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Emotions in the workplace: the

neglect of organizational behavior

n 1950s, to have a emotional nature was being seen as a

weakness and it was something which is unwanted
characteristic for business people.

Although emotions are at the core of human behaviors, it

had been neglected in organizational behavior for many

after 30 years second explanation occurred about

emotions in workplace by means of cognitive explanation
and definitions about the organizations man changed.

as a examples to researches about emotions in

workplaces at that time: First, Over 3000 article had
written about job satisfaction. And as for the second
example, stress issue placed organizational researches

in 1993, Plutnick suggest a sequential model of human emotions.

According to this model: certain factors trigger the chain of
event we call it as emotions. Also this triggers can disrupt our
equilibrium of individual.

Furthermore, Lazarus and Lazarus(1994) proposed categorization

of emotions. According to Lazarus emotions have five

Also, Goleman(1995) explained emotional intelligence. He

investigated emotional intelligence in five components.

importance of emotions was started to understand in workplaces.

Introduction to the brave new

workplace: organizational behavior in
the electronic age

Critical Social Theory suppose a descriptive model of the key aspects of society
and work in new electronic age was consisted of four sector.

these sectors is the political, the economic, the motivational and the legitimately

Critical Social Theory suggest that contemporary organizations are encountering

real eco-systemic limits to resources and corresponding limits to economic

But, economic development under capitalsm support continuous growth

depending on a rising demand for profits.

Also Critical Social suggest struggling to deal with dysfunctions in modernity,

economic and political organizations.

There are four important themes which characterize new work.

These themes: electronic work, self-management, the

individualization of risks, and inversion of gender.

using of computer and telecommunications have become a

important aspect of new work. Through communication
technologies, the micro settings of organization are
interconnected across office , company and international

Although work can be conceived as masculine, new work

consists of women and entry of women into workplace is a visible

One of the social impact of new work is on family. While Father

has a working role and economic value, mother has a
homemaker role and she provides necessities like clean clothes,
child care and so on.

Leadership styles and group

organizational citizenship behavior
across cultures

Attention has increased towards group and teamwork in

organization and the relationship between OCB and team
performance has become important.

Both individual and group organizational citizenship behaviors

(GOCBs) are thought to be strongly related to leadership.

OCB has been studied extensively over the last 20 years. The
majority of OCB research has been performed at the individual
level of analysis. Lately, several authors have changed the focus
from individual OCB to OCB at the group level by using different
terms like unit-level OCB, team citizenship behavior or team OCB,
or collective citizenship behavior

There is a relation between leadership and GOCB and Although

directive leadership associated to GOCB as negative, Supported
leadership associated to GOCB as positive.

Also there is an relationship between culture and GOCB and

leadership. Culture can influence the meaning of the construct of
GOCB. For instance: There is a specific Chinese OCB scale.

Culture can affect leadership behaviors, effectiveness, also,

leadership and different employees returns like satisfaction.

Managing the career deal: The psychological

contract as a framework for understanding
career management, organizational
commitment and work behavior

The notion of psychologic contract between employee and

employer has gained importance in recent years

This psychologic contract between employer and employee has

changed to indicate that there is no longer a automatic promise
or expectation of a career.

Employers behaviors and loyalty influence employees career

management and job performance.

According to Social exchange theory, f employees are supported

by their employers , it will help them to manage their career and
also it will increase their motivation.

Employees career management can seen as one form of

organizational support, organizational support can influence both
positively and negatively.

Positive influence can increase job performance and motivation.

Negative influence can make lower motivation and absenteeism .

Organizational commitment has three main dimensions;

affective, continuance and normative.

Organizational behavior in
multinational organizations

Multinational show a complex configuration of orgazaitional


MNOs have several distinctive characteristic as organizations.

OB scholars is studying MNOs as a organizational context by

using concepts from organization-level models of knowledge
transfer, social capital, and institutions.

