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Earth’s Tilt and the Seasons

Night follows day. Spring
follows winter. The changes
of night and day, as well as
the seasons, occur because
of the ways Earth moves.
Earth moves in two ways.
Earth rotates, or spins, on its
axis. An axis is an imaginary
line throught both poles. It
takes about 24 hours for
Earth to completeley rotates
on its axis.
As Earth revolves
around the sun, part of
it is tilted toward the
sun. That part of Earth
takes in more energy
from the sun. This
energy is in the form of
heat. The part of Earth
that is tilted away from
the sun takes in less
energy from the sun.
During June, July and August, the
Northern Hemisphere of Earth is tilted
toward the sun and the Southern
Hemisphereis tilted away.
The sun’s rays shine more directly on
the Northern Hemisphere, which has
summer, than on the Southern
Hemisphere, which has a winter. As
Earth continues its orbit, the Northrn
Hemisphere is tilted away from the su,
causing winter. The southern
Hemisphere is tilted toward it causing
summer. This cycle continues as Earth
orbits the sun
You don’t have to be an
astronaut to see the moon’s
surface up close. You could
use a telescope. A telescope is
a tool that makes distant
objects look larger.
A refracting telescope uses a
curved piece of glass, called a
lens, to bend light. This makes
a distant object seem larger. In
1609, an italian astronomer
named Gaslileo Galilei was te
first perso to use this kind of
telescope to look at the moon.
In 1668 another scientist,
Isaac Newton, invented the
reflecting telescope. This
type of telescope uses
mirrors to reflect light and
make an object seem larger.
In 1990 the Hubble Space
Telescope was launched. It
is a reflecting telescope that
orbits Earth. It can take clear
pictures of bjects in our solar
system and beyond.
It is a satellite of the Earth because it orbits our
planet. It looks like a shining disk in the night sky,
but close, it looks rok and with dusty surface. There
is no water and very little ice, there are mountains
and valleys, flat areas and hills. It has no atmosphere.
When rocks enter Earth’s atmosphere, they often
burn up anc create lots of craters
Moon Phases Full
The moon seems to shine, but
the lighty yu see is actually
reflected light from the sun.
As it revolves around Earth, New
different amounts of its lit Moon
surface can be seen. That is
why the moon seems to have
different sizes or shapes.
The phases of the moon Quarter
follow the same pattern about
every 29 ½ days. When all
its lit side is shown, we called
Full Moon. When we see none
of its lit side, we call it New Third
Moon Quarter
We use callendars to divide
time into days, months, and
years. All of thsese units of
time are based on the
movements of Earth.
A solar year is 365 days, 5
hours, 48 minutes and 45 ½
seconds long.
This is the time Earth makes
a complete orbit around the
sun. Today’s calendars have
only 365 days, so every four
years, and extra day is added
in February. Years with an
extra day are called LEAP

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