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The sociological concept is different from

the common usage.
It is an organized system of social
relationships embodies of certain common
values and procedures and meets certain
basic needs of the society
Five important basic institutions are
Familial, religious ,governmental ,economic
and educational institutions ,scientific
institution also included in this list.


An institutionalized role is one which has been

standardized ,approved and expected and is
normally filled in a quite predictable manner
regardless of the person filling it.
Institutionalization consist of the establishment
of definite which assign the status positions
and role of the function for behavior.
Institutions emerge as the largely unplanned
products of social living ,from time to time
people might gather to codify and give legal
endorsement to their practice as they
continued to develop and change .


Each institutions includes a clusters of

institutional traits(codes of behavior,
attitudes ,values, symbols, rituals and
Manifest Function(those functions which is
intended to perform
Latent function (those results which are
unintended and unplanned)
Institutions are also interrelated so that
change in one institutions affect the others
in a continues cause and effect relationship.


The family is basic social institution from which

other institutions have grown as increasing
cultural complexity made them necessary
A kinship grouping which provides for the
rearing of children and other human needs.
It varies greatly in form.
Conjugal families consist of married couple and
their children
Consanguine families consist of married sisters
and their children or a group of married
brothers and their children with a fringe of
spouses and their other relatives


Marriages the approved social pattern whereby two or more

than two establish a family
All societies practices exogamy (practice of choosing mates
outside some specified groups )as well as endogamy(practice
of choosing mates within some specified groups)
Although most marriages are monogamous (a form of marriage
permitting one mate) also many societies permit polygamy (a
plurality of mates),polygyny( a form of polygamy in which
husband has two or more wives),polyandry(a form of
polygamy in which a wife is shared by two or more husbands)
there are also in a society matrilocal marriage (the married
couple live with the wifes family),neolocal marriage ( a
married couple set up a household apart from other relatives)
partilocal marriage ( where married couple lives with the
husbands family)


Regulates sex relations

Provides for reproductions
Socialize the children
Offer companionship and affection
Status definition function
The protective function
The economic function


The religion is the study of the mutual interaction

of religious and other social institutions
Religion is defined as peoples organized response
to set patterns of belief and the system
The manifest function of religion are in its
expressed objectives of reaching people and
persuading them to observe religious rituals share
religious belief support the churches and carry on
religiously sanctioned activities.
Latent functions include providing sociality,
encouraging social stratification etc.


A systematic way to provide what should not easily

learned within a family
Institutionalized education includes school of many
kinds plus the apprenticeship system.
The school is a social system with its own network of
roles statues and relationship.
Education has a number of manifest function
The principle of which are to help people attain their
potential and prepare them foe occupational roles.
Latent function prolonging immaturity, weakening
parental control ,preserving or changing the class
system etc.


Political economic are standardized pattern

of maintaining order in production and
distribution of goods and services
Government and economics are closely
Three patterns of economic institutions are
Mixed economy , communism ,fascism
Manifest function maintain order, achieve
consensus, maximize economic production.
Latent function destruction of traditional
change etc.

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