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Session 10/11 Communication


Always keep in mind that

Advertisements, adlike events, and
promotion offers create

brand position
cause action through the process of
They establish mental associations in mind
connected to brand called communication
Communication objectives are those
communication effects targeted in a
particular campaign, with their response

Communication Effects

Communication effects

Are relatively enduring mental associations,

connected to brand, in the prospective buyers
mind that are necessary to create the brands
position and predispose action

There are five communication effects and

they must all be met before a customer would
take action
A manager has to choose his communication
objectives from amongst these five
communication effects

Communication Effects

Category Need
Brand Awareness
Brand Attitude
Brand Purchase Intention
Brand Purchase facilitation
These communication effects are just
like mental bins. They all have to be
full for a buyer to take action

Communication Effect 1 Category Need

Category need
Buyers acceptance that the category (a
product or service) is necessary to remove
or satisfy a perceived discrepancy between
current motivational state and the desired
motivational state
Category need therefore requires a
perceived connection between the product
or service and buyer motivation. The job of
the advertiser is to build this connection

Communication Effect 1 Category Need


are eight buyer motives

Problem removal (fair & Lovely,

Problem avoidance (insurance)
In complete satisfaction (Energy Drinks)
Mixed approach-avoidance
Normal depletion
Sensory gratification (Axe Effect)
Intellectual stimulation or mastery (Nikon,
Social approval (Apple)

Communication Effect 1 Category Need

A category need occurs when one of

these motives is aroused and the general
product or service category is accepted
by the buyer as a way to meeting the
By successfully establishing an accepted
connection (a belief) between the product
or service category and a relevant
motivation, the advertiser can stimulate
primary demand

Communication Effect 1 Category Need

Primary demand is the demand for the product

or service category as a whole
The primary demand is for all the brand in the
To stimulate secondary or selective demand, the
advertiser must also influence the brand-level
communication effects: brand awareness, brand
attitude, and brand purchase intention
Category is the basic level of a product or
service or it is the level at which adults
spontaneously name objects- computers, airlines
or soda etc.

Communication Effect 1 Category Need

Managerial Options with regard to Category need

Category need already present (milk)
This mental bin is already fill. The advertiser can omit
category need as communication objective of his
advertising or promotion campaign
The omission of category need communication objective
from the campaign is for frequently used products and
services being advertised or promoted to regular buyers
of the category called Category User only.
If the frequently used product or service ad is targeted
for New Category Users then the category need would
be mentioned in the campaign as communication

Communication Effect 1 Category Need

Latent or forgotten category need (Life insurance)

Category need has only to be mentioned to remind
the buyer of a previously established need
These are mostly infrequently purchased
categories e.g. pain killers.
The reminder campaigns are done merely to
reestablish a previously learned connection
between the product or service category and
original purchase motivation or more specifically
put the buyer just need a simple stimulus to
recognize or recall the category need

Communication Effect 1 Category Need

No or weak category need

The communication objective would be to sell
the category need to perspective buyers. This
is the case when AC&P is targeting new
category users e.g mobile phone to villagers or
Also, when the product is new e.g. mobile
Usually when a category need is the
communication objective of a campaign the
second objective of brand awareness is almost
always present.

Communication Effect 2 Brand


When the advertiser has decided about the

category need as communication objective
whether to

Mention to remind
Or sell it

Then is the stage to decide how to communicate

about he BRAND
Brand Awareness
Buyers ability to identify (recognize or recall) the
brand, within the category, in sufficient detail to
make a purchase

Communication Effect 2 Brand


Brand Awareness is Universal Communication


Brand awareness must be regarded as Universal

Communication Objective that is as a
communication objective for all campaigns. This is
true for two reasons

cant run an advert of a brand unbranded i.e

means there is some identifying feature of a the brand
that will always come into the advert. That means brand
recognition or recall is being executed.
Secondly, brand can all too easily slip out of the buyers
recall set or recognition set of the brands if it is not
given sufficient exposure.

Communication Effect 2 Brand


Brand Awareness is necessary precursor to Brand Attitude

Brand attitude is inoperable without prior brand awareness.

Brand awareness makes the brand Candidate of purchase
Difference between Brand Recognition and Brand Recall
The difference occurs due to two types of choice
At the point of purchase requiring brand recognition
Prior to point of purchase requiring brand recall
Sequential awareness first recall based choice occurs
and then recognition based choice occurs. This is also
called recall-boosted brand recognition. A prior brand
recall leads to a dedicated search for the brand

Communication Effect 2 Brand


Brand Awareness Associates the Brand with the

Category Need

Brand recognition and brand recall, both required

learned association in the buyers mind with category
need, that is, with the first, category level
communication effect
In case of brand recognition there are two paths of
linking the brand with the category need
Category Need (CN) Category purchase
Intention (CPI) Brand Recognition (BRGN). In
this path the buyer has the category need in mind
but only has a category purchase intention and
now he has to recognize the brand

Communication Effect 2 Brand


Brand Recognition (BRGN) Category Need

(CN) In this path the buyer notices the brand
first and then the buyer asks himself or
herself whether he or she has a need to for
the category at present.

