9 is, first take 1s
complement and add 1 to the LSB: (11110111)2= -9

2s complement
In general, 2s complement notation can be used
to perform addition when the expected result of
addition lies in the range from 2n1 to +(2n1 1), n
being the number of bits used to represent the
As an example, eight-bit 2s complement
arithmetic can not be used to perform addition if
the result of addition lies outside the range from
128 to +127.

2s complement
Example 3.2
Find out whether 16-bit 2s complement arithmetic
can be used to add 14,276 and 18,490.

Review questions
1. Give the next three numbers in each of the following hex
(a) 4A5, 4A6, 4A7, 4A8,
(b) B998, B999,
2. Assume a radix-32 arbitrary number system with 09 and AV as its
basic digits. Express the mixed binary number (110101.001) 2 in this
arbitrary number system.
3. Do the following conversions:
(a) eight-bit 2s complement representation of (23) 10;
(b) The decimal equivalent of (00010111)2 represented in 2s
complement form
4. What do you understand by the 1s and 2s complements of a binary
number? What will be the range of decimal numbers that can be
represented using a 16-bit 2s complement format?

LESSON 3: Binary codes and digital coding

The binary coding system, called the straight binary code discussed
in the previous topics, becomes very cumbersome to handle when
used to represent larger decimal numbers. To overcome this
shortcomings different binary codes have been used.

Standard numeric codes

are codes used to represent numerical information in
modern digital equipment. It deals with weighted and
un-weighted codes. Code groupings are generally in
one of the two categories.
Weighted codes codes such as the weighted
binary, octal, hex and BCD.
Un weighted codes the bits do not have
numerical weights. Eg. Excess-3 code.

Some of the more popular codes are

Binary coded decimal (BCD / 8421)

Excess-3 Code (XS-3)
Gray Code
Excess-3 Gray Code (XS-3 Gray)
Alpha numeric codes
Binary coded decimal code: is the most widely
used code in digital circuitry. It is abbreviated as
BCD code ( 8421 code). It is also possible to
have 4221 BCD and 5421 BCD codes but they are
not frequently used.

It is a weighted code & uses the decimal
numbers 0 through 9.
Each decimal digit is expressed as a
corresponding 4-bit binary number.
Thus 4 bits are the minimum needed to
represent 09.
E.g. 1000 0100 BCD = 8 4 decimal.

Example 2.1
How many bits would be required to encode decimal
numbers 0 to 9999 in straight binary and BCD codes?
What would be the BCD equivalent of decimal 27 in 16bit representation?

Total number of decimals to be represented=10000=104
Therefore, the number of bits required for straight binary
The number of bits required for BCD encoding=16.
The BCD equivalent of 27 in 16-bit

Excess-3 code
Xs-3 code is un-weighted code
Formed by adding three to the each decimal digit in ordinary BCD
XS-3 code = BCD+ 3
E.g. 01110101 XS-3 = 4 2 decimal
The decimal equivalent of excess-3 number 01010110.10001010
would be 23.57

Find (a) the excess-3 equivalent of (237.75) 10 and (b) the
decimal equivalent of the excess-3 number
Answer: A) 010101101010.10101000
B) (970.42)10

Gray code and XS-3 gray code

Gray code
The binary word is selected so that just 1 bit
changes logic level when going from number
to next consecutive number.
Owing to this feature, the maximum error that
can creep into a system using the binary Gray
code to encode data is much less than the
worst-case error encountered in the case of
straight binary encoding.

Binary to Gray Code Conversion

1. Begin with the most significant bit (MSB) of the binary number. The
MSB of the Gray code equivalent is the same as the MSB of the
given binary number.
2. The second most significant bit, adjacent to the MSB, in the Gray
code number is obtained by adding the MSB and the second MSB of
the binary number and ignoring the carry, if any. That is, if the MSB
and the bit adjacent to it are both 1, then the corresponding Gray
code bit would be a 0.
3. The third most significant bit, adjacent to the second MSB, in the Gray
code number is obtained by adding the second MSB and the third
MSB in the binary number and ignoring the carry, if any.
4. The process continues until we obtain the LSB of the Gray code
number by the addition of the LSB and the next higher adjacent bit of
the binary number.

