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The Nature of Management

By Eng. Ahmed Bakhsh


A process designed to achieve an

organization’s objectives by using its
resources effectively and efficiently in a
changing environment.

 Managers make decisions about the use of

resources and are concerned with
– Planning
– Organizing
– Leading
– Controlling the organization’s activates
The Functions of Management
 Managers
– Planning
 Activities to achieve the organization’s objectives

– Organizing
 Recourses and activates to achieve organization’s objectives

– Staffing
 The organization with qualified people

– Directing
 Employees activates toward achievement objectives

– Controlling
 The organization’s activates to keep it on course
Where Planning Starts

 Objectives
– The ends or results desired by the organization
and are derived from the organization’s mission.

 Mission
– The statement of an organization’s fundamental
purpose and basic philosophy
Types of Plans
 Strategic plans
– Establish long-range objectives and overall strategy

 Tactical plans
– Designed to implement strategic objectives (usually one
year or less)

 Operational plans
– Specify actions to achieve tactical plans (very short-term)
Crisis Management

 Contingency Planning
– Requires that managers plan for “when” rather
than “if” a disaster occurs.

 Helps create synergy

 Establishes lines of authority
 Improves communication
 Helps avoid duplication of resources
 Can improve competitiveness by speeding
up decision making
 Managers must ensure that the organization has
enough employees with appropriate skills to do the
 Managers must also determine:
– What skills are needed for specific jobs
– How to motivate and train employees to do their assigned
– How much to pay employees
– What benefits to provide
– How to prepare employees for higher-level jobs in the firm
at a later date

 Motivating and leading employees to achieve

organizational objectives
 Recognition and appreciation are often the best
motivators for employees
 Control involves five activates:
1. Measuring performance
2. Comparing present performance with standards
or objectives
3. Identifying deviations from the standards
4. Investigating the causes of deviations, and
taking corrective action when necessary
5. Correcting activities to keep the organization on
Areas of Management

 Financialmanagement
 Production and operations management
 Human resources management
 Marketing management
 Administrative management
Skills Needed by Managers

 Leadership skills
 Technical expertise
 Conceptual skills
 Analytical skills
 Human relations skills
Three Basic Styles of Leadership

 Democratic

 Autocratic

 Free-rein
Seven Tips for Successful Leadership

1. Build effective and responsive interpersonal relationships

2. Communicate effectively – in person, print, e-mail, etc
3. Build the team and enable employees to collaborate
4. Understand the financial aspects of the business
5. Know how to create an environment in which people
experience positive morale and recognition
6. Lead by example
7. Help people grow and develop
Where Do Managers Come From?

 Good managers are made, not born:

– Promoting employees from the same organization
– Hiring managers from other organizations
– Hiring managers graduating from colleges and
Steps in the Decision Making Process

1. Recognize and define the decision situation

2. Develop options
3. Analyze options
4. Select best option
5. Implement the decision
6. Monitor the consequences
The Reality of Management

 There are only two basic activates of

1. Figuring out what to do despite uncertainty,
great diversity, and an enormous amount of
potentially relevant information
2. Getting things done through a large and diverse
set of people despite having little direct control
over most of them

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