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Essay Modes:

Different kinds of essays

Descriptive essay
Narrative essay
Comparison essay
Contrast essay
Cause essay
Effect essay
Process Analysis

Essay structure
Simple steps of writing an essay:
1. Decide on your topic
2. Prepare an outline/brainstorm ideas
3. Write introduction
4. Write your thesis statement
5. Write the body ( three paragraphs)
write supporting sentences
6. Write the conclusion
7. Reviewing and Editing

Essay Pattern

# Thesis Statement

1st body Paragraph:

Topic sentence with controlling idea
Supporting sentences
Concluding sentence
2nd body paragraph
Topic sentence with controlling idea
Supporting sentences
Concluding sentence
3rd body paragraph
Topic sentence with controlling idea
Supporting sentences
Concluding sentence
Conclusion: Restatement of Thesis statement, summing
up your thoughts


The Thesis statement

The thesis statement tells the reader
what the essay will be about, and
what point you, the author, will be
making. You know what the essay will
be about.
The thesis statement is that
sentence or two in your text that
contains the focus of your essay and
tells your reader what the essay is
going to be about.

the lack of a thesis statement may

well be a symptom of an essay beset
by a lack of focus.
Many writers think of a thesis
statement as an umbrella:
everything that you carry along in
your essay has to fit under this
umbrella, and if you try to take on
packages that don't fit, you will
either have to get a bigger umbrella
or something's going to get wet.

The thesis statement should remain

flexible until the paper is actually
finished. It should be a statement.
The thesis statement can appear in
the middle of the essay. It more
frequently appears at or near the
end of the Introduction.
Avoid announcing the thesis statement
as if it were a thesis statement.

In other words, avoid using phrases

such as "The purpose of this paper is .
. . . " or "In this paper, I will attempt to
. . . ." Such phrases betray this paper
to be the work of an amateur.
It is better to have three sub points in
your thesis statement since you have
to develop three body paragraphs

Sample Introduction with Thesis

Topic : An NSU guard
Scrutinizing every possible detail of the
people entering the premise, North South
University, wearing a fadeless smile with a
big responsibility of guarding is Abdul
Malek, a 42 years old guard. It is hard to
sneak into the university without showing
him the pass such as ID card even when the
face is familiar. The sheer responsibility,
the iron-attitude and the helpless simplistic
living makes Abdul Malek exceptional
among the guards.

It was unlike any other day and my
classes were over soon. I walked
down the busy stairs of NSU and
went to the reception. As I looked
around I saw a beautiful security
guard standing on the entrance of the
campus of the reception. I was struck
by her beauty, her distinctive
personality and her sincerity towards
her work

We may not notice, but being a security guard

is NSU is perhaps one of the toughest jobs
available within our campus. It is most
certainly not a job for boys but for men. It
might not be the most exciting job, but only
the hardest workers can pull this one off.
Starting from directly traffic in front of the
university to checking everyones ID card and,
not to forget, ensures the security of everyone
inside the University; this is not a job for one
person but an entire group of relentless
workers constantly communicating with each

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