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Dr. AbdullaIsmail
Professor of Electrical Engineering

Course Outline (Topics):

Introduction to Digital Control

Discrete Time Systems
The Z-transform
Difference Equations
Impulse Response and Step response of Discrete-Time
Frequency Response of Discrete-Time Systems
Modeling Digital Control Systems
Stability of Digital Control Systems
Digital Control System Design
State-Space Analysis of Discrete-Time Systems

Digital Control

Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability is a basic requirement for digital and analog
control systems.
Digital control is based on samples and is updated every
sampling period, and there is a possibility that the system
will become unstable between updates.
This obviously makes stability analysis different in the
digital case.
We examine different definitions and tests of the stability
of linear time-invariant (LTI) digital systems based on
transfer function models.
In particular, we consider input-output stability and
internal stability.
We provide two tests for stability: the Routh-Hurwitz
criterion and the Jury criterion.
Digital Control

Stability of Digital Control Systems

System Response and pole location for CTS

Digital Control

Stability of Digital Control Systems

Mapping regions of the s-plane onto the z-plane

Digital Control

Stability of Digital Control Systems

System Response and pole location for DTS

Digital Control

Poles and Time Response

Complex Poles
Real Poles

Digital Control

Transient responses and Pole Loci

(a) Transient responses corresponding to various pole locations of Y(s) in the splane (complex-conjugate poles only).
(b) Transient-response sequence corresponding to various pole locations of Y(z)
in the z-plane.

Digital Control

Stability of Digital Control Systems

Definitions of Stability
The most commonly used definitions of stability are based
on the. magnitude of the system response in the steady
If the steady-state response is unbounded, the system is
said to be unstable.
Here, we discuss two stability definitions that concern the
boundedness or exponential decay of the system output.
The first stability definition considers the system output due
to its initial conditions.
To apply it to transfer function models, we need the
assumption that no pole-zero cancellation occurs in the
transfer function.

Digital Control

Stability of Digital Control Systems

Definitions of Stability
Definition 4.1: Asymptotic Stability.
A system is said to be asymptotically stable if its response
y(k) to any initial conditions decays to zero asymptotically in
the steady statethat is, the response due to the initial
conditions satisfies
If the response due to the initial conditions remains
bounded but does not decay to zero, the system is said to
be marginally stable.
Digital Control

Stability of Digital Control Systems

Definitions of Stability
The second definition of stability concerns the forced
response of the system for a bounded input.
A bounded input satisfies the condition

For example, a bounded

sequence satisfying the
constraint |u(k)| < 3 is shown
in Figure here
Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Definitions of Stability
Definition 4.2: Bounded-InputBounded-Output Stability.
A system is said to be bounded-inputbounded-output (BIBO)
stable if its response to any bounded input remains bounded
that is, for any input satisfying

, the output


Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stable z-Domain Pole Locations
The locations of the poles of linear discrete time systems
z-transfer function determine its time response.
The implications of this fact for system stability are now
examined more closely.
Consider the sampled exponential and its z-transform
where p is real or complex.

Then the time sequence for large k is given by

Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stable z-Domain Pole Locations
Any time sequence can be described by

where Ai are partial fraction coefficients and pi are z-domain poles.

Hence, we conclude that the sequence is bounded if its poles lie

in the closed unit disc (i.e., on or inside the unit circle) and decays
exponentially if its poles lie in the open unit disc (i.e., inside the
unit circle).
This conclusion allows us to derive stability conditions based on
the locations of the system poles.
Note that the case of repeated poles on the unit circle
corresponds to an unbounded time sequence (see, for example,
the transform of the sampled ramp).

Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Conditions
Asymptotic Stability
The following theorem gives conditions for asymptotic stability.
Theorem 4.1: Asymptotic Stability.
In the absence of pole-zero cancellation, an LTI digital
control system is:
1.Asymptotically stable if all system poles are inside the unit
disc and
2.Marginally stable if at least one of the simple(not repeated)
poles is in on the unit disc or circle and no poles outside the
unit disc.
Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Conditions Asymptotic Stability
Example 4.1
Determine the asymptotic stability of the following systems:

Digital Control

Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Conditions

Asymptotic Stability

Example 4.1 Solution

Theorem 4.1 can only be used for transfer functions (a) and (b) if their poles
and zeros are not canceled.
Ignoring the zeros, which do not affect the response to the initial conditions,
(a) has a pole outside the unit circle and the poles of (b) are inside the unit
Hence, (a) is unstable, whereas (b) is asymptotically stable.
Theorem 4.1 can be applied to the transfer functions (c) and (d). The poles
of (c) are all inside the unit circle, and the system is therefore asymptotically
stable. However, (d) has one pole on the unit circle and is only marginally

Digital Control

Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Conditions BIBO Stability
BIBO stability concerns the response of a system to a
bounded input.
The response of the system to any input is given by the
convolution summation

where h(k) is the impulse response sequence.