Gray code to Binary conversion

A given Gray code number can be converted into its binary
equivalent by going through the following steps:
1. Begin with the most significant bit (MSB). The MSB of the binary
number is the same as the MSB of the Gray code number.
2. The bit next to the MSB (the second MSB) in the binary number is
obtained by adding the MSB in the binary number to the second
MSB in the Gray code number and disregarding the carry, if any.
3. The third MSB in the binary number is obtained by adding the
second MSB in the binary number to the third MSB in the Gray code
number. Again, carry, if any, is to be ignored.
4. The process continues until we obtain the LSB of the binary number.

Gray code
Example 2.4
Find (a) the Gray code equivalent of
decimal 13 and (b) the binary equivalent of
Gray code number 1111.

Alphanumeric Codes
Types of alphanumeric codes commonly
used in most digital equipment are:
BCD interchange code (BCDIC)
American Standard Code for Information
Interchange (ASCII)
Extended BCD Interchange Code (EBCDIC)



ASCII code

ASCII control character

EBCDIC code control characters

Data Representation
Most digital systems use the binary number
system, because many simple physical systems
are most easily described by two state levels (0
and 1).
For example, the two states may represent on
and off, a punched hole or the absence of a
hole in paper tape or a card, or a mark and
space in communication transmission.
In electronic systems, state levels are physically
represented by voltages. A typical choice is
State 1 = 5 V
State 0 = 0 V

Data representation (contd)

Since it is unrealistic to obtain exact voltage
values, a more practical choice is a range of
State 0 = 0.0 to 0.4V

state 1 = 2.4 to 5.0 V

Therefore any size of information can be
represented in combination of 1s and 0s.

Parity bit
It is common practice to identify the number of ones or
zeros in a given binary word specially for error detection
If the number of ones in the binary word to be
transmitted or processed is even, the parity is called
even parity otherwise it is called odd parity.
Parity bit is added to a word to be transmitted for error
correction purpose later at the receiver. This bit can be
either even parity bit i.e. a bit added to make the total
string of bits even or odd parity bit to make the total
string of bits odd.
Mostly EX-OR or EX-NOR gates are used to generate
the parity bits.


Are digital circuits that have
One, Two or more logical input
Most of the time Single output

The output state depends on the logic

state of one or several input signals.
Basic logic gates perform
- Binary operation
- Manipulates binary numbers

In a logic gate circuit

The input and output signals can only take on one
of two logic levels.
These logic levels are indicated by binary 1 and 0.
There are Voltage and current mode logic.
A logic circuit can be described in truth table,
graphical representation of the relationship
between input and output logic levels.

Positive and negative logics

Positive Logic
Higher voltage means true(logic 1) while a lower
voltage means false(logic 0).

Negative Logic
Lower voltage means true (1) and higher voltage
means false (0).

Truth Table
A truth table lists all possible combinations of input
binary variables and the corresponding outputs of a logic
The logic system output can be found from the logical
expression, often referred to as the Boolean
expression, that relates the output with the inputs of that
logic system.
When the number of input binary variables is only one,
then there are only two possible inputs, i.e. 0 and 1.
If the number of inputs is two, there can be four
possible input combinations, i.e. 00, 01, 10 and 11.

Truth Table

The seven common logic gates

AND gate
OR gate
NOT gate
NAND gate
NOR gate
EX-OR gate
EX-NOR gate

Logic gates
The basic logic gates are:

The Universal (derived) logic gates are:


The combination of the basic and derived

gates are:

OR gate
Produces a logic 1
output when at least
one input is at a logic
level 1.
Can be represented by
switches connected in
NB: It can have 3,or 4,
or 5 inputs

OR gate

AND gate
The output will be at a
1 logic level only when
all inputs are1.
The same as binary
Modeled by switches
connected in series
NB: It can have 3,or 4, or 5 inputs

NOT Gate
It is often called inverter
It can only have one
The output is always
opposite of the input
logic level.

