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A Biz/IT Quiz

Abhinav Dhar

This companys headquarters are in

Kyoto, Japan.
The original product was a ceramic
insulator known as a kelcima for
use in television picture tubes.
Which company named itself on
these two facts?


Many banks in post-Renaissance Europe issued small,

porcelain "borrower's tiles" to their creditworthy
customers. Like credit cards, these tiles were imprinted
with the owner's name, his credit limit, and the name of
the bank. Each time the customer wanted to borrow
money, he had to present the tile to the bank teller,
who would compare the imprinted credit limit with how
much the customer had already borrowed. If the
borrower were past the limit, the teller "X" the tile on
the spot.
The business term X is said to have such an origin. X?


A guy named James Jannard, in 1975 began selling what

he called 'The X Grip' out of the back of his car
He useda unique patented material, he called
'Unobtainium,' that was engineered to become sticky
when wet. and is still used in the earsocks and nose
pieces in Xs glasses.
In the 1980s, the brand started garnering recognition for
its sports style of goggles and in the 1983 it started
making ski goggles.
Which company, which gets its name from the
amalgamation of the two cities in California which the
founder frequented in his childhood, history is such?

The two cities bring Oakland and

This is the logo of XY, the flag carrier of Y.

The logo of XY is based on the holy bird of
Hindu and Buddhist mythologies (X), and is a
stylised form of the same.
The bird X is also the national symbol of Y.
What is this airline company called?

Garuda Indonesia

He is known as the
Father of the
Pentium chip, for his
contribution to the
development of
Pentium processors
from Intel.
Name him.

Vinod Dham

The designation by this company is considered by many to

be a classic instance of corporate language manipulation.
The smallest of them sounds likesmallbut means
something close to the opposite.
Then comes the Italian for large, but instead the correct
thing to be used should be sedici, Italian for 16.
Next in line is the Italian for twenty, and thirty.
It is said that this naming may help consumers forgetthe
cost or calorie count of what they are about to drink.
Which company is this?

Grande, Venti & Trenta: Three of the
four sizes of cups.

This region in New Zealand gives its name to
asports clothing company whose main focus
is onrugby.
The brand'staglineisC: the world's original
rugby brand".
Its logo is the silhouettes of three birds (Kiwis)
on three solid circular backgrounds creating
the letters CCC, the initials of the company.
It is the company which sponsors jerseys of
teams such as Portsmouth F.C., and Otago
Name the company.

Canterbury Clothing

TheX-01was the first calculator wristwatch ever manufactured and sold to the
The watch had the following unique features:

Datatype for time, date, and time interval, and the ability to perform mathematics
on these datatypes.
A stopwatch that allows the stopwatch time to be multiplied or divided by a
constant, and continuously display the results. This was referred to as a "Dynamic
Rate Calculation." It could also tell you the day of the week for any day from 1900
to 2099.
The X-01 was X's first algebraic calculator. Prior to the X-01, all X calculators used
Reverse Polish notation. In later years, some X calculators used a mixture of both.
This was the only watch that X ever sold.
What company created this product?

Hewlett Packard

A number of countries have marketed this product

without permission or consent from its original creator.
There was speculation that the creators of this brand
wanted a monosyllabic name but one of them cleared
the air by saying it was just to rhyme in its official
slogan "Can't Get Enough of That Wonderful X".
There is a X Gardens theme park and The Seven Xs are
characters there, and as a reference toSnow White and
the Seven Dwarfs are named Sleazy, Queasy, Surly,
Edgy, Tipsy, Dizzy, and Remorseful.
Name this brand of beer.

An official
version of
the beer is
sold in



Singapore Airlines

American Airlines

Logos with birds


In 1868, Fredrik Idestam built a second ground wood pulp

mill near the town of X somewhere in North Europe.
In 1871, hetransformed his firm into a share company,
thereby founding X Ab. The company's name came from
the Xnvirta river.
Eduard Poln decided to use the name X, thetown where
his factories were based, as a brand name for his products
to diferentiate his products from Russian competitors.
This city, quite surprisingly, does have engineering and
design facilities which come from 15 kilometers, Tampere.
Name the city/company.



