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 Set up in July 2001 in memory of the
late Satyanarayana Raju, the founder
of the Satyam group of companies.
 The Foundation’s core values are
involving people, applying knowledge
and making things happen.


 The vision of Byrraju Foundation is “To
create a World Class platform for holistic,
sustainable rural transformation” with core
values: involving people, applying
knowledge, and making things happen.
 The Byrraju Foundation is a non-profit
organization that is dedicated to rural

 It aims to build progressive and self-
reliant rural communities by bringing
about change across many important
aspects of village life.

 The Foundation is working in two hundred
villages across the six districts of Andhra
Pradesh and is impacting the lives of
nearly three million people.

 Its programme's include :
 healthcare
 education
 literacy
 water
 environment
 sanitation
 livelihoods
 women’s empowerment
 disability rehabilitation
Primary Health
   In India, less than 50% of the population
has access to essential drugs- (Human
Development Report 2  
 In India, women have been the traditional
healthcare providers in families. The health of
children and men folk is their responsibility.
And when they fall ill, other women in the
family or village are likely to look after them.
One of the major problems in the area of
primary health is ensuring that medical
personnel either reside within the villages that
need their services or at least make a daily
 The Foundation's Model
School Program is a
holistic Program that
includes nearly 20
different types of
interventions, with 9
more to be introduced
very soon, that aims to
transform the adopted
government schools into
Model Schools, there by
catering to the
aspirations of students
in the rural setting. With
a view to provide in rural
schools facilities hither
to available only in elite
urban schools, the
Foundation introduced
 As an example a brief on the Drinking
water initiative is presented. In most
of the adopted villages, due to high
levels of pollution in the water
source, the Rural water supply
scheme is unable to provide safe
drinking water. To mitigate the
problem, the Foundation has set up
a Drinking Water Project “SWEET”
(Safe Water for Every one using
Effective Technology). The process
consists of
 coagulation, chlorine
dosing, pressure sand
filter, activated carbon
filter, micron filters, UV
radiation and Ozonation.
The water is supplied in 12
liter food grade
polyethylene cans at
Rs1.50 per can at the
plant (Rs.12.50 paisa per
liter). The capital cost of
building and plant is
shared between the
Community (2/3rds) and
Foundation (1/3rd). The
Panchayat provides land
for the building and the
raw water. As on date
there are 61 plants
providing access to safe
drinking water for 1
million people. The model
has been replicated in 20
Women empowerment
Women empowerment
 The Foundation wishes to empower women by »

 Creating awareness (about their rights, status, duties and

gender issues)

 » Provide economic opportunities - both employment and

self-employment - to women in all the participant villages

 » Ensure 'education for all' and increase the education

levels of women » Special healthcare awareness
programmes for women

 » Formation/ activation of model women SHGs - the

members of which are to act as leaders in spreading the
social messages to the communities and take part in the
overall transformation of the villages.
 The programme addresses the following primary
» Inadequate extension support to farmers
» Declining soil fertility due to
inappropriate/imbalanced nutrient use
» Increasing severity of pest and disease pressure
» Poor water management practices
» Post harvest losses
» Declining profits due to increasing production
» Unfavourable market linkages
» Inadequate credit support
» Non-existent risk management crop insurance

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