Combines the AND and
NOT operations
The inputs are first ANDed
and then the result is
The output will be 0 only
when all inputs are 1.
What is the switch model
of this gate?

NOR gate
Combines the OR and
NOT gates.
The output will be 0
only when any input is at
level 1
The inputs are first
ORed and then inverted.
What will be the switch
model of this gate?

LOGIC Equivalences
Logic Symbol / Equivalent gate / Boolean
Equations(from Dmorgans law)

Basic logic gates AND, OR, NOT operation

performed by a NAND gate (universal gate)

Basic logic operation AND, OR, & NOT con be

performed by using the NOR gate (universal gate)

EX-OR gate
Produces a logic 1
output only when the
two inputs are at
different logic levels
Always has two inputs
Used to realize binary
bit addition
Y = AB = AB+AB
What is the switch
model of this gate?

Ex-NOR gate
Inverse of the EX-OR
Produces a logic 1 only
when the inputs are at
the same logic level.
Y = (AB) = AB+AB
What is the switch
model of this gate?

Inhibit(disable) gate
There are many situations in digital circuit
design where the passage of a logic signal
needs to be either enabled or inhibited
depending upon certain other control
INHIBIT here means that the gate
produces a certain fixed logic level at the
output irrespective of changes in the input
logic level.

Inhibit gate
As an illustration, if one of the inputs of a
four-input NOR gate is permanently tied to
logic 1 level, then the output will always
be at logic 0 level irrespective of the logic
status of other inputs. This gate will
behave as a NOR gate only when this
control input is at logic 0 level.

Schmitt gates
The logic gates discussed so far have a singleinput threshold voltage level. This threshold is
the same for both LOW-to-HIGH and HIGH-toLOW output transitions.
This threshold voltage lies somewhere between
the highest LOW voltage level and the lowest
HIGH voltage level guaranteed by the
manufacturer of the device.
These logic gates can produce an erratic output
when fed with a slow varying input as shown

Conventional gate

Schmitt gate

A possible solution to the

above problem for slowly
varying inputs lies in having
two different threshold voltage
levels, one for LOW-to-HIGH
transition and the other for
HIGH-to-LOW transition, by
introducing some positive
feedback in the internal gate
circuitry, a phenomenon called
These types of gates are
called Schmitt gates.

Schmitt Inverter gate

Other types of gates

Buffer and transceivers are tri-state logic gates used
for transmission of data from the input to the output
based on the status of enabling inputs.
Buffers are used to drive circuits that need drive current
or to create delay depending on the need.
Transceivers are bidirectional buffers.
Buffers and transceivers can be inverting or noninverting.
This means that the buffer can be used to increase the
number of logic gate inputs to which the output of a
given logic gate can be connected.

Other gates

Review Questions
1. How do you distinguish between positive and negative logic
systems? Prove that an OR gate in a positive logic system is an AND
gate in a negative logic system.
2. Give brief statements that would help one remember the truth table of
AND, NAND, OR, NOR, EX-OR and EX-NOR logic gate functions,
irrespective of the number of inputs used.
3. Why are NAND and NOR gates called universal gates? Justify your
answer with the help of examples.
4. What are Schmitt gates? How does a Schmitt gate overcome the
problem of occurrence of an erratic output for slow varying input
5. Draw the circuit symbol and the associated truth table for the
(a) a tristate noninverting buffer with an active HIGH ENABLE input;
(b) a tristate inverting buffer with an active LOW ENABLE input;


An IC is a miniature electronic module of
components and conductors manufactured as a
single unit, (a single chip of silicon
semiconductor material). Components such as
diodes, transistors and resistors are
manufactured in the semiconductor chip.
It is a digital circuit built into a small package.
It enabled electronic devices to become
miniature in size and less expensive.

