Pool Planning Tips For Your Residential Property in Tennessee

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Pool Planning Tips for Your

Residential Property in

A pool can be a great asset for any residential

property in Tennessee. It makes the home look better
and improves valuation. And besides, its a great
thing for the residents. You can take a plunge
anytime you want, during the weekend, or after a
hard day at work just to relax. Of course, swimming
improves health too. So its a wonderful idea.
But you cannot have a pool just like that. This is a
costly investment, and so you must plan it properly,
and it begins from the start. After all, you cannot
carry an in-ground and change its position. So
naturally, you will have to be correct about its
positioning right from the start.

Here are some important


1. Codes and laws Research local codes and

zoning laws before fixing the spot. In some
areas, you must have the pool at a specific
distance from the property line. There may be
regulations about fences or barriers as well for
both above-ground and in-ground pools. There
can be stipulations about the fence type, gap
below the fence, height, and such other things.

2. Drainage Contractors will advise you

about the drainage options. You can
yourself see how the water flows after
rainstorms. Look for low areas where there
can be flooding. High water table areas can
be a problem for placing the pool

3. Sunshine Residential property in Tennessee

backyards that face the south receive a lot of
sunlight. If you have a backyard facing the
south, then consider the space that receives
the most sunshine. You will then be able to
warm the pool naturally. Trim the leaves
regularly if you have trees nearby. Leaves could
clutter drainage. The surrounding shrubs and
trees can however aid windbreak to slow down
water evaporation.

4. Utility Lines What is below the spot at the

place where you want the pool? Make sure
that there are no telephone or electrical wires,
sewer or septic lines, or gas and water pipes.
Get a map first of all the existing utility
connections. Avoid moving these lines.

5. Access You should plan to access the

pool easily. Ideally, you need an entry door
close to your pool that opens to a
waterproof floor and leads to the bathroom.
This way, you wont have to run dripping
across the carpet. It must be convenient for
swimmers. You must also prevent
unauthorized entry.

There are many homes across the United States

that have pools. You will find residential
property in Tennessee as well that has them.
Most of them are planned well. It is absolutely
essential for you to plan it properly too. A good
pool is a treasure, but a poorly planned one can
be a liability quickly. It will just eat up a lot of
space and create plenty of hassles for you.


Need more tips? Consult the experts at

Stevens Realty. We can help you buy/sell/rent
properties all across Tennessee. We offer
property management services in Nashville,
Chattanooga and other areas of the state.


Stevens Realty
475 West End Avenue
Cookeville, TN 3850
Phone: 931-526-5188
Website: www.stevensrentals.com

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