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What is Consumer

Consumer behavior is the study of
how and why people acquire and
use products for themselves
and/or their household.

1) Process by which individual decide whether,


what, when, from whom, where & how much to

It comprises both mental & physical activities of
a consumer.
An individual Behavior is influenced by internal
& external factors.
It is influenced by a No. of marketing stimuli
offered by marketer.
They learn & thereby change their attitudes &

Motive is inner urge that moves or

prompts a person to some action.

It can be a strong desire, feeling, a

drive, stimulus or emotion which plays

a role in the consumers decision to
purchase a product or service.

i. Personal Motives
a) Role Playing
b) Diversion
c) Learning about new trends

ii. Social Motives

a) Social Experience
b) Status & Authority
c) Pleasure of Bargaining

Consumer Decision Making

The Buying process by a consumer is
triggered by his specific needs.

Consumer Distinctive
Behavior Pattern Towards
Consumer rely more on information

from personal services

Engage in greater post purchase
evaluation and information seeking.
Consumer Perceive greater risk.
Mood plays an important role.

Factors Influencing
Consumer Behavior
1. Culture

2. Subculture
3. Social class
4. Reference groups
5. Family

Implication for service

Marketers should be careful in satisfying

existing customers.
Assistance of service providers plays an
important role.
Customer becomes a part of service
delivery process.
Time taken to deliver the service forms the
basis of competition.
Demand for both quality and customization
poses a challenge to service providers.

Choose a recent purchase that included not

only yourself but also other people in making
the decision .What roles did you play in the
buying centre? what roles did these other
people play and how did they influence your

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