Level of Integration
Based on the complexity of digital circuits,
ICs are categorized into four.
Small scale ICs (SSI)
Medium Scale ICs (MSI)
Large Scale ICs (LSI)
Very Large Scale ICs (VLSI)

Is the simplest digital circuit.
Has less than 12 gates(less than 100
transistors) on a chip.
Contains the basic logic and switching

Contains circuits with a complexity of from
12 to 100 SSI (100 3,000 transistors)
on a chip.
E.g. Decoders, Address generators,
Multiplexers, Data latch, Counters, Shift
For example, a digital decoder circuit can be
made from 8 NOT gates and 10 NAND gates.
This will have a total of 18 SSI circuits to put the
decoder into the MSI category.


LSI has 100 to 1000 gates(3,000 -100,000 transistors)
on a chip.
It contains a complete digital sub-system.
The complexity of an LSI device exceeds the equivalent
of 100 SSI circuits. Three of the most commonly used
LSI circuits are the:
Read only memory (ROM), Random access memory (RAM), and
Arithmetic logic unit (ALU).

VLSI: 1000 or more gates(100,000 - 1,000,000

transistors) on a chip
- Forms a complete digital system
ULSI : more than 1 million transistors on a chip

Digital logic technologies

The process by which semiconductor
circuits are made is called a Technology.
The technologies can be grouped into two
general categories.
Bipolar technology
MOS technologies

Digital logic technologies

Performance of logic devices

The electrical performance (characteristic parameters) of

different technologies can be characterized by:
Logic levels, voltage and current values assigned to binary 1
and binary 0 states. Refer manufacturers data book for min and
max acceptable voltage/current values.
Propagation delay, the amount of time that it takes for the
output of a digital circuit to respond to the input level change. It
is a measure of speed of operation.(does it exactly mean speed
of the processor?)
Power dissipation, how much power a circuit consumes when
it operates.
High power high electrical energy consumption

Power = Vcc.Icc , where ICC is average of low level and high level
supply current and VCC is the supply voltage.

Voltage and current logic levels

Propagation delay

Actual propagation delay

Noise immunity: How sensitive the circuit is to
environmental noise. (such as automobile, or noisy
environment). Devises with low noise immunity can
not be used.

Fan out: indicates how many of a load can be

connected to the output of a digital circuit.
Eg. A fan out of 10 10 separate gate inputs can be
attached to the output of a logic circuit and still
maintain proper operation.

Fan in and Fan out

Fan out: refers to how
FAN OUT = 2 Total
Fan out =4

many gates can be supplied

by output of a gate.
Fan out depends on the
output impedance of the

Fan in: refers to the number

of inputs on the gate.

Fan Out:
It is a common occurrence in logic circuits that the output
of one logic gate feeds the inputs of several others. It is
not practical to drive the inputs of an unlimited number of
logic gates from the output of a single logic gate. This is
limited by the current-sourcing capability of the output
when the output of the logic gate is HIGH and by the
current-sinking capability of the output when it is LOW,
and also by the requirement of the inputs of the logic
gates being fed in the two states.

Fan Out
Thus, the number of logic gate inputs that can
be driven from the output of a single logic gate
will be IOH/IIH in the logic HIGH state and IOL/IIL in
the logic LOW state. The smaller of these two
ratios is taken as the FAN OUT of the gate.
Where IOH and IIH are maximum out put HIGH
state sourcing and maximum input HIGH state
sinking currents respectively.

Fan Out
And IOL and IIL are maximum output LOW
state sinking and maximum LOW state
input sourcing currents of the gate
Therefore, The number of logic gate
inputs(sometimes number of gates) that
can be driven from the output of a single
logic gate without causing any false output
is called fan-out.

