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Clarkes Analysis of

Drugs and Poisons

on MedicinesComplete
Edited by: Anthony C Moffat,
M David Osselton and Brian Widdop

An essential major reference work

from the Pharmaceutical Press for:

Forensic and clinical toxicologists

Hospital pharmacists
Pharmaceutical analysts
Clinical pharmacologists
Clinical and forensic laboratories
Poison information centres

A definitive source of analytical data

for drugs and poisons

Clarke contains over 1700 drug and poison

monographs detailing:

physical properties
analytical methods
pharmacokinetic data
ultraviolet, infra-red and mass spectra
therapeutic and toxicity data

31 sections cover all practice areas and analytical

procedures used in analytical toxicology including:

drugs and alcohol in driving

drugs in saliva
hair analysis
drugs in sport
workplace drug testing
postmortem toxicology
HPLC, GC and capillary electrophoresis
solid dosage form identification
colour tests, TLC
emerging techniques

Fully referenced and hyperlinked methodology

and analytical techniques sections

Indexes including:

CAS number
empirical formula
molecular weight
melting points
TLC, GC and HPLC systems data
UV, IR and MS data
therapeutic class

Features of Clarke
International in scope and coverage
Comprehensive knowledge of the
analytical and forensic toxicological
Chemical structures
Ultraviolet, infra-red and mass spectra
Extensive screening systems data
Easy-to-use interface
Advanced text search
Context-sensitive help screens

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Methodology & Analytical Techniques

System methods

Drug and poison monographs

Physical data

Chemical structures

Drug and poison monographs

UV, IR and MS
Main peak values

Indexes of analytical data

System data in
Corresponds to system data in monographs

Indexes of analytical data


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