This brand of deodorant (X) was originally sold by

Mennen and later byColgate-Palmolive.
It was first releasedin 1991 and established a niche
for itself, making itself the most popular deodorant
brand with teen girls.
But the biggest reason of its popularity at the time
was because of its name appearing in a cult song.
The name of the song itself was thought of by the
lead singer (Y) when a friend of his, Kathleen Hanna,
spray painted that Y smells like X, on his wall.
What was this brand of deodorants called?

Teen Spirit
Today, all that is
left of the Teen
Spirit franchise is
Stick." Teen Spirit
Stick is ofered in
Sweet Strawberry
and Pink Crush.


This slang is used for a stock with low market

capitalization.An X, generally, is a stock that has a
market capitalization of less than $500 million.
These stocks tend to be very volatile and are often
thinly traded but can have greater growth potential
than larger stocks and encompass many emerging
The term in its true sense is used to describe very
young children, ones who are so small that they can
only reach one's ______.
Provide X.

Ankle biters


This is Ajay Bhatt, a Chief Client Platform Architect at

He helped define and create AGP (Accelerated
Graphics Port) andPCI Express.
But his most famous creation is something which
was made all our lives easier.
He designed something which helped standardize
the connection ofcomputer peripherals topersonal
computers and has deemed serial and parallel ports
What was he responsible for creating?

Universal Serial Bus (USB)


In the nineteenth century, an industrialist used his reputation to

lure European financiers into USA by taking over an industry and
stabilizing it through monopoly. He would then turn the industry
into a single, stable, profitable entity that was much more
palatable to European bankers.
He did this to the railroad industry first and then took over the
steel, electricity and banking industries in the same way.
The solid, steady growth that resulted was successful in
transforming the U.S. from a debtor nation to one that was able to
lend money to others.
A term was hence born, after the surname of the industrialist.
What term?



This toy, first invented and developed by George

Lernerin 1949, and first manufactured and distributed
byHasbroin 1952, has a plasticmodel of a_____, as the
main body, which can be decorated with a variety of
plastic like ears, eyes, a nose, and a mouth.
The toy was originally produced as separate plastic parts
with pushpins that could be stuck into a real vegetable.
However, due to complaints regarding rotting vegetables
and new government safety regulations, the plastic body
was developed.
What is the name of the toy which also was the first
toyadvertised on television?

Mr. Potato Head


This brand ofcannedprecooked meat products is made

byHormel Foods Corporation. It was first introduced in
1937 and gained popularity worldwide after its use
duringWorld War II.
By the early 1970s the name X" was often misused to
describe any tinned meat product containing pork, such
as porkluncheon meat.
AMonty Python sketch portrayed X as ubiquitous and
inescapable, characteristics which lent to its name to
something of the modern world, which none of us likes.
What term came as a result of this?



Internet.orgis a partnership between X and six

mobile phone companies Samsung, Ericsson,
Media Tek, Microsoft, Opera and Qualcomm
that aims to bring afordable Internet access to
everybody by increasing afordability,
increasing efficiency, and facilitating the
development of new business models around
the provision of Internet access.
Who is the founder of

Mark Zuckerberg


In 1997, a certain airline company came up with these tail-fin

designs, replacing the patriotic original one.
They were known as theUtopiaor world imagetailfins, they
used art and designs from international artists to represent
countries on the airlines' route network.
The new tailfins came from a variety of places ranging from
Poland to China to Botswana to Saudi Arabia to Japan to India.
A Former Prime Ministershowed her displeasure at the designs by
covering one of the new tailfins on a model747with a
By 1999 the new designs were being replaced and returned to the
more traditional look.
Which airline company produced these to a disastrous efect?

British Airways


The Xbox 360 has been subject to a number of technical

problems. Since the console's release in 2005, users have
reported concerns over its reliability andfailure rate.
To aid customers with defective consoles, Microsoft
extended the Xbox 360's manufacturer's warranty to
three years for hardware failure problems that generate a
"General Hardware Failure" error report. A "General
Hardware Failure" is recognized on all models released
before the Xbox 360 S by three quadrants of the ring
around the power button flashing red.
This error is often known as the X.
A source of memes, what is X?

The Red Ring of Death

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