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Presenting Organization

Event Name
Event Date
Presenter Name, Title

Minnesota COPD Coalition

The American Lung Association of MN has
launched the Minnesota COPD Coalition.
Our vision is to improve the health outcomes
of patients with COPD by working with
patients, caregivers, and the health care
community to increase awareness,
increase early diagnosis, and improve
treatment and management.

The campaign is for men and women

over age 45
Especially those who smoke or have smoked
Those with risk associated with genetics or
environmental exposures
People who have been diagnosed with COPD
Health Care providers, particularly those in the
primary care setting

Why should we learn more

about COPD?

Scope of COPD in Minnesota

Did You Know?
70,600 Minnesotans over the age of 45
have COPD = (1 out of 25)
78% over 60 years old
56% Female
44% Male

Emergency Room Visits

Related to COPD
More than doubled (250%) between 1996
and 2005!

Hospital Charges for COPD

Average hospitalization charge per
patient was $17,066 !!
Average length of hospital stay was
4.2 days

Todays Session Will Cover

Definition of COPD
How COPD affects breathing
Symptoms of COPD
How you can find out if you are at risk
Talking to your doctor
Getting on the road to better lung health

What is COPD?
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Serious lung disease that over time makes
it hard to breathe
Chronic Bronchitis

Blocked (obstructed) airways make it hard

to get air in and out

Did You Know?

4th leading cause of death
Kills more than 120,000 people per year
2nd leading cause of disability
12 million+ have COPD
Another 12 million may have it but dont
know it

How Does COPD Affect Breathing?

What Are the Symptoms?

Coughing - smokers cough

Shortness of breath
Excess sputum or phlegm
Feeling like you cant breathe
Cant take deep breath

Many people do not even know

they have COPD
Many people attribute the changes or
symptoms they are having to:
being out of shape

Talk to your doctor about any questions

you may have.

When its hard to breathe, its hard to do anything

People with COPD:

avoid activities that they used to do more easily
limit activity to accommodate shortness of breath and
other symptoms. Some activities include:

Take elevator instead of stairs.

Park close by instead of walking.
Avoid shopping or other similar day-to-day tasks.
Stay home rather than go out with friends.

Are You At Risk?

Most common cause, however, as many of 1
out of 6 people with COPD never smoked

Environmental exposure
Chemicals, dusts, fumes
Secondhand smoke, pollutants

Genetic Factor
Alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency

Getting a Simple Breathing Test

Talk with your doctor!
Simple breathing test

Quick, painless and noninvasive

Can tell if you have COPD and how
severe it is

Treatments Can Help

Lifestyle changes
Quit smoking. Its never too late.
Freedom from Smoking (

Pulmonary rehabilitation
Support Groups
Physical activity training
Oxygen treatment

Start Today
Talk with doctor about your risks, such as
smoking and other exposures
Be honest !

Tell your doctor about any symptoms

Write down a list of questions before going
to the doctors office

There Are Many Things You Can Do

Quit smokingMany new options available
from your doctor
Avoid exposure to pollutants and
secondhand smoke
Visit your doctor regularly
Follow treatment advice
Get annual flu and pneumonia shots

Common Myths
Dont Believe Them
My shortness of breath is just old age.
Theres nothing my doctor can do except
tell me to quit smoking.
If I rest more, it will get better.

It All Begins With You

Start today
Be your own advocateask questions and
seek information

Support Groups
ALAMN support groups

Huffers and Puffers

- East side group- meets in St. Paul on Second Tues. of ea. month, 1-3 pm

Respiratory Health Club

- West side group- meets in Minneapolis on 3rd Thurs. of ea. Month 1-3 pm

Duluth Better Breather Club

- First Tues. of ea. month

Visit for website listing of MN pulmonary rehab

or pulmonary support groups

Education and Reference resources

available from the American Lung Association of MN
Please go to:

COPD Programs and Resources:

List of MN resources and supports or people with COPD

COPD Information Sheets:

Are you at Risk?
Breathing Better with a COPD Diagnosis

More resources available @

Scope of COPD in MN
MN Healthplan Covered Services for COPD
COPD Fact Sheet
COPD Around the Clock
Non medical hints and suggestions to ease
living with COPD

More resources available @
Communication Tip Sheet
COPD Profiler
Helps you make health decisions

Oxygen Quick Glance Guide

COPD Guidelines Quick Glance Guide
COPD Action Plan

American Lung Association Cessation Resources

Behavior Modification Programs

Freedom From Smoking Clinic

Freedom From Smoking Self Help Manual
Freedom From Smoking Online click on the FFS icon

Lung HelpLine 800-LUNG-USA

Staffed by Registered Nurses and

Respiratory Therapists
Cessation counseling
Questions answered regarding COPD,
asthma, allergies and other respiratory diseases
Air quality and environmental health concerns

Show your support

Prescribe an appropriate medication
Have your patient call 1-888-354-PLAN or

Order Information:
American Lung Association of Minnesota
Our Mission: To prevent lung disease and promote lung
490 Concordia Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55103-2441
Phone: 651-227-8014
Fax: 651-227-5459

Order Information
Greater Minnesota:
American Lung Association of MN Duluth
424 West Superior Street, Suite 202
Duluth, MN 55802
Phone: 218-726-4721
Fax: 218-726-4722

Learn More Breathe Better
NHLBI Health Information Center
P.O. Box 30105
Bethesda, MD 20824-0105
Phone: 301-592-8573
TTY: 240-629-3255
Fax: 301-592-8563
Web site:

Thank You

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