Fan Out



Noise margin
Since VIL(max.) is greater than VOL(max.), the LOW
output state can therefore tolerate a positive voltage
spike equal to VIL(max.) VOL(max.) and still be a legal
LOW input. Similarly, VOH(min.) is greater than VIH (min.),
and the HIGH output state can tolerate a negative
voltage spike equal to VOH(min.) VIH (min.) and still be
a legal HIGH input. Here, VIL(max.) VOL(max.) and
VOH(min.) VIH (min.) are respectively known as the
LOW-level and HIGH-level noise margin.

If the two values are different, the noise margin

is taken as the lower of the two.

Noise margin


Technology Comparison (Logic family)

There are a variety of circuit configurations or
more appropriately various approaches used to
produce different types of digital integrated
circuit. Each such fundamental approach is
called a logic family. The most popular are:
Better in speed and reliability.

Better in power consumption and noise immunity.

Bipolar Technologies
Older and mature compared to MOS.
Types of bipolar technologies:

Diode Logic (DL)

Resistor- Transistor logic(RTL)
Diode Transistor Logic (DTL)
Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL)
Emitter Coupled Logic(ECL) or Current mode
Integrated injection Logic (I2L)
Schottky TTL

Basic RTL NOR gate
Its problem is that the
resistors are big
enough and it is
difficult to
manufacture a chip
with smaller size.

Diode logic (DL)

Constructed with only resistors and diodes
No amplification takes place, thus makes each
driven gate a heavy load on the driving gate.
Diode logic has excellent switching
characteristics, good isolation among inputs,
a small input capacitance, and some noise.
Adding an amplifier stage to the diode logic
circuit yield the basic diode transistor logic.

Diode OR Gate

Has an amplifier stage added to the diode
logic circuit.

Diode-Transistor NAND Gate schematic diagram


Constructed with only resistors and transistors
Transistors are the active switching element.
Transistor saturation reduced the operating
TTL ICs identification numbers begin with
74, commercial temperature range of 0 to 700C.
54, military temperature range of -55 to 1250C.

What is the advantage of TTL over DTL?

Increased fan out because of amplification.

TTL circuit examples

(Simplified) Basic TTL Circuit

TTL Circuits

TTL NAND gate circuit

Schottky TTL
A standard TTL with a barrier
diode(schottky diode) between the base
and collector leads of the transistor.
The diode acts as a clamp and prevent
the transistor from saturation.
Has faster operating speed compared to
standard TTL.

Schottky transistor

Schottky TTL


The fastest logic device.

Is current mode logic (CML).
Is high power consuming device.
Has very complex circuitry.
Is the most expensive.
Is based on a bipolar transistor current switching
circuit similar to the analog differential amplifier
Permits only simple logic functions to be
Note: Both ECL and Schottky TTL are nonsaturating circuits.

1. It is a non-saturating logic. That is, the transistors in
this logic are always operated in the active region of
their output characteristics. They are never driven to
either cut-off or saturation, which means that logic LOW
and HIGH states correspond to different states of
conduction of various bipolar transistors.
2. The logic swing, that is, the difference in the voltage
levels corresponding to logic LOW and HIGH states, is
kept small (typically 0.85 V), with the result that the
output capacitance needs to be charged and discharged
by a relatively much smaller voltage differential.

3. The circuit currents are relatively high and
the output impedance is low, with the
result that the output capacitance can be
charged and discharged quickly.

Other TTL families

The low-power TTL is a low-power variant of the
standard TTL where lower power dissipation is
achieved at the expense of reduced speed of
operation by increasing the resistors used.
The High-power High speed TTL is achieved
by the reducing the resistors used and Darlington
configuration at the output.
The Schottky TTL offers a speed that is about
twice that offered by the high-power TTL for the
same power consumption.

Other TTL families

The Low power schottky is similar to
schottky TTL except the resistors are
increased in value in proportional manner
to decrease the power consumption with
out much affecting the speed.
Both ALS-TTL and AS-TTL offer an
improvement in speedpower product
respectively over LS-TTL and S-TTL by a
factor of 4.

