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Framework of discussion

Decision-making and company management

Division of powers
Role of company officers
Corporate governance



Member meetings


Decision-making without a meeting

Procedural irregularities
scs/BP26103/Lecture 5

Decision-making and company

Making decisions about, among other
the capital structure of the company
its operations (its business and activities)
its internal structure and the relationship
between participants

How does the law allocate that decisionmaking power, and regulate its exercise?
scs/BP26103/Lecture 5

Division of powers
Power to make decisions is divided
the members in general meeting
the board of directors

Division depends on the memorandum and

articles of association and general principles
of company law
scs/BP26103/Lecture 5

Directors broad power of

Usually, directors have general power of
management: eg Art 73 of Table A.
Confers power on the board subject to the powers
that are required to be exercised by the general
meetings as stated in the Companies Act 1965 and
the the articles of association
But general meeting may instruct board as long as
not inconsistent with the Companies Act and the
articles of association
scs/BP26103/Lecture 5

Members cannot override

Two organs of the company
members in general meeting
board of directors

One cannot interfere with powers of other

Automatic Self-Cleansing Filter Syndicate v
Cunninghame; John Shaw & Sons

What options are available to members who

scs/BP26103/Lecture 5

Relationship between Ds and GM

Ds derive their powers and functions from Articles
in the event of dispute between D & S/h, thus refer to
Isle of Wight Railway Company between Tahourdin
if you want to alter the management of the affairs of the
company, go to GM, and if they agree with you, they
will pass a resolution obliging the Ds to alter their
course of proceedings
scs/BP26103/Lecture 5

Hence, Ds are mere agents of the company in GM
Once the Ds have been appointed, they are entitled
to exercise their powers under the companys
articles until such time as the articles are properly
altered by special resolution
S.31 amend articles with s/r

S/h can instruct the Ds and have their authority

Pender v Lushington
scs/BP26103/Lecture 5

Decisions of members of a company are embodied
in resolution
However, the directors could not be instructed to
sell by o/r (though it was pass by majority s/h), if
the cos articles provide for s/r:
Automatic Self-Cleansing Filter Syndicate Ltd v
Cunningham (1906):

scs/BP26103/Lecture 5

Whether members decision may override
the BoDs decision?
It depends on the companys articles
Refer Art 73

scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Members personal right:

To have M&A observed;
To restrain UV & illegal acts;
To have access to the cos records and to
have certain information provided to them;
To attend and vote at GM;
To be fairly treated

scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Mere irregularities in management or
administration do not invalidate act of
members or Ds unless they amount to
abuse of power or oppression to minority
- Section 355 decision may be valid despite
irregularity but there must be no
substantial injustice
Mc Dougalls case
scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Corporate governance
The way companies are directed and
In many smaller companies, the owners and
managers are the same people and (except
where relationships break down) do not
have divergent interests

scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Corporate governance (cont)

In larger companies and relationship
breakdowns, divergence is more likely
Corporate governance rules are rules to
minimise and manage that divergence
Many investors require companies to adopt
corporate governance practices that promote
accountability on the part of directors and
scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Corporate governance (cont)

Balancing different considerations
performance and conformance
Do particular corporate governance
practices make companies more profitable?
What is good governance?
Corporate governance mechanisms

scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Corporate governance and listed

Bursa Malaysia requires disclosure of main
corporate governance practices, eg:

executive and non-executive directors

procedures governing board membership
procedures for setting remuneration
use of and relationship with auditors
identification and management of risk
development of ethical standards
scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Composition of the board

Appointment member election or
approval may be required under the articles
or memorandum, eg
members elect the directors by ordinary

scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Composition of the board (cont)

Members right to remove a director:
public company: sec 128 (ordinary resolution
with special notice)
Private company : method is to be followed

scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Types of Meeting
Shareholders Meetings:

Statutory Meeting;
Annual General Meeting;
Extraordinary Meeting;
Class Meeting

Directors Meetings
Board of Directors Meeting;
Committee Meeting
scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Statutory Meeting
Applicable only to public company with share capital
Its purpose: discuss matters concerning statutory
report (SR) and matters concerning incorporation and
formation of the company
Held only once in a lifetime of a company:
To be held not less than 1 month and not more than 3
months from the date of commencement of a company;
D serves the SR to members of company not less than 7
days of commencing date of meeting; s.142(2).
scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Statutory Report, s.142(3):
Certified by at least 2 Ds:
Contents of SR:
Amount of shares;
Cash amount received;
Details on cash received and cash in hand and
Contract which requires modification whereby
modification requires approval (eg pre-incorporation
scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Annual General Meeting

