CV, Interview

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KNUST Career Day

-How to write a CV/Resum

-How to approach a Job interview and present yourself
-Handling a meal successfully during your job interview

Team Ghana II- IBM Corporate Services Corp.

KNUST Career Day How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum

By Flora Egea

How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum

The etymological origin of the expression Curriculum Vitae is the Latin
language: course of life. It is also called Resum, from French language in
a sense of a summary.
This means that your CV is an advert to sell yourself to an employer, and the
purpose is to make you/ your CV attractive, interesting, worth considering to the
company in order to be received for a job interview.
So, as a marketing tool, our CV should be as a brochure which lists basically
your working life and skills.
Different countries may have different requirements and styles for CV. So you
must follow the correct practice for your culture and adapted to your country.

Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum: General Advise (I)

A CV should be constructed on a word-processor (or at least typed)
Easy on the eye
Easy to read
Clean, neat, well structured and laid out
Short, concrete and coherent
Keep it simply (go through your CV again and again with a red pen, making it
shorter, more readable, more understandable!)
Use short sentences
Perfect spelling (use spell-check on your computer)
Correct vocabulary
Do use visual effects to stress the most important and/or the headings:
underlined, bold letters

Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum: General Advise (II)

Use a couple of font types and sizes to emphasize, but do not abuse. (Arial
and Times New Roman in black color are the most common font types, and size
between 10 and 12 are also the most commonly used)
Do use plenty of white spaces
Consider using 'bullets' to start sub-sections or lists.
One or two pages maximum (dont tire your possible employer, if its too long
he/she will not read it) Put page numbers if you use two, at the bottom.
White paper is fine, A4 is the standard, use good quality (not too transparent)
Use a good printer
Your CV should be personal, so do it a little bit different, customize it
Always use your common sense and be sensible

Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum: Structure (I)

Two big blocks: (you may change the appearance and play on them in order to
customize it but they both have to be there)

One.- Main head, with your picture and personal data

Two.- The CV strictly, with the following sections:

Work Experience (in case you have any, otherwise start your CV by Education)

Education (place for formal education)

Languages (Remember: English is the language of current business!)

Other Qualifications (place for things like computing experience, other studies or
trainings, etc.)

Miscellaneous (place to say your hobbies, if you are a volunteer, etc. This section is
not mandatory)

Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum: Structure (II)

One.- Main Head
Your picture is extremely important: It is the image of you that your possible
employer will see, so it should be a good one.
Use a colored photo, either scanned in by computer, or stuck on. Show yourself
clean, natural, appropriately dressed up (be classic: suit and tie for men and suit for
women, that is the uniform of nowadays business) Use a good haircut, show a
combed hair and a light make up in case you are a woman. It is better to show
yourself slightly smiling.

Your personal data should be found very easily in your CV, in order to make easier
to your possible employer to contact with you, so enhance them.
Include the following data: full name, home address, phone number (home and
mobile if you have one), email address, and date of birth.

Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum: Structure (III)

Bernadette Green
12 Green Street, London NW2 3RG
Home: 0181 555 5550 - Mobile : 0771 222 2222
Date of Birth: 26th November 1975
Nationality: Ghanaian

Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum: Structure (IV)

Two.- CV strictly
Important: Start from the most recent data and from then take steps back. It
means that the latest goes first, and this rule works for any of the sections.

Your CV should show all periods of time full covered, aligned with your lifetime.
A CV with lacks of time periods is not consistent and results confusing.

Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum: Structure (V)

Work Experience
The position.
Name of the company (or, in case you are currently working and you dont want
to reveal such information, use generic sentences like multinational of IT Sector
and things like that).
Describe briefly the tasks with short and clear sentences.
Add the corresponding data.


Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum: Structure (VI)

Sept 99 Present. Best Performance Ltd, Glasgow Marketing Account Handler
Responsible for all aspects of account management including marketing and sales support and client
relationship development. Other roles: promotion and distribution control. Products: all marketing support
service including database management, response handling and storage and distribution.
Oct 98 - Sep 99. Brand New Technologies, Glasgow Call Centre Agent
Responsibilities: Taking customer calls and order processing using AS400 system, dealing with customer
queries, inquiries and complaints, setting up new customer accounts, invoicing.
94 - 98 Flowers, London Florist
Responsibilities included: Design of all floral displays, stock buying and control, implementation of
innovative designs for shop displays, window arrangements and outside events, organization of
arrangements for local charity events, co-ordination of exhibitions and promotions.


Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum: Structure (VII)

Say the Academic title obtained, give places of education where you have
studied - most recent education first, and add the data.
Include subject options taken in each year of your course. Include any special
project, thesis, or dissertation work.
Pre-college courses (high school, etc.) should then be included, including


Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum: Structure (VIII)


1994 - 1998 University of London, London. BA (Hons) Graduated in Languages & Business
Administration. Main Subjects included: German, French, Accounting, International Relations &
1996 - 1997 Universitt Frankfurt, Germany Exchange Year.
1994 - 1996 Glasgow College of Commerce. HND in European Trade with Business German Credits
include: Marketing, Economics, European Law, Imports and Exports, Logistics.
1992 - 1994 Burns High School, Edinburgh.


Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum: Structure (IX)

Say which is your mother tongue and the level of knowledge of other languages
that you have (like high, fluent, basic)
Remember: English is the top one for business in the world.

Other Qualifications
Follow the previous rules regarding title, place, dataetc.
If you include here specific courses/trainings which have lasted less than a year
or a month, you may say the number of hours of them.


Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum: Structure (X)

English - Mother tongue
German - Fluent written and spoken
French - Fluent written and spoken
Computer Knowledge:
WinNT - 4 years working knowledge
XP Pro - 2 years working knowledge
Experienced user of Microsoft office products. User of the internet.


Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum: Structure (XI)

They will be particularly interested in activities where you have leadership or
responsibility, or which involve you in relating to others in a team.
If you have published any articles, jointly or by yourself, give details.
If you have been involved in any type of volunteer work, do give details.
If you have a driving license, and you believe it is important information, this is
the place to be included.


Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum: Structure (XII)

Bernadette decided not to include Miscellaneous in her
Curriculum Vitae


Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum: Example (I)


Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum: Example (II)


Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum: Example (III)


Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum: DONTs

ember DONT

ont sign it (use the covering letter, sign it and send it along with your CV)).

ont date it or make any reference to last date of updating When you send
CV it supposes to be fully updated.

ont head the CV with the title Curriculum Vitae. At a glance anyone know it is
CV, so that is childish and redundant.

ont lie. You may ennoble, exalt, say beautiful, but remember: no lies.


Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum

Now your CV is finished!!


Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum: Covering Letter

Covering letter
Always send a CV along with a covering letter, otherwise it is consider impolite.

The object of such letter is:

to introduce yourself to the possible interviewer.
to persuade the person to read your CV.
To say why you want that particular job with that particular employer.
To draw attention to one or two key points in the CV which you feel make you
suited to that particular job with that particular employer.


Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum: Covering Letter (I)

The letter must be relevant to the company, interesting, and well produced.
And YES it supposes to be dated and signed by you.
The letter should only be on one side of A4 paper. It must be polite and easy to
CV cover letters can be short and very concise. Cover letters need to be,
otherwise people won't read them.
If you are sending in a 'speculative' CV hoping that they may have work for you,
explain what sort of work you are interested in.
Telephone, and find the name of the person who will be dealing with applications
and address your letter to that person by name. (In a small company, it may
be the managing director. In a medium size company, it may be the head of
section/department. Only in a large company will there be a Personnel or Human
Resource Department.)
When sending a speculative CV, you may try telephoning later to push your
enquiry further.


Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum: Covering Letter (II)

Speculative Sample CV cover letter sample
Full name and address details
Dear (Mr/Mrs/Ms Surname):
I am interested in any openings in the above area and enclose my CV. You will see that I have
skills and capabilities that enable me to make a significant contribution to an organization such as your own,
notably (state two or three attributes briefly).
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
(And below print your name - not hand-written)

Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum: Covering Letter (III)

Full name and address details


Dear (Mr/Mrs/Ms Surname):

I am interested in any openings in the above area
and enclose my CV. You will see that I have skills and
capabilities that enable me to make a significant
contribution to an organization such as your own,
notably (state two or three attributes briefly).