TTL Families


Standard TTL
low-power schottky
Advanced Schottky
Advanced Low-power

NB. The Xs are device identification numbers.


MOS Technologies
Use field effect transistors (FETs).
Characterized by simple device structure, small
size (high density) and ease of fabrication.
Types of MOS technologies:
PMOS, P-channel MOSFET logic circuitry
NMOS, N-channel MOSFET logic circuitry
CMOS, Complementary symmetry MOS logic

MOS Technologies comparison

NMOS speed is twice that of PMOS.
CMOS high speed, better noise immunity, and
low power consumption.
CMOS draws negligible power during standby.
CMOS are used for battery operated

NMOS circuit example/inverter

NMOS NOT operation

This is an NMOS Enhancement type
transistor. When positive voltage is given
at the gate, the n-channel is created and
the transistor is conducting. At this time
the source and drain terminals are almost
connected through the channel.
When the input is HIGH the transistor is
conducting and the output is forced to
ground giving a logic LOW.


NMOS NAND operation

When both inputs are HIGH, both lower
transistors are conducting and the output
is taken to ground giving logic LOW.
In any other case either one of the bottom
transistors are open letting the output to
be derived to Vdd giving a logic HIGH at
the output.
This is the operation of NAND gate.


NMOS NOR operation

When both inputs are LOW, the bottom
transistors are open and the output is
derived to Vdd(HIGH) otherwise the output
is LOW.
These is using NMOS transistors but it is
also possible to design using PMOS and
CMOS transistors.


CMOS Inverter operation

This types of transistor symbols are
enhancement type transistors and it is visible
that NMOS and PMOS transistors are used
When the input is HIGH, the NMOS transistor is
conducting while the PMOS transistor is open,
therefore, the output is derived to ground through
the NMOS bottom transistor.
In the other case the operation of the transistors
output status will be the reverse.


CMOS NAND operation

Similarly, when both inputs are HIGH, the
NMOS transistors are conducting and the
PMOS transistors are cut-off and the
output is derived to ground giving LOW
In other cases the output will be derived
to Vdd giving HIGH output.



CMOS NOR operation

When both inputs are HIGH the PMOS
upper transistors will be conducting and it
drives the output to Vdd.
In all other cases at least one of the
NMOS transistors will be conducting and it
drives the output to ground.
It is then possible to design any type of
logical operation using these basic gates.

CMOS Families


CMOS versions of TTL

High-speed CMOS
High-speed CMOS,TTL
74ACxxxxx Advanced CMOS
74ACTxxxx Advanced CMOS,

Integrated Injection Logic (I L)


Is a bipolar logic simple to fabricate.

Used in LSI packages.
Requires less chip space than MOS.
Speed is approximately speed of TTL.
I2L has a unified advantage of TTL and

I L logic

I L INVERTER logic operation


When the input A is HIGH the current from

transistor Q3 will saturate transistor Q1 and the
collector voltage of Q1 will be approximately 50100mV that is LOW output.
When input A is low the transistor Q1 will be cutoff and the current from Q4 will be saturating Q2,
driving the BE voltage of Q2 to 0.7V which is
actually HIGH voltage for this case.

Out put Logic configuration

The output state of any gate can be configured to be
Totem pole output, open collector/drain output, tristate output configuration.
All the configurations discussed so far are Totem pole
output configuration.
In Totem pole output configuration the pull up transistor is
internally embedded in the IC manufacturing and
external hard wiring of more than one output is not
Disadvantage of the totem-pole configuration is different
switch-off and switch-on time of the two output
transistors which may create more current be drawn
from Vcc when both transistors are on.

Open collector/drain conf

In these types of TTL open collector or
MOS open drain configuration the output
pull up transistor is not internally
embedded and external pull up resistor is
used if the gate is required to operate.
It is possible to externally hard wire open
collector/drain gates.

