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by Czarina Ann B. Alfonso


years might be thehappiest

period in an individuals life.
It is a point in ones life when friends
are made,new experiences are
encountered, and transitions turn
upas one grows and builds character
and personality.
The school is anurturing
environment where a person is
cultivated and molded in

But the life of a student is not all that its

cracked up to be.
Especially that of a teenager. With raging
hormones matched with a sea of
seemingly grave dilemmas, who else can
you turn to when no one seemsto listen?


Meaning of Guidance

Guidance is a continuous process of helping

the individuals to understand themselves and
their world.
Guidance is an organized set of specialized
services established as an integral part of the
school environment designed to promote the
development of students
Guidance seeks to help an individual
become familiar with facts about himself
his interests, abilities, previous development
and plans
Guidance involves personal help given by

Meaning of Counseling
Counseling is a personal relationship between
a professionally trained counselor and
someone who aims to assist him to
communicate and meet his immediate needs
and problems
Counseling is a process in which the structure
of the self is relaxed in the safety of the
relationship with the counselor
Counseling is an interaction process which
facilitates meaningful understanding of self
and environment
Counseling is not giving of information,

Guidance and
The process of helping individuals discover and
develop their educational, vocational, and
psychological potentialities and thereby to
achieve an optimal level of personal happiness
and social usefulness.
Guidance and Counseling plays a vital role in
education settings; identifying potential barriers
to learning, developing and assisting learners to
overcome these barriers, assisting their
transition from education to work, or supporting
a transition into higher education or into further
career opportunities.

The Need for Guidance

The student life is getting complex day by
day .
Guidance is needed to help the students for
optimum achievement and adequate
adjustment in the varied life situations.
Need analysis of the students in the schools
shows the need of Guidance and counseling
services , in the education, profession,
vocation, social, health, moral, personal, and
marital areas.

The Need for Guidance


To help in the total development of the

To help in the proper choices of courses
To help in the proper choice of careers
To help the students in vocational
To develop readiness for choices and
changes to face new challenges
To minimize the mismatching between
education and employment and help in
the efficient use of manpower.

The Need for Guidance

7. To motivate the youth for self employment
8. To help students establish proper identity
9. To identify and motivate the students from
weaker sections of society.
10. To help the students in their period of
turmoil and confusion
11. To help in checking wastage and
12. To identify and help students in need of
special help.

13. To ensure the proper utilization of

The Need for Guidance

14) To help in tackling problems
arising out of students population
15) To check migration to prevent
brain drain
16) To make up for the deficiencies of
17) To minimize the incidence of

Legal Bases of Guidance in

the Philippines
The legal foundation of guidance in the
Philippines has its own beginning in 1951
when the Joint Congressional Committee
on Education, in its report to Congress
there should be established in every
secondary school a functional guidance
and counseling program to help the
students, to guide them in their work in
school and at home and to help them

Legal Bases of Guidance in

the Philippines
To give more impact on the role of guidance in the
Philippine educational system, Section 4 of Batas
Pambansa Blg. 232 or the Education Act of 1982
states that the educational system shall aim to
provide for a broad general education that will
assist each individual, in the peculiar ecology of
his own society, to: a) attain his potentials as a
human being; b) enhance the range and quality of
individual and group participation in the basic
functions of society; and c) acquire the essential
educational foundation of his development into a
productive and versatile citizen

Legal Bases of Guidance in

the Philippines
The realization of these objectives are stipulated
under Section 3, Article XIV of the 1987
Constitution to which:
All educational institutions shall inculcate
patriotism and nationalism, foster love of
humanity, respect for human rights, appreciation
of the role of national heroes in the historical
development of the country, teach the rights and
duties of citizenship, strengthen ethical and
spiritual values, develop moral character and
personal discipline, encourage critical and creative
thinking, broaden scientific and technological
knowledge and promote vocational efficiency.

