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Application of Derivatives

Alok Kumar Singh

Rate of Change of
dy/dx or f(x) represents rate of change of any
function y w.r.t. to variable x.
Find the rate of change of the area of a circle per
second with respect to its radius r when r = 5 cm
The volume of a cube is increasing at a rate of 9
cubic centimetres per second. How fast is the
surface area increasing when the length of an
edge is 10 centimetres ?

The total cost C(x) in Rupees, associated with the
production of x units of an item is given by C(x) =
0.005 x3 0.02 x2 + 30x + 5000. Find the
marginal cost when 3 units are produced, where
by marginal cost we mean the instantaneous rate
of change of total cost at any level of output.
The total revenue in Rupees received from the
sale of x units of a product is given by R(x) = 3x2
+ 36x + 5. Find the marginal revenue, when x =
5, where by marginal revenue we mean the rate
of change of total revenue with respect to the
number of items sold at an instant.

Increasing and Decreasing Functions

Let I be an open interval contained in the
domain of a real valued function f. Then f
is said to be
increasing on I if x1 < x2 in I f (x1) f (x2)
for all x1, x2 I.
strictly increasing on I if x1 < x2 in I f (x1)
< f (x2) for all x1, x2 I.
decreasing on I if x1 < x2 in I f (x1) f
(x2) for all x1, x2 I.
strictly decreasing on I if x1 < x2 in I f (x1)
> f (x2) for all x1, x2 I.

Maxima and Minima of a


Let f be a function defined on an interval I. Then

f is said to have a maximum value in I, if there exists a point c in

I such that

f (c) f (x) , for all x I.

The number f (c) is called the maximum value of f in I and the
point c is called a point of maximum value of f in I.
f is said to have a minimum value in I, if there exists a point c in
I such that
f (c) f (x), for all x I.
The number f (c), in this case, is called the minimum value of f in
I and the point c, in this case, is called a point of minimum value
of f in I.
f is said to have an extreme value in I if there exists a point c in I
such that f (c) is either a maximum value or a minimum value of
f in I.
The number f (c), in this case, is called an extreme value of f in I
and the point c is called an extreme point.

Second Derivative test for Maxima or

Let f be a function defined on an
interval I and c I. Let f be twice
differentiable at c. Then
x = c is a point of local maxima if f (c)
= 0 and f (c) < 0 The value f (c) is
local maximum value of f .
x = c is a point of local minima if f (c)
= 0 and f (c) > 0, In this case, f (c) is
local minimum value of f .
The test fails if f (c) = 0 and f (c) = 0.

Find local maximum and local minimum values of
the function f given by f (x) = 3x4 + 4x3 12x2 +
Find the absolute maximum and minimum values
of a function f given by f (x) = 2x3 15x2 + 36x +1
on the interval [1, 5].
An Apache helicopter of enemy is flying along the
curve given by y = x2 + 7. A soldier, placed at (3,
7), wants to shoot down the helicopter when it is
nearest to him. Find the nearest distance.
Manufacturer can sell x items at a price of rupees
(5 x/100) each. The cost price of x items is Rs
(x/5+500). Find the number of items he should sell
to earn maximum profit.

Permutation & Combination

The concepts of permutations

and combinations can be traced
back to the advent of Jainism in
India and perhaps even earlier.
The credit, however, goes to the
Jains who treated its subject
matter as a self-contained topic
in mathematics, under the name
The first book which gives a
complete treatment of the
subject matter of permutations
Conjectandi written by a Swiss,
Jacob Bernoulli (1654 1705

Counting Methods
Counting methods for computing probabilities

order matters!

Order doesnt

With replacement
Without replacement
Without replacement

Permutations and Combinations are very similar.
But the greatest difference between the two is that
permutations are concerned with the order of the
items in a given set, where combinations are not.
For example. combination could be used to find how
many ways five of eight students can be chosen to
go on a field trip to the movies. (We are only
concerned with the students, not their particular
With a permutation, we could figure out how many
ways these students can be arranged to sit by one
another at the movie. (Here, order is important)

A permutation is an ordered arrangement of
With replacement=once an event occurs, it can occur
again (after you roll a 6, you can roll a 6 again on the
same die).
Without replacement=an event cannot repeat (after you
draw an ace of spades out of a deck, there is 0
probability of getting it again).

Summary of Counting Methods

Counting methods for computing probabilities

Order doesnt

order matters!

With replacement: nr

Without replacement:
(n r )!


(n r )!r!

Find the number of 4 letter words, with or without
meaning, which can be formed out of the letters of
the word ROSE, where the repetition of the letters
is not allowed. Also find the number when
repetition is allowed.
How many 2 digit even numbers can be formed
from the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 if the digits can be
A committee of 3 persons is to be constituted from
a group of 2 men and 3 women. In how many ways
can this be done? How many of these committees
would consist of 1 man and 2 women?

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