The purpose of AGM;
AGM to be held once in a calendar year,143(1),
the gap between subsequent and preceding AGM
must not exceed 15 months;
subject to the exemption in s.143(1) whereby company
held its first AGM within 18 months from the date of
A company may apply for extension from the Registrar

scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Who may convene AGM

D may convene an AGM
Failure to convene is an offence under
Failure to convene an AGM is also a ground
to wind up the company, s.218(1)(b).

scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Matters to be discussed in AGM

Refer to Art 46:
Proclamation of dividend;
Companys audited account;
Directors Report
Auditors Report
Ds retirement
Appointment and remuneration of auditors

scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Procedure to convene AGM

Art. 45: At least 14 days notice and members are
informed the place, day, time and venue of
Art. 47: Quorum at least 2:
Inquorate: after hour thus member may propose
Distinguish postponement and adjournment.

scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Extraordinary General Meeting

Any other meeting apart from AGM, Art. 43,
Table A;
EGM may be held at any time in a year depending
upon companys needs:
However, audited account shall not be tabled at EGM

Who may convene EGM:

D, Art 44
Member. S.144
Courts order, S.150
scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Securities Class Meeting

Mentioned indirectly in s.65(1) & Art. 4
Company may offer different class of shares that
entail different rights and interest ( referred to as
class rights) to the shareholders of the company:
Ordinary share;
Preference share

Member of each class of shares may convene

meeting among themselves:
- eg: if a company is issuing new preference shares,
members of this shares may convene a meeting as there
will be variation or modification to the members rights

scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Board of Directors Meeting (BoD)

BOD: make decision and implement
To convene a BOD meeting within a month from its

Appointment of Chairman of BOD;

Appointment of MD
Ds remuneration
Ratification of M&A , Certificate of Incorporation etc
allotment of share
Determination of financial year
Auditor to be appointed
Appointment of CS
Opening of bank account
Any matters concerning incorporation of company
scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


The rules concerning the proceedings of
BoD meetings are flexible:
eg refer to Art. 79, Art 80

scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Committee Meeting

Depends on the AoA: Bod may delegate its power

and authority to a specified committee, Art. 86
Committee is set up, for instance, to view the viability
of certain projects. Thus their authorities are limited to
the scope specified.
Its establishment is only for a specific purpose.
The findings are reported to the BoD and the Bod has
final say upon the decision
Similar procedure with BoD meetings, Art. 88

scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Calling a meeting
Usually, meetings are called by the board.
Art 44 authorises a single director or board
collectively to call meetings.
The Court may order a meeting on
application of a director or member if it is
impractical to call otherwise: sec 150
-refer to case: Re El Sombrero- refer Aishah Bidin
scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Calling a meeting (cont)

Directors must call a meeting when requested to
do so by members holding not less than 10% of
paid up capital: sec 144. If the directors fail to call
the meeting within 21 days, the members can do
so and the company must pay their reasonable
Two or more members with at least 10% of issued
share capital or for a company not having a share
capital: not less than 5% in number of members
may call a meeting, at their expense: sec 145
scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Members Requisition
Refer to s.144(1)

scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Procedure to Convene a Meeting

Minutes of meeting

scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Notice of meeting
General rule 14 days. Consent to short
notice is possible: sec 145(3)
For passing special resolution: sec 152
(21 days)
Notice must be given to members, directors
and auditor
Contents of notice: sec 152 and Art 46.
scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Notice of meeting (cont)

Notice must contain sufficient information
to enable members to decide whether or not
to attend the meeting and how to vote
Must not be misleading, and must fully
and fairly inform and instruct the
shareholder about the matter on which he or
she will have to vote: Devereaux Holdings
Need to balance information presented:
Fraser v NRMA scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Only matters that have been included in the notice
of meeting can be considered at the meeting
other than matters stated in Art 46 of Table A
Usually, where the directors are calling a meeting,
they will determine the agenda
Members can request the inclusion of resolutions
for consideration by the meeting: sec 151

scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Conduct of meetings

Use of technology
Proxies and corporate representatives
Conduct (role of the chairperson)

scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Check the AoA;
Art. 47 provides minimum requirement for
quorum is 2, but the quorum may vary in
each respective company;

scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Member has the right to appoint proxy to
attend and vote on his behalf at the meeting;
S.149(1)(b)unless the AoA provides otherwise,
a member is not entitled to appoint a nonmember as his proxy, unless the proxy is an
advocate and solicitor, auditor or a person
approved by the registrar.

Read on representative of corporate

scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Must be prepared and entered within 14
days from the date of meeting
Signed by the chairman
Kept at the registered office

scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Informal agreement
If all members have unanimously agreed on
the matters listed in the agenda, thus
company need not convene a meeting
Re Express Engineering Re Dromatic

scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


Further readings
Read on the role of the chairperson in a
What is the effect of procedural

scs/BP26103/Lecture 5


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