Philosophy behind Guidance

The underlying philosophies of guidance are
as follows:
1. Know the individual
2. Guidance is primarily dedicated to
implement the essential concern of
democracy for the dignity and worth of
the individual
3. Guidance is a life-long process
4. Guidance is based on human needs
5. Guidance is an art of helping individual to
plan their own action wisely, in the full
light of all the facts about the world in

Guidance Functions and


is the functions of guidance?

According to Jones, guidance does not
solve the problems for and individual,
rather, it helps the individual solve his
This is made possible by making
available to the individual all possible
means, opportunities, avenues of value
to him
As a result, there is an increased

Guidance Functions and


is education distinguished from

Education deals with the entire scope
of human development. All guidance is
education but not all aspects of
education are guidance. It is only when
the cooperation of the individual is
secured and assistance is given to him
in meeting his goals that guidance is
Separation of the two is

History and Development of

Pseudo-scientific techniques in guidance
Numerology it is the study of the occult
significance of numbers
Astrology it is the divination of the supposed
influences of the stars and planets on human
affairs and terrestrial events by their positions
and aspects
Graphology it is the study of handwriting
especially for the purpose of character
Palmistry the art or practice of reading a
persons character or future from the lines on

History and Development of

Pseudo-scientific techniques in guidance
Phrenology the study of the conformation of
the skull as indicative of mental faculties and
character traits
Physiognomy It is the art of discovering
temperament, personality and character from
onward appearance
Spiritualism a belief that spirits of the dead
communicate with the living usually through
a medium

The Development of Guidance

in the Philippines
Dr. Sinforoso Padilla Dean of Men of the
University of the Philippines started in 1932 a
Psychological Clinic which dealt with student cases
of discipline, emotional, academic and vocational
SY 1934-1940, the Division of City Schools, Manila,
selected and appointed Dean of Boys and Dean
of Girls they are assigned to look after the
general behavior and conduct of students
November 1945 the first Guidance Institute
seminar was held at the National Teachers College,
Manila from No. 23 to Dec 13 with the United Army
psychologist as resource person

The Development of Guidance

in the Philippines
Guidance Association of the Philippines participants of
the Guidance Institute Seminar organized the association
1952 the Division Superintendent of Schools
recommended the establishment of guidance services in
the public schools
December 1953 another organization was organized, this
was the Philippine Association of Guidance
Advisement and Guidance Section was established by
the United States Veterans Administration, setting up first
systematic guidance program in the Philippines
Colleges and Universities started offering courses such as
Counseling Psych, Industrial Psych, Clinical Psych and
Human Service Tech.

The Guidance Personnel and the

Role of Teachers in Guidance
School Heads they determines the destiny of the
guidance service by his attitude toward it. If he
sees it as having the potential for aiding youngster
in their development and decision-making chances
are good that the service will flourish
2. Guidance Counselor
a. Stimulates interest of other staff members
towards the guidance program
b. Solicits the participation of students
c. Plans the guidance program carefully
d. Keeps well-informed on educational trends
e. Seeks the advice and recommendations of others

The Guidance Personnel and the

Role of Teachers in Guidance
d. Keeps parents, teachers and students
e. Counsel students
f. Works closely with teachers
3. The Teacher the teachers ideas, suggestions
and aid are essential throughout all phases of
the programs establishment and
They provide appropriate learning experiences
and aiding young people in their personal
Responsibilities of teachers in Guidance

The Guidance Personnel and the

Role of Teachers in Guidance
Responsibilities of teachers in Guidance
3. Demonstrating a genuine interest in students
4. Encouraging high academic achievement
5. Holding individual conferences with students
6. Providing anecdotal records
7. Assisting the pupil inventory
8. Making student referral

The Guidance Personnel and the

Role of Teachers in Guidance
4. School Doctors and Nurses
They are invaluable assistance to the
school guidance program by helping
administrators and teachers to become
more aware of their responsibilities to the
children in the realm of health
5. The School Librarian
Her position in the guidance service is
unique. They guide the childrens habits
to love books to a great degree. The
librarians help in the upgrading of

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