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Educational Leadership

Chapter 1: The Importance of

Leadership and Management to

Chapter 1: The Importance of

Leadership and Management to

Christian Paul Peligro

Education defined

Education defined

- the action or process of educating or of being

educated; also : a stage of such a process
- the knowledge and development resulting
from an educational process
- the field of study that deals mainly with
methods of teaching and learning in schools

Educational Management

Management defined

Management defined

Management can mean different things to different

people at different times, and a variety of
'management' itself, derives from the verb 'to
manage', which can mean:
to handle
to control
to make and keep submissive
to organize
to alter by manipulation
to carry out for a purpose.

Management defined

(Archaic definition from Google)

trickery, deceit

Management defined

- the act or art of managing : the conducting

or supervising of something (as an
- judicious use of means to accomplish an
- the collective body of those who manage or
direct an enterprise

Management defined
- It is a process or series of continuing
and related activities.
- It involves and concentrates
reaching organizational goals.


- It reaches these goals by working with

organizational resources.

What is Educational Management?

Educational Management
Educational management is a field of
study and practice concerned with the

Educational Management
Educational management, is commonly
associated with elementary and secondary
schools as well as institutes of higher
learning like colleges and universities.
professionals have earned at least a
master's degree and many are licensed
teachers or principals.

Educational Management
Some tasks involved in Educational
Management are making policies,
researching, or consultations on
evaluating and developing ways to
enrich and enhance the educational
system at all levels and areas of

Educational Management
Leadership skills are a must in this
education management must also
problem-solving skills. They should
also be good communicators and be
comfortable working with teachers,
parents, and children, as well as other
community members.

Educational Leadership

Leadership defined

Leadership defined
- to guide on a way especially by going in advance
- to direct on a course or in a direction
- to serve as a channel for <a pipe leads water to the
- to go through : live <lead a quiet life>

Leadership defined
- to direct the operations, activity, or
performance of
- to have charge of
- to ask (a witness) a question in a way
that suggests what the answer should

What is Educational Leadership?

Educational Leadership
Working and striving to create a
positive change in educational policies
and processes on different educational
institutions and other areas of

Educational Leadership
Educational leadership means to go
ABOVE and BEYOND educational
administrative tasks.

Educational Leadership
The ability to advance and improve
educational programs even up to the
point of restructuring an entire
organization to affect necessary

Educational Management vs.

Educational Leadership

Educational Management vs.

Educational Leadership
Many articles have been written, many
debates have been done comparing
Management and Leadership. The
same goes on the aspect of
Educational Leadership.

Educational Management vs.

Educational Leadership

Arguably, the main difference between

the two is the way they affect and
motivate people or teams to achieve an
intended objective and more.

Educational Management vs.

Educational Leadership
Leaders set goals and if needed, a new
direction, even challenging status quo.
They are visionaries, they stay on the
front lines, spearhead the team,
motivating and leading them to reach
the goal.

Educational Management vs.

Educational Leadership
Managers, on the other hand,
maintain the status quo, conforms to
established statues and standards,
managing things and individuals
inside and around the boundaries
that have been set, organizing and
directing to achieve the desired
outcome within these limits.

Educational Management vs.

Educational Leadership

The Paradox

Educational Management vs.

Educational Leadership
Although it is relatively easy to
distinguish the difference between
Educational Leadership, it also gets
complex for there are a lot of persons
possessing both the qualities of an
Educational Manager.

Educational Management vs.

Educational Leadership
The manager has the paradox of
controlling systems, resource and
standards, enacting to keep it all
together, at the same time, running
the task of leading teams to achieve
unchartered boundaries.

Educational Management vs.

Educational Leadership

Grace Murray Hooper

Educational Management vs.

Educational Leadership

Grace Murray Hooper

Educational Management vs.

Educational Leadership
Management normally focuses on works
and tasks. These activities fit within the
subject of resource: Human, time,
money, equipment, and anything else
that involves achieving a task. The
distinction, therefore, from management
vs. leadership is on managing resource
within the constraints of the systems and
enforcing the desired standards of work.

Educational Management vs.

Educational Leadership
Planning - planning resource and tasks to achieve
the objectives
Budgeting - Managing the constraints of budgets in
the department
Organizing - organizing support functions and
Controlling - controlling the standards required to
deliver the objectives

Educational Management vs.

Educational Leadership
Coordinating - coordinating and directing project tasks for
achievement of goals
Resource use - Ensuring effective resource is used for the task at
Time Management - Ensuring tasks and activities are conducted
within the correct time frame
Decision Making - making the right decisions in the heat of the
Problem Solving - ensure problems are contained and eliminated

Educational Management vs.

Educational Leadership
Leadership focuses on achieving tasks
while keeping the team empowered and
motivated to achieve that task. It
involves getting the best out of each and
every individual for the benefit of the
team's successful achievement of these
goals. It is with example, inspiration,
empowerment, and creating the most
conducive environment for success.

Educational Management vs.

Educational Leadership
Vision - focusing on the long-term goal
Motivation - motivation and empowerment to
challenge the norm
Inspiration - inspiring others through merely
leading and injecting enthusiasm
Persuasion - using excellent leading skills to
bring people willingly along the correct path

Educational Management vs.

Educational Leadership
Teamwork - encouraging effort, commitment, and
Building Relationships - building a strong bond and
ensuring the team is well-balanced
Listening - being able to listen even to the smallest
member of the team
Counselling - ensuring that every member of the
team is motivated and effectively empowered

Educational Management vs.

Educational Leadership
Coaching - encouraging and giving
individuals freedom to learn and grow
Teaching and Mentoring - Leading the
correct performance and expectations,
being the leader in a successful team
and parting knowledge and wisdom
onto the team and its individuals

Educational Management vs.

Educational Leadership
The paradox of the Leader and the
Manager even on the aspect of
Education never ends.
Managers are at times, Leaders, and
vice-versa. Our task is to incorporate
the characteristics or attributes we need
from both a Leader and a Manager to
achieve a desired objective.


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