MNO has a more distinct affect than BO. And both have different
predictors and criterion

MNO operating in several nations is simultaneously affected by

organizational differences in how the operations in each nation
are managed, formal institutional differences in laws in each
nation, and the systems of norms and other cultural institutions
in each nation

MNO is a operative factor in the field of organizational behavior

The organizational characteristics of multinationals change some

viewpoint of the nature of human resources functions as
compared to private organizations.

for a multinational, especially when operating in a developing

nation, whether or not sufficient managers can be recruited and
hired can have strategic importance

The Vora and Kostova additive also draws on social identity

theory to develop a model of psychological attachment in the
MNO called dual organizational identification

National identity and corporate identity are more often made

salient by the geographic diversity of the MNO

Positive organizational behavior:

Engaged employees in flourishing

POB has come up as a proposed positive psychology approach in

the recent times.

POB does not declare to represent some new discovery of the

importance of positivity, but rather emphasizes the need for
more focused theory building, research, and effective application
of positive feature, states, and behaviors of employees in

There are three approaches to employee engagement.

a couple of POB studies have cogently shown that positive

organizational can make a contribution to explaining variance in
organizational consequences over and above negative ones

POB will have to show the added value of the positive over and
above the negative.

POB must also include the pursuit of employee happiness and

health as feasible goals in themselves.

The Role of Job Challenge and Organizational

Identification in Enhancing Creative Behavior
among Employees in the Workplace

creative people search job challenges in the workplace and

identify organizations that provide them with this type of work

The role of organizational identification in evoking employees

creative behavior hasnt been examined by any of research

Job challenge is the method to perceive difficulty and intricacy of

job offers.

A challenging job show What a person needs truly. A challenging

job persuade employees to work hard and deal successfully with
the demands required by the job.

which job design contribute employees motivation considered by

many researchers as a substantial component.

The identification process developed by using employees

accumulated experience and job awareness in the organization
and identification is the key to motivate employees and
determine creative behavior.

a challenging job causes employees to identify with an

organization that provides them with this job characteristic. So,
job challenge is obviously remarkable for creative behavior.

identification is a motivator of creative behavior. it mediates the

connection between work characteristics and employee

There is an strong interaction between job challenge and

organizational identification.

job challenging is made of design by employer might encourage

creative behavior among their employees.

Time revisited in organizational


the relative importance of person versus situation influences on employee wellbeing depends on many factors, for instance the nature of the situation and
the certain features measured.

person characteristics can only be considered dispositional if they have

continuity over time, across situations, and if they in turn are capable of
influencing following behavior

Helmreich, Sawin and Carsruds study (1986) showed that the effects of
personality on job performance varied over time. They called the effect of
personality on job performance the `honeymoon effect'. While the relationship
between personality and performance was not significant after 3 months, the
relationship was significant after both 6 and 8 months. In explanation of this
and other similar findings, some have assumed the existence of basic ability
factors accounting for much of the variance early on, but that later on
personality or well-being comes to play a significant role.

While employee well-being or mental health has been considered

as both a disposition or trait and a state or mood, most typically
it is viewed as a consistent and stable trait.

sense of general well-being can be further specified as the ratio

of positive to negative emotions.

employees do exhibit emotion, one research topic contains how

long, how often, and to what extent, can employees show various
emotions on the job before they experience job-related

Work status and organizational

citizenship behavior: a field study of
restaurant employees

Part-time workers compose the largest group of U.S employees

working non-traditional schedules and the majority of part-time
workers are young older and women.

in 1977, Organ suggested a new type of performance construct

called organizational citizenship behavior and expanded research
on the satisfaction-performance relation.

People work in part-time jobs due to various reasons. For

instance : people choose part-time jobs because of needs and
responsibilities like earning money for their school, caring small
children, supplementing another full-time job with a part-time

Restaurants typically employ large number of part-time workers.

One of these workers are service workers. And services workers
are the primary point of contact with customers so it can be a
main influence on firm performance

Organizational culture will affect the relation between work status

and organizational relationship. Work status will make difference
more in the helping behavior of part-time employees in the
organizations with more bureaucratic organizational cultures. n
the other saying , part-time employees will pursue in less
citizenship than full-time employees when they work in
bureaucratic organizations

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