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,


(And below print your name - not hand-written)

Speculative Sample CV cover letter sample


Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum: Covering Letter (IV)

Sample CV cover letter answering a specific advertisement
Full name and address details
Dear (Mr/Mrs/Ms Surname):
My name is John Andrews and I am writing in response to your advertisement for a Graduate Trainee on the University of Kent
vacancy database. I enclose my CV for your consideration.
I am particularly interested in a career with Elsewhere Bank, because of your commitment to giving new recruits early responsibility.
During my time as a student I have had a variety of part-time and vacation jobs, all of which have required me to work as part of a team and to deal
directly with the public. I found my work at the Tourist Information Office particularly valuable in teaching me the importance of ascertaining customers'
needs and providing clear and accurate information in response to those needs.
I will be available for interview at any time apart from the 12 - 24 August when I have arranged a holiday in Italy. I look forward to
hearing from you shortly.
Yours sincerely
(And below print your name - not hand-written)


Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum: Covering Letter (V)

Full name and address details

Dear (Mr/Mrs/Ms Surname):

My name is John Andrews and I am writing in response

to your advertisement for a Graduate Trainee on the
University of Kent vacancy database. I enclose my CV for
your consideration.
I am particularly interested in a career with Elsewhere
Bank, because of your commitment to giving new recruits
early responsibility.
During my time as a student I have had a variety of parttime and vacation jobs, all of which have required me to
work as part of a team and to deal directly with the public. I
found my work at the Tourist Information Office particularly
valuable in teaching me the importance of ascertaining
customers' needs and providing clear and accurate
information in response to those needs.
I will be available for interview at any time apart from the
12 - 24 August when I have arranged a holiday in Italy. I
look forward to hearing from you shortly.

Yours sincerely,

(And below print your name - not hand-written)

Sample CV cover letter answering a specific advertisement


Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum: References

Sometimes you may be requested to include references with your CV.
In such case, usually give two names - one from your place of study, and one
from any work situation you have had. Or if this does not apply, then an older
family friend with a relevant position, who has known you for some time.
Firstly make sure that referees are willing to give you a reference, and a good
one. Give their day and evening phone numbers if they authorize you to give that


Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

How to write a Curriculum Vitae/Resum: some advise

by Tom Jackson and Ellen Jackson,
published in USA by Doubleday,
and in UK by Judy Pratkus Ltd.

Other advises on the internet:


Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

KNUST Career Day How to approach a Job interview and

present yourself
By Erica Topolski and Folake Fabunmi

KNUST Career Day Handling a meal successfully during

your job interview
By Flora Egea

Handling a meal successfully during your job interview (I)

A meal can be very important. Many employers have busy schedules and will arrange
interviews during meal times.
You could be critically scrutinized on your table manners and conduct in addition to your
answers to the interview questions.
Employers may want to see you in a more social situation to see how you conduct
yourself, particularly if the job for which you are interviewing requires a certain standard of
conduct with clients and superiors.
Follow the lead of your host or hostess. You should wait for your interviewer to ask you
to sit down before taking your seat. If he/she doesn't ask you to sit, wait for him/her to be
seated, then sit.
During the meal, sit up straight and keep your feet flat on the floor. As soon as everyone is
seated, unfold your napkin and place it across your lap, folded, with the fold toward
you. Do this discreetly.

Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

Handling a meal successfully during your job interview (II)

If you need to leave the table, place your napkin on your chair, folded loosely. Only after the
meal is over should you place your napkin on the table to the right side of your plate (never
on your plate!).

Let your interviewer order first and order a meal for yourself that is less expensive than
his or hers. Pick a meal that is small and easy to eat.

Eat quickly, so that you can focus on your interviewer and answering questions. It is a
good idea to drink water, tea or juice, and no alcohol, even if your interviewer has ordered
Take small bites so that you can quickly finish chewing before speaking. Never speak with
food in your mouth!
Remember to thank your host for the meal at its conclusion. A thank you note will be a
nice touch as well.


Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

Handling a meal successfully during your job interview (III)

Helpful Links:

My personal email address is and I will be pleased if you want

to send me your doubts and concerns or if you need advise on the subject.
Many thanks and good luck!!


Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.


Team Ghana II - IBM Corporate Service Corps.

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