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"Industrial Design (ID) is the professional service of
creating and developing concepts and specifications
that optimize the function, value and appearance of
products and systems for the mutual benefit of both
user and manufacturer" according to the IDSA
 (Industrial Designers Society of America).

• Industrial designers are basically conceptual

• They study both function and form, and the
connection between product and the user.
• They do not design the gears or motors that make
machines move, or the circuits that control the
movement, but they can affect technical aspects
through usability design and form relationships.
• And usually, they partner with engineers and
• Some of the processes that are
commonly used are CLIENT/USER
based research, sketching,
comparative product research, model
making, prototyping and testing.
•   Industrial designers often utilize 3D
software, and CAD programs to move
from concept to production.
• Product characteristics specified by
the industrial designer may include
the overall form of the object, the
location of details with respect to one
another, colors, texture, sounds, and
aspects concerning the use of the
product ergonomics.
• The industrialDESIGNER
designer may specify aspects
concerning the production process, 
choice of materials and the way the product
is presented to the consumer at the 
point of sale.
• The use of industrial designers in a product
development process may lead to added
values by improved usability, lowered
production costs and more appealing
• However, some classic industrial designs are
considered as much works of art as works
of engineering: the iPod, the Jeep, the 
Fender Stratocaster, the Coke bottle, and
the VW Beetle are frequently-cited
• Industrial designers are generalists who resolve design issues in
the context of contemporary culture. Industrial Designers
create attractive, meaningful things that work well and support
the client's mission. This includes things such as computers,
furniture, cars, exhibits, sporting goods, tools and countless
other items people interact with in their lives. They also
develop systems and services that people will use. An industrial
designer will typically begin work on design problems by
analyzing the end user's functional and cultural needs. A
successful design solution fulfills user needs and finds synergy
between these, the business interests of the client and current
design priorities.
• A working knowledge of current design priorities is developed from
the study of the liberal arts, including an observation of
convergences of knowledge, an analysis of products and
systems in contemporary society, attention to the cultural
implications of technological growth, and a study of ideas in art
and design history. The understanding derived from these
sources ensures that industrial designers will act as agents of
change and will offer design solutions that accurately interpret
human existence.
• Industrial Design is growing rapidly in its value to clients, its scope

The professions that Industrial Design Students must
collaborate with typically include scholars in the
liberal arts, business people, engineers, healthcare
professionals and scientists.
• The Industrial Design students must work together in
a studio environment. In the pursuit of their design
projects, they are required to develop a very broad
range of skills. They learn to network and
communicate in traditional and in web based media,
draw, analyze, discuss, build models and prototypes
and present their ideas.
• To inform their design solutions, they should perform
research using traditional methods and, as dictated
by their innovations, they invent new ones.
• At times they can pursue projects independently and
at times they work in teams. Students often work on
industry sponsored projects that bring real-world
criteria and opportunity into their studios.

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