In case of brand recognition there is

one path of linking the brand with
the category need

Category Need (CN) Brand Recall (BRCL).

In this case the category need occurs fist
and then the brands are recalled in
response to it.

Communication Effect 2 Brand


Managers options with regard to Brand


Create awareness
Increase awareness
Maintain awareness

Recognition strategy


recognition requires showing

product package or service logo in
advertising, in the category context

Communication Effect 2 Brand


Brand recall Strategy

When the buyer must think of one or more brands to

choose from prior to the point of purchase, having
experience only the category need, the appropriate
communication objective is brand Recall
Brand recall is verbal process requiring verbal
name recall of the brand in response to the verbal
cue (occurring mentally or sub vocally) of the
category need.
Brand recall requires paired associates learning
in which, in ads and promotions, the category is
paired with advertisers brand name

Communication Effect 2 Brand


The key advertising tactic for brand recall, therefore, is

simply to repeat brand name but rather repeat the
association between the category need and the brand
name. e.g chaay chahiay konsi janab, Lipton unda
hay, Lipton leejiay, Lipton peejiay

Brand Recall-Boosted Brand Recognition

Intended brand choice made prior to purchase but then

brand must be identified at the point of purchase
Double brand awareness objective Increase both
brand recall and brand recognition e.g. customer wants
to buy detergent he recalls name of the SURF EXCEL
goes to shop now he recognizes the package of
Surf Excel.

Communication Effect 2 Brand


It is also called guided research based on

loyalty or
Simple Locating Behaviour. E.g. in a
shopping mall if you want to go to
Outfitters (Recall) then you would walk
into the mall and simply locate Outfitters
by (recognizing) this brand
This is a difficult and costlier objective to
execute because two sets of tactics are
needed to be execute in ad recall and
recognition which might result in leaving
less amount of time to execute attitudinal

Communication Effect 3 Brand Attitude

Brand Attitude
Buyers evaluation of the brand with respect to its
perceived ability to meet a currently relevant
motivational (this evaluation is based on brand
benefit beliefs and the motivation-related emotional
weight of the benefits of the possible freestanding
Or simply put it is the buyers evaluation of the
brand w.r.t its perceived ability to meet a currently
relevant motivation
It is the second Universal communication objective.
A favourable brand attitude is NECESSARY for

Communication Effect 3 Brand Attitude

Components of brand Attitude (very

very important)

Superbelief which is also the attitude or

results of all the underlying components or
summary judgment
Specific benefit beliefs each with its own
emotional or evaluative weight
Possible freestanding emotions, each
weighted, that also contribute to the super
belief about the brands ability to meet the
purchase or usage motive
A choice rule by which the buyer combines
the benefit beliefs and emotions to form the

Communication Effect 3 Brand Attitude


Connects the Brand (in buuyers mind) to the

purchase or usage motivation
As studied earlier there are eight fundamental
motives for purchase and therefore a buyer can
have eight superbeliefs (attitudes) towards one

IBM is Safe (problem avoidance)

IBM for kids is Boring (sensory gratification)

But only one brand attitude will be relevant for

buyer at given point in time or at a given purchase
or usage occasion

Communication Effect 3 Brand Attitude

Negatively Originated (Informational) Motives

They are the most prevalent energizers of buyer

They are called negative because they bring the
prospective buyer in negative state motivation
Take an example
The buyer is in state of equilibrium that is he/she is
not motivated to buy any product
But at some point in time the product
Break down
Or you will become unsatisfied with it
Run out of stock

Communication Effect 3 Brand Attitude

This will put you in negative mental state that

you will seek to relieve by purchase new or
replacement product. This is also called drive
reduction due to negative reinforcement.
Drive or motivation is then reduced upon
purchase of product/brand
These are also called informational motives
because the buyer seeks information to reduce
the negative state
They are also called relief motives because
they work by relieving the negative state

Communication Effect 3 Brand Attitude

Positively Originated
(Transformational) Motives

These are relevant when you want to

rise above equilibrium and reward
With each of the positively originated
motive a positive stimulus (or reward)
is promised e.g. Ice cream
The process is known as drive
increase through positively

Communication Effect 3 Brand Attitude

These are called transformation motives

because the buyer seeks to be positively
transformed, in either a sensory,
intellectual, or social sense.
They are also called reward motives
because the transformation is rewarding

