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Business Plan Template

CARMa Venture Services (P)


Executive Summary
Less than 500 words brief about:

What is your offering?

What is the pain point it addresses?
Who is your customer?
What is your Management Team?
How much money do you need?
How much money do you make?

What is your offering?

What is your offering
A brief about your industry
Your Vision & Mission statement

What is the pain point it

What is the pain point your offering
Are you a prime mover or are there
other players?
What is your value proposition? Why
should people buy from you?
Who are your competitors and what
is their competitive edge?
How are you different?

What is your Location?

What is your office location?
What office infrastructure do you
Will it be a virtual or physical office?

Who is Your Customer?

Detailed demographic description of
your customer
Put a face to your customer
Identify who is NOT your customer?

Who is your Management

Who is your Founding Team
People currently on board and people
you need to hire. Corporate
Organogram defining positions, roles
and responsibilities
Advisory Board

Marketing Plan (1/2)

Have you done detailed market
Do you know certainly that this is
your customer?
What is your competitors strategy?
What is your strategy and why?

Marketing Plan (2/2)

Are you going directly to end user or
are you using a marketing channel?
How are you going to reach out to
your customer?
What collaterals have you created to
communicate with your customer ?
What Social Media technologies are
you using for customer acquisition?

Current Status
Is your product ready?
Have you started operations?
Have you got your first paid

When will your first revenue come?
When will you get your first 100
paying customers?
What top and bottomlines would you
achieve in Year 1, 2 and 3?
What all partnerships would you like
to establish in next 3 years?
Are you looking at organic or
inorganic growth?

How much money do you

How much money do you need and
What is your Capital and Revenue
How do you plan to raise the capital?

How much money do you

How much money will you make?
Three-year profit and loss projection
Three-year cash-flow projection
Three-year projected balance sheet

What are the opportunities?
What is your industry growth rate?
What new opportunities do you

What are the risks in reaching your
revenue targets due to?
Changes in regulations?
Changes in Global economy
Highly fragmented market
Weak innovation pipeline due to
specialized product
Not getting right resources for
specialized work

What partnerships are you looking at
and why?
Is partnership because you dont
have competency or is it the way you
would like to scale?
Do you plan to outsource your noncore areas?

Innovation Pipeline (1/2)

What is your innovation pipeline for?
More products in your existing offering
Improved operational efficiency
Newer market segments
Better pricing
New product in diversified domains
Using technology for productivity
Using technology for marketing and branding

Innovation Pipeline (2/2)

What product improvements do you
envisage in next 3 years?
What all technology innovations do
you plan to improve productivity?

Revenue Model
What are the direct sources of
What other ways for monetization
are possible?

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