Human Dignity With Photos

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Human Dignity

The legaldefinitionofHuman
Dignityis An individual or group's
sense of self-respect and self-worth,
physical and psychological integrity
and empowerment. Legal Dictionary

Catholic social teachingbelieves that

human beings, created in the image and
likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-27), have by
their very existence an inherent value,
worth, and distinction.Daniel Groody
Globalization, Spirituality and Justice
Our sense of dignity is affirmed when our
uniqueness is recognised and valued by
those around us, as we all become global

The dignity of the individual and the demands

of justice require, particularly today, that
economic choices do not cause disparities in
wealth to increase in an excessive and morally
unacceptable manner.Charity in Truth
(Caritas in Veritate. . .),#32
Human persons are willed by God; they are
imprinted with God's image. Their dignity does
not come from the work they do, but from the
persons they are.On the Hundredth
Year(Centesimus annus. . .), #11

The dignity of the individual and the demands

of justice require, particularly today, that
economic choices do not cause disparities in
wealth to increase in an excessive and morally
unacceptable manner.Charity in Truth
(Caritas in Veritate. . .),#32
Human persons are willed by God; they are
imprinted with God's image. Their dignity does
not come from the work they do, but from the
persons they are.On the Hundredth
Year(Centesimus annus. . .), #11

As a gift from God, every human life

is sacred from conception to natural
death. The life and dignity of every
person must be respected and
protected at every stage and in
every condition. Theright to lifeis
the first and most fundamental
principle of human rights that leads
Catholics to actively work for a world
of greater respect for human life and

As a gift from God, every human life

is sacred from conception to natural
death. The life and dignity of every
person must be respected and
protected at every stage and in
every condition. Theright to lifeis
the first and most fundamental
principle of human rights that leads
Catholics to actively work for a world
of greater respect for human life and

Persons are open and relational by
Persons are conscious beings, aware
of themselves in their outwards acts
Persons are embodied spirits
Persons are historical realities
Persons are unique, yet
fundamentally equal
Each person is responsible for all

Persons are open and

Being a human person means
Being by others
Being with others
Being for others

Persons are Conscious

We possess self-awareness through
our knowing and free will

Persons are Embodied

We are a unity of Body and Soul
Our bodies are essential part of our
being human and an instrument we
use acc to our whim
For Christians, the body is good and
honorable since God created it

Persons are Historical

We are all pilgrims on the way
We journey through time to become
our full selves
We grow and develop as persons in
discernible stages

Persons are Unique yet

All men are endowed with a rational
soul and are created in Gods image
Humans have the same nature and
Being redeemed by Christ, they
enjoy the same calling and destiny
There is basic equality in all men.

Each person is
Responsible for All

The principle of solidarity:

A firm and persevering determination to

commit oneself to the common good;
Men commit to the good of all and of
each individual because we are all
responsible for all (SRS)

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