Open drain output Cont

Tri state Logic

Two voltage levels of digital circuits have been
considered up to now.
Tri state logic (TSL) has a 3rd state called a high
impedance state, and is used in bus organized
Tri-state Inverter:
Enabled state circuit acts as logic inverter.
Disabled high impedance state out put
terminal acts as if it were disconnected (a virtual
open circuit ).

Tri state device

Tri state buffer

Operates exactly like the Tri-state
logic(TSL), but does not produce inversion
in the enabled state.

Tri-state Inverter

Conclusion of Logic family

Logic families that are still in widespread use
include TTL, CMOS, ECL, NMOS and Bi-CMOS.
The PMOS and I2L logic families, which were
mainly intended for use in custom large-scale
integrated (LSI) circuit devices, have also been
rendered more or less obsolete, with the NMOS
logic family replacing them for LSI and VLSI

IC Packaging
There are three popular IC packaging:
TO5 : : Is not popular
: Advantage; heat dissipation
: Uses bipolar transistors for amplification
Flat pack : Is designed for high density packaging, thus
uses ceramic material that can withstand high
Dual-in-line Package (DIP)
: Is the most widely used form of IC packaging
: Has an advantage of easy mounting
:Is available in various sizes, from 8-pin package
(min.DIP) to a 40, 48, 64 - pin packages.

IC Packaging
Most SSI circuits are housed in 8, 14 or 16-pin
dual in-line packages.
LSI circuits are housed in 24, 28 and 40-pin
Temperature ranges
Military grade ICs operate from -550c to +1250c.
Commercial or industrial grade is 00c to 700c
Manufacturers data sheet has to be observed

IC chip, connected to Header

FLAT IC package

The dual in-line package, DIP

DIP IC package

Review questions
1. Why are logic gates with open collector or open drain outputs? What
are the major advantages and disadvantages of such devices?
2. What do you understand by the term logic family? What is the
significance of the logic family with reference to digital integrated
circuits (ICs)?
3. Briefly describe propagation delay, power dissipation, speedpower
product, fan-out and noise margin parameters, with particular
reference to their significance as regards the suitability of the logic
family for a given application.
4. Compare the standard TTL, low-power Schottky TTL and Schottky
TTL on the basis of speed, power dissipation and fan-out capability.
5. What is the totem-pole output configuration? What are its
6. With the help of relevant circuit schematics, briefly describe the
operation of CMOS NAND and NOR gates


Boolean variables
The input and output terminals of a logic gate are
marked with Boolean variables and equations are
written using Boolean operators.

Boolean operators
The AND(.), OR(+), and NOT(-) functions are
considered to be Boolean operators.

- Boolean equation
Boolean variables at the input are connected with
Boolean operators.

Application of Boolean theorem

To generate input-output relationships in
digital circuits from the truth table.
To simplify long /complex Boolean expressions.
To develop equivalent logics.

Boolean equation
If A,B,Care inputs and F the output ,then
F=A.B is called Boolean product
F=A+B is called Boolean sum
Laws of complementation
1st Law: If A=0 A=1
If A=1 A=0
2nd Law : A. A =0
3rd Law : A+ A =1
Law of double complementation : If A is the
input complementing it twice gives A .

Commutative laws
For OR function : A+B =B+A
For AND function: A.B = B.A
Associative laws:
OR function: A+(B+C) = C+(A+B)
AND function: A.(B.C) = C.(A.B)
Distributive laws:
1st law ; A.(B+C) =(A.B) + (A.C)
2ND LAW ; A+(B.C) = (A+B).(A+C)

Dual Theorem
The dual of a given logic expression is
found by replacing all + operators by .
and vice versa and taking the literals as
they are.
The dual and the original logic expression
may not be equivalent in their logical
Ex: Y= AB +BA
The dual is Y= (A+B).(B+A)

Laws of tautology
1st law: A.A =A i.e. if A =1 , 1 and 1 =1
if A =0 , 0 and 0 =0
2nd law: A+A =A ; if A=1 : 1 or 1= 1
if A=0 : 0 or 0= 0.
Thus the following theorems exist.
and, A.1=A
A+ A=1
A. A=0
Note : A variable has only two possible values(0
or 1).