Communication Effect 3 Brand Attitude

Specific Benefit Beliefs and Emotional


These are on or more specific benefit

beliefs in support of the overall Superbelief.
E.g. IBM

it is safe machine
Specific belief advance technology, widely
used, for professional use

These specific belief stem from the

rational content of marketing
They also have an emotional side and

Communication Effect 3 Brand Attitude

Multiattribute Model


b(m) =


bi (m)



It gauges the combined influence of two

subcomponents of benefit beliefs
BATT = Brand Attitude for brand (b) for motive (m)
Bbi(m) = specific benefit belief, B about brand
bwith regard to benefit I (or attribute i) again with
regard to motive m
E i(m) = emotional weight, E that buyer places on
benefit I with regard to motive m

Communication Effect 3 Brand Attitude

Free Standing Emotions

These are the specific emotional associations that are

not tied to specific benefit beliefs (even though these
emotions can be rationalized into beliefs if the buyer is
promoted to state them. Hence we call these types of
emotional responses freestanding because they are
not connected to t a belief. This is an unvoiced feeling
Free standing emotions are needed to be added to the
multiattribute model to get the complete attitude.


bi (m)

Ei(m) + Eo(m)

BATT b(m) =

E = emotion (o) other than specific with

regard to motive (m)

Communication Effect 3 Brand Attitude

Lets Do an example - healthy food

m = motive = avoid heart attack
b= brand = Healthy Frozen Food
Specific belief

fat = B1 = ranked 2 rated 0.7

Low Sodium = B2 ranked 5 rated 0.6
Frozen = B3 (negatively) ranked 5 rated 0.8
Name Healthy = freestanding emmotion 0.6
Green packaging = free standing emotion 0.8

Communication Effect 3 Brand Attitude

The Choice Rule

It means how do you form a brand attitude


usual choice rule is summation of beliefs

but there is variation in that as well
E.g. the buyer first decides what price range to
consider before he evaluates the overall brand
Or the buyer first decides which is fasterservice regardless of any other brand/product
attribute to form an over brand attitude

Communication Effect 3 Brand Attitude

Managerial Options with Regard to Brand Attitude

Increase brand attitude


moderately favorable to highly favourable

This type of ad campaign is focused towards Favourable
brand Switchers ( the ones who are already disposed
toward yoru brand

Maintain brand Attitude


the target audience has already maximally

favorable brand attitude
This advertisement is focused towards Brand Loyals and
sometimes to tackle competitors campaigns that might
dilute your brands attitude

Communication Effect 3 Brand Attitude

Modify Brand Attitude


you need to connect the brand to another or different

purchase motivation or simply put repositioning
When you cannot increase an attitude through same benefit or
motive then change the motive or benefit
When you want to target a different audience based on the same
benefit or motive

Change Brand Attitude


the target audience holds negative prior attitude toward

This is the most difficult task you have to break the negative
link between the brand and the motivation and replacing it with
positive one
Here almost certainly some repositioning (modification objective)
will be needed along with tan attitude change

Communication Effect 4 Brand Purchase


Buyers self-instruction to purchase (Ill buy that) the

brand or take purchase related action
This is the desired result or RESPONSE of the
previously discussed communication objectives and
is carefully embedded in the advertisement
Depending upon the decision- participant role is

Propose (initiator)
Recommend (influencer)
Choose (decider)
Buy (purchase)
Or use the brand more often (user)

Communication Effect 4 Brand Purchase


One question arises

If the buyer has already developed a favourable

brand attitude then why need BPI as objective

following Low-Involvement Brand Attitude

This means when the buyer is asked to make LOW
PERCEIVED RISK brand choice it is reasonable to
assume that only favorable brand attitude is enough
to make him buy
Here you need to assume that brand attitude is
enough and we do not need to push the
buyer/audience through our advertisement content
to buy SOFT SELL. Dont say to the audience act
now or buy now you have to have it

Communication Effect 4 Brand Purchase


following High-Involvement Brand

This means when the buyer is asked to
choice it seems that a conscious decision
to act is necessary so you need to
explicitly generate Purchase Intention
Hence through promotions (by which you
forcing the buyer to act now) you are
reducing their risk to buy

Communication Effect 5 Purchase


It is Buyers assurance that other

marketing factors (4ps) will not hinder

Here 4Ps are Product, Price, Place

(distribution) and personal selling

Try to anticipate during planning of your

IMC that would there be any Purchase

If there exist any Inhibitor from the 4Ps try

to mitigate it through your IMC campaign

Communication Effect 5 Purchase


You can run a brilliant IMC but your sales go

down, why?
Your product may not be the right one
Your price many not be right
Your distribution may not be right
You sales force may be bad
Your competitor may be outspending you five
to one
Your competitor may be dealing you to death
with once-cent sales and premiums and
contests and special discounts to retailers

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