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RMCT Social Network For

Forum 1 Presentation
By Pyo Wai Lian Hla Khin (Chase)

Introduction Social Network Sites


A dedicated website or other application which enables users to

communicate with each other by posting information, comments,
messages, images, etc. ~ Oxford Dictionary

Problem Background & Statement

Universities need its own exclusive social network.

Madge, Meek, Wellens & Hooley (2009) from the University of Leicester did an
online survey on 213 students who use Facebook, It is concluded that the
Facebook acts as a social glue and helped freshman students settle into
their university lives.

We want to engage and make sure the student voices are heard Its all
about authenticity. (Jason Boucher, 2013)

Some social network sites are blocked in certain countries.

Facebook has been blocked in China for years as its viewed suspiciously as
a place to freely disseminate ideas. China earlier this year that it was blocking
the wildly popular social media website for its ability to spread rumors and
instead placates its social media-hungry masses with Weibo, a homegrown
service it can more easily censor. (Frizell, 2009)


To enable all lecturers, students and staffs to come together into one
place where they will be able to connect and communicate with each
other, where-ever around the world.


to enable users to communicate with one another

Allow users to share/post relevant information

Display/receive important news or announcement to/from all users

Enable users to send messages to each other

Enable video conference for all users.


Frizell, Sam. 'Here Are 6 Huge Websites China Is Censoring Right Now'. N.p., 2014. Web. 1 June 2015.,. '10 Countries Where Facebook Has Been Banned

- Index On Censorship | Index On Censorship'. N.p., 2015. Web. 1 June

The Independent,. 'China Just Banned Many Citizens' Last Way Of

Accessing Banned Sites Like Twitter, Facebook And Google'. N.p., 2015.
Web. 1 June 2015.

Madge, Clare et al. 'Facebook, Social Integration And Informal Learning At

University: 'It Is More For Socialising And Talking To Friends About Work
Than For Actually Doing Work''. Taylor & Francis (2009): n. pag. Web. 1
June 2015.

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