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by: Betty Yii Li Hee


Recyclingis a process to
changewastematerials into new products to
prevent waste of potentially useful materials,
reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials,
reduceenergyusage, reduce air pollution
(fromincineration) and water pollution
(fromlandfilling) by reducing the need for
"conventional" waste disposal, and
lowergreenhouse gas emissions as compared
to plastic production.

Recycling is a key component of modern waste

reduction and is the third component of the
"Reduce,Reuseand Recycle"waste hierarchy.

Material recycling

Include many kinds of glass , paper , metal ,

plastic , textiles and electronics.

Although similar in effect ,the composting or

other reuse of biodegradable waste-such as
food or garden waste-is not typically considered

Recycling process

Materials to be recycled are either brought to a

collection center , then sorted , cleaned and
reprocessed into new materials bound for

How do you recycle?

Recycling is one of the alternatives used in

reducing the volume of solid waste . This
process consists of re-using materials that were
discarded , and still are apt to develop other
products or rework them.

Recycling part of a strategy of waste

treatment called The Three Rs Reduce : regroups all aspects of waste
Reuse : groups together the producers
used to give a product already used a
new use.
Recycling : the process of treatment for
which must go through the waste by

There are three major divisions of recycling

techniques: chemical , mechanical and

Recycling-chemical- a chemical reaction used

for the treatment of waste , eg to remove
certain components.

Recyling mechanical- is the processing of

waste with the help of a machine , for
example , a waste grinder.

Recycling-organic-is , after fermentation , to

produce fertilisers and fuels such as biogas.

For domestic source separation using

containers of different colours located in
urban or rural:

Yellow containers (containers) must be

deposited in it all kinds of lightweight
containers such as plastic containers( bottles ,
jars , bags , trays , etc) cans (beverages ,
canned goods , etc)

Blue containers (paper and cardboard):In this

container must be disposed of cartons(boxes ,
trays , etc) as well as newspapers , magazines ,
wrapping paper , advertising , etc. It is
advisable to fold the boxes so that takes up
minimal space inside the container.

Green container (glass) are deposited in this

container glass containers.

Brown container (organic) are deposited in the

other waste that do not fit in the other groups ,
mainly biodegradable.

Benefits of recycling

Conserve resources for the future.

Prevent emissions of many greenhouse gases and water


Save energy.

Supply valuable raw materials to industry.

Create jobs.

Stimulate the development of greener technologies.

Reduce the need for new landfills and incinerators.

Thank you!

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