Involving two and three variables
1. A+AB=A
2. A(A+B)=A
3. AB+A B=A
4. (A+B) (A+ B) =A
5. A + AB =A+B
6. A( A+B)= AB
7. A+BC =(A+B)(A+C)
8. AB+ AC = (A+C)( A+B)
9. A(B+C) =AB+AC
Prove that equation 5 is correct.
Solution :compare the truth tables of A+ AB and A+B.

Demorgans theorem
Is used to minimize logic expressions.

Boolean Postulates

Boolean Theorems

Boolean Theorems

Boolean Expression and Truth table

It is best approach to simplify Boolean
expressions using truth table.
The truth table shows the relationship
between the possible input conditions and
the output.
Any digital statement can be converted to
truth table and the simplified Boolean
expression can be derived from the table.

Truth table
The expression for
the output Y can be
derived either using
or POS(product-ofsum) expressions.

Truth table
The first expression is the
POS and the second one
is SOP expression for the
table given above.
The most common and
the simpler one is the
SOP expression.
Further simplification can
be carried out using the
Boolean laws.

Karnaugh Map method

The most popular and powerful method of simplifying Boolean

equations is using the Karnaugh method.
An n-variable Karnaugh map has 2n squares, and each possible
input is allotted a square. In the case of a minterm(SOP) Karnaugh
map, 1 is placed in all those squares for which the output is 1, and
0 is placed in all those squares for which the output is 0. 0s are
omitted for simplicity. An X is placed in squares corresponding to
dont care conditions.
In the case of a maxterm(POS) Karnaugh map, a 1 is placed in all
those squares for which the output is 0, and a 0 is placed for input
entries corresponding to a 1 output. Again, 0s are omitted for
simplicity, and an X is placed in squares corresponding to dont
care conditions.

Karnaugh Map method

Having drawn the Karnaugh map, the next step is to form groups of 1s
as per the following guidelines:
1. Each square containing a 1 must be considered at least once,
although it can be considered as often as desired.
2. The objective should be to account for all the marked squares in the
minimum number of groups.
3. The number of squares in a group must always be a power of 2, i.e.
groups can have 1, 2, 4 8, 16,squares.
4. Each group should be as large as possible, which means that a
square should not be accounted for by itself if it can be accounted for
by a group of two squares; a group of two squares should not be
made if the involved squares can be included in a group of four
squares and so on.
5. Dont care entries can be used in accounting for all of 1-squares to
make optimum groups. They are marked X in the corresponding
squares. It is, however, not necessary to account for all dont care
entries. Only such entries that can be used to advantage should be

Karnaugh Map

Karnaugh Map

Karnaugh Map

Minterm grouping

EXERCISE: Given the
following table,
simplify the Boolean
expression using
Karnaugh Map SOP

SOLUTION: Take the
Karnaugh mapping from
the table and group
minterms in such a way to
simplify the expression.
Start from maximum
possible grouping i.e. 8
minterm grouping if
possible, 4 minterm
grouping if possible,
then 2 minterm
grouping if possible
finally individual
minterm grouping.

Look for the literal that is common in all
the squares shown in the 8 minterm
The literal that is common is C then
The final expression will be
Y= C
It is possible to take other lower minterm
groupings but still it will not be the
simplified one.


Review Questions
1. Write both sum-of-products and product-ofsums Boolean expressions for (a) a two-input
AND gate, (b) a two-input NAND-gate, (c) a
two-input EX-OR gate and (d) a two-input NOR
gate from their respective truth tables.

Review questions



Remember that it is up to you

to change every piece of
information in to your own
asset. Tsega-Zeab

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