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gives graphical record of history
of measurements of some physical

Basic elements :

Paper chart to record information

Stylus- writing instrument
interfacing apparatus


Instrument records one or more

parameters that change with respect
to time. Self balancing or
One or more parameters with respect
to some other- XY recorder


Limited freq. response dc 125 Hz

Mech. Writing instrument
Some strip chart types- uses photo
graphic plate few thousand Hz

Self balancing system

Self balancing system

Recorders- type

Strip chart
XY plotter

strip chart recorder- self balancing

Strip Chart type

Signal conditioning to drive chart at

desired rate
drives reversible motor
Event marker to mark edges of chart

Strip chart type

Galvanometer type

Galvanometer recorder are

uses dArsonvals movement
But not sensitve
Cost and size advantages

Galvanometer type

Strip chart
Used to indicate, record & control
Used in refineries, steel plants paper
mills etc

XY recorder

Relationship bw two variables

pen moves in two axes
Pen clamped or by creating diff.
Pressure to hold pen
Gives time base generator

XY recorder


Plotting Chara curves

Speed torque curves of motors
Resistancevs temp graph
mechanical measurements

XY recorder

XY recorder

Sampling Oscilloscope

Gain band width relationship of

vertical ampr limits freq range in
conventional scopes
High speed signal reduces image
intensity for higher freq.

Sampling oscilloscope

So e beam has to be accelerated to

high velocity KE increases, to
maintain normal image
Increase in electron beam velocity
easily achieved by raising the Voltage
of accelerating anode
e beam with high velocity- needs
greater potential for deflection high
demand on Vert. ampr.

Can be done by sampling- as in

sampling oscilloscope

Sampling Oscope

Sampling pulse of short interval

Waveform point by point
Uses a sample freq. 1/1000 of i/p

Block diagram

Sampling delays i/p

Avalanche blocking oscillator
Ramp & o/p of staircase generator
compared send a pulse if both V are
Time base adjustment on ramp
generator & mag. On attenr

Sampling Oscilloscope

DSO Digital storage Osciloscope

Conventional types uses storgae CRT

2 guns writing and flood gun
Flood gun supplies low energy
electrons to store

Disadvantages of conventional type


Can store only for finite time

Trace not fine as ordinary CRt
Writing rate is less
Expensive CRT
Only one image can be stored

A solution



Wave form , digitalized stored in

digital memory
Continously displayed
Can store as long as power applied to

DSO- Block diagram

Resolution 0f ADC 8 bit divides i/p

to 256
Uses flash type
Instead of 8 bit two 4 bit flash used

Very fast type Dso

Uses analog type storage

Single pole double trow Fet switch

Option for pre trigger- helps to find


Alpha numeric display

Alpha nimeral display

Key board generates code- ASCII

Codes given to i/p buffer drives
5X7 LED display
Rom 64X 5X7 = 2240 bits

5 X 7 LED display


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