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5550 IP Console Release 3.

Call History

New Product Introduction
28 January 2010

5550 IP Console Release 3.6

Call History
Release 3.6 of the 5550 IP Console introduces the Attendant Call
History feature.
Operators can search call history records
Transfer to frequently called party

This feature is separate from MCD call history and only pertains to
calls to & from the consoles.
Records are stored in a designated PostgreSQL database.

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Users include:
Console Operators
Console administrators
Database administrators

System requirements

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Free versions of PostgreSQL available at

- Select download

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Select binary package for appropriate OS example Windows

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Select the one click installer this may redirect to a different

web site.

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Recommend using PostgreSQL 8.4 although earlier 8.X

versions have been used.

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Save download to server.

Download will include pgAdmin III required for configuration
of the database

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Run the installer from the saved location

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Accept the default values as the install proceeds

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Default location

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Enter and confirm the password to be used for the superuser account (postgres) in the
database cluster. On Windows, this password is also used for the service account and
must match the current password if the account already exists. You can change the
superuser password independently of the service account password at any time
following the installation.
Enter a Strong password. This is the superuser postgres account. There will be a
postgres user on this server once the install is completed.
The IP console attendant and the Call History feature will be using a user account called
ipconsoleattendant to access the database (explained later).
The IP consoles will not be using the postgres user created here. However the
maintainer may need to access the postgres superuser account for maintenance
functions in the future; so write/remember this username and password.

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Leave port as default: 5432

Select the port that the server will listen on. By default, incoming
connections will only be accepted from the local machine. You can
change this behaviour by editting the pg_hba.conf file in the data
directory and reloading the server configuration. (discussed later)
Please ensure that networks allow the IP consoles to access this port on the postgres
Server. The IP console applications are hard coded to use port 5432; If you are offered
any port other than 5432 it might mean that another application (including another
install of Postgres) already uses this port

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This page allows you to configure some advanced server options:

Locale: Choose the local that the cluster will be initialised with. The [Default locale]
option will allow the initdb program to try to determine the appropriate locale from the
Install pl/pgsql in template1 database?: This option will install the pl/pgsql procedural
language in the template1 database which means it will be present in any new
databases created using that template. If you choose not to install pl/pgsql, it can be
easily installed in selected databases in the future if required.
5550 Recommendation: Leave as default locale.
5550 Recommendation: Leave the check on for Install pl/pgsql in template1 database

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The installation will begin

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Deselect the Stack Builder option

This option is not required for 5550 IP Console Call History

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Installation Troubleshooting

If you need to uninstall PostgreSQL, you can run the uninstaller that is created
during the installation process at any time. Note that the uninstaller will never
remove your data directory, or the service user account. You can find the uninstaller
in the installation directory, and can run it as you ran the installer. No command line
options are generally required. On Windows, you can also run the uninstaller from
the Add/Remove Programs control panel applet.
If you encounter any problems during installation, please check the logfile that is
created in /tmp on Linux or Mac OS X or %TEMP% on Windows. The file will be called
install-postgresql.log. The logfile may contain the superuser password you specified
during the installation, which should be replaced before sharing the log with anyone.
If you are unable to resolve the problem having reviewed the logfile, please search
the EnterpriseDB forums as well as your favourite search engine for a solution.

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When the installation is complete launch the pgAdmin III

program now found in the Start Programs list

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The above figure shows the default PostgreSQL database selected

Right click and Connect to the local Postgres Server (diagram above is already
connected; right click would be offering Connect and not Disconnect as shown below )

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Create ipconsoleattendant user

Expand the PostgreSQL database and right mouse click on
Login Roles
The user name must be as shown above as it is hard coded in
5550 application
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Role Name : ipconsoleattendant

Password : this is not the same pw that was created earlier
not necessary to be secure will used to configured in 5550
IP Console
Role Privileges Tab: Select Superuser, Inherit rights from

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Create Database
On Databases right mouse click and select New Database
Name: must be IP_CONSOLE_5550 this is also hard coded
and will be entered into 5550 configuration.
Owner : Dropdown will contain new role created earlier
Other options : accept defaults

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Allowing 5550 IP Console access to database

based on network
From pg Admin III File menu select Open pg_hba.conf
Failure to do this step will result the console application
logviewer message indicating pg_hba.conf not allowed

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Allowing 5550 IP Console access to database

based on network
Default location: C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.4\data

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Allowing 5550 IP Console access to

database based on network
Example shows access from consoles which reside within the
entire network, configuration will be unique to each
Additions are made by double clicking blank entry

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Allowing 5550 IP Console access to

database based on network
Enabled : must be selected
Type : host
Database : All could also select IP_CONSOLE 5550 from
User : All - could also select ipconsoleattendant from
IP Address: Address range for 5550 IP Consoles
Method : md5
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5550 Call History Feature Configuration and Operation

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Call History Tabs

Display above shows both Call History and My Call History
The Attendant can access the Call History tab in the following ways
Through Toolbar Button
Through Menu Bar
Using Keyboard Shortcut key
Tab selection using Mouse
Through a Programmable TKB Key

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Call History Fields

The following fields are stored in database

Callers Private Indicator
Caller Name
Caller Number
Call Time
Destinations Private Indicator
Destination Name
Destination Number
Console DN

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Call History Field Selector

The Attendant may re-order the columns, resize the columns,
or use the field chooser to hide some columns in the Call
History tab. These column settings will persist across 5550 IP
Console restarts.
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Call History Display

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Tools -> Options -> Database

Enable / Disable Call History feature
Database password for ipconsoleattendant user defined in postgreSQL
Note that database and user are not configurable
Database Server Name ( IP address will also work)
Console application must be restarted for changes to take effect
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Plan periodic backup and maintenance activities.

The Database Administrator needs to do that after each 90 /180 /365
days based on size of calls records.
He may need to execute following query to delete old data from
database using pgAdmin (Postgres database administrator utility)
Internal trial has been running since June 2009 without deleting any
records (currently ~ 100, 000 entries/testing was done with
1,000,000 entries) and no impact on performance.
RAM memory is key to performance

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Routine Vacuuming
PostgreSQL databases require periodic maintenance known as vacuuming. For
many installations, it is sufficient to let vacuuming be performed by the
autovacuum daemon. You might need to adjust the autovacuuming parameters to
obtain best results for your situation.
Vacuuming Basics
PostgreSQL's VACUUM command has to process each table on a regular basis for
several reasons:
To recover or reuse disk space occupied by updated or deleted rows.
To update data statistics used by the PostgreSQL query planner.
To protect against loss of very old data due to transaction ID wraparound.

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