It may seem that a system should be BIBO stable if its

impulse response is bounded.
To show that this is generally false, let the impulse
response of a linear system be bounded with lower
bound bh1 and upper bound bh2that is,
Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Conditions

BIBO Stability

Then using this bound in

gives the inequality

The following theorem establishes necessary and

sufficient conditions for BIBO stability of a discrete-time
linear system.

Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Conditions

BIBO Stability

Theorem 4.2: A discrete-time linear system is BIBO stable if

and only if its impulse response sequence is absolutely
summablethat is,
Because the z-transform of the impulse response is
the transfer function, BIBO stability can be related to
pole locations as follows.
Theorem 4.3: A discrete-time linear system is BIBO stable
if and only if the poles of its transfer function lie inside the
unit circle.

Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Conditions

BIBO Stability

Example 4.2
Investigate the BIBO stability of the class of systems with
the impulse response
where K is a finite constant.
The impulse response satisfies
Using condition

, the systems are all BIBO

This is the class of finite impulse response (FIR)
systems (i.e., systems whose impulse response is
nonzero over a finite interval).
Digital Control


Thus, we conclude that all FIR systems are BIBO stable.

Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Conditions

BIBO Stability

Example 4.3
Investigate the BIBO stability of the systems discussed in
Example 4.1:

Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Conditions

BIBO Stability

Example 4.3
After pole-zero cancellation, the transfer functions
(a) and (b) have all poles inside the unit
circle and are therefore BIBO stable.
The transfer function (c) has all poles inside the unit
circle and is stable; (d) has a pole on the unit circle and
is not BIBO stable.

Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Conditions

BIBO Stability

The preceding analysis and examples

show that for LTI systems, with no
pole/zero cancellation, BIBO and
asymptotic stability are equivalent and
can be investigated using the same tests.
Hence, the term stability is used in the
sequel to denote either BIBO or
asymptotic stability with the assumption
of no unstable pole-zero cancellation.
Pole locations for a stable system (inside
the unit circle) are shown in Figure here.
Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Conditions Internal Stability
So far, we have only considered stability as applied to an
open-loop system.
For closed-loop systems, these results are applicable to the
closed-loop transfer function.
However, the stability of the closed-loop transfer function is
not always sufficient for proper system operation because
some of the internal variables may be unbounded.
In a feedback control system, it is essential that all the
signals in the loop be bounded when bounded external
inputs are applied to the system.

Digital Control

Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Conditions

Internal Stability

Consider the unity feedback digital control scheme of

Figure shown below where, for simplicity, a disturbances
input is added to the controller output before the ADC.
We consider that system as having two outputs, Y and U,
and two inputs, R and D. Thus, the transfer functions
associated with the system are given by

Digital Control

Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Conditions

Internal Stability

Clearly, it is not sufficient to prove that the output of the

controlled system Y is bounded for bounded reference
input R because the controller output U can be unbounded.
This suggests the following definition of stability.

Digital Control

Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Conditions

Internal Stability

Definition 4.3: Internal Stability.

If all the transfer functions that relate system inputs (R and
D) to the possible system outputs (Y and U) are BIBO
stable, then the system is said to be internally stable.

Because internal stability guarantees the stability of the transfer

function from R to Y, among others, it is obvious that an internally
stable system is also externally stable (i.e., the system output Y is
bounded when the reference input R is bounded).
However, external stability does not, in general, imply internal
We now provide some results that allow us to test internal stability.

Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Conditions

Internal Stability

Theorem 4.4: The system shown in Figure below is

internally stable if and only if all its closed-loop poles are in
the open unit disc.
Theorem 4.5: The system of Figure below is internally
stable if and only if the following two conditions hold:
1. The characteristic polynomial 1 + C(z)GZAS(z) has no
zeros on or outside the unit circle.
2. The loop gain C(z)GZAS(z) has no pole-zero cancellation
on or outside the unit circle.

Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Conditions

Internal Stability

Example 4.4
An isothermal chemical reactor where the product
concentration is controlled by manipulating the feed flow rate
is modeled by the following transfer function:

Determine GZAS(Z) with a sampling rate T = 0.1, and then

verify that the closed-loop system with the feedback

is not internally stable.

Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Conditions

Internal Stability

Example 4.4 .. Solution

The discretized process transfer function is

The transfer function from the reference input to the

system output is given by

The system appears to be asymptotically stable with all its

poles inside the unit circle.
However, the system is not internally stable as seen by
examining the transfer function
Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Conditions

Internal Stability

Example 4.4 .. Solution

which has a pole at 1.334 outside the unit circle.

The control variable is unbounded even when the
reference input is bounded.
In fact, the system violates condition 2 of Theorem 4.5
because the pole at 1.334 cancels in the loop gain

Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Determination
Routh-Hurwitz Criterion
The Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion determines
conditions for left half plane (LHP) polynomial roots of
continuous-time systems.
But, it cannot be directly used to investigate the stability of
discrete-time systems.
However, the given bilinear transformation transforms the
inside of the unit circle to the LHP.

Digital Control

Stability of Digital Control Systems

Routh-Hurwitz Criterion
This allows the use of the Routh-Hurwitz criterion for
the investigation of discrete-time system stability.
For the general z-polynomial,

Digital Control

Stability of Digital Control Systems

Routh-Hurwitz Criterion
The Routh-Hurwitz approach becomes progressively more
difficult as the order of the z-polynomial increases.
But for low-order polynomials, it easily gives stability
The Routh-Hurwitz approach is demonstrated in the following

Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Determination
Example 4.5
Find stability conditions for

1. The stability of the first-order polynomial can be easily
determined by solving for its root. Hence, the stability
condition is
2. The roots of the second-order polynomial are in general
given by

Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Determination
Example 4.5 .. Solution

Thus, it is not easy to determine the stability of the

second-order polynomial by solving for its roots.
Hence, for pole magnitudes less than unity, we obtain
the necessary stability condition
or equivalently

Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Determination
Example 4.5 .. Solution
By the Routh-Hurwitz criterion, it can be shown that the
poles of the second-order w-polynomial remain in the LHP
if and only if its coefficients are all positive.
Hence, the stability conditions are given by

Adding the first and third conditions gives

Digital Control

Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Determination
Example 4.5 .. Solution
This condition, obtained earlier, is therefore satisfied if the
three conditions of

are satisfied.

The reader can verify through numerical examples that if

real roots satisfying the above three condition are
substituted in

, we obtain roots between 1

and +1.

Digital Control

Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Determination
Example 4.5 .. Solution
Without loss of generality, the coefficient a2 can be
assumed to be unity, and the stable parameter range can
be depicted in the a0 versus a1 parameter plane as shown
in Figure here.

Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Example 4.6


Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Example 4.6 .. Solution

Routh-Hurwitz array can now be developed from the

transformed characteristic equation.

Since there are no sign changes in the first column of the

Routh array therefore the system is stable.
Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Example 4.7


Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Example 4.7 .. Solution
Routh array can now be developed from the transformed
characteristic equation.

From the table above, since there is one sign change in the
first column above equation has one root in the right-half of
the w-plane.
This, in turn, implies that there will be one root of the
characteristic equation outside of the unit circle in the z-plane.
Digital Control


Jurys Stability Test

Stability test method presented by

Eliahu Ibraham Jury.

It is possible to investigate the stability of z-domain

polynomials directly using the Jury test.
These tests involve determinant evaluations as in the
Routh-Hurwitz test for s-domain polynomials but are
more time consuming.
Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Determination
Jury Test
Theorem 4.6:
For the polynomial
the roots of the polynomial are inside the unit circle if and
only if the following conditions are met.

where the terms in the n + 1 conditions are calculated from Table 4.1. given next.

Digital Control

Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Determination
Jury Test

Theorem 4.6:

Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Determination

Jury Test

Theorem 4.6:

Based on the Jury table and the Jury stability conditions, we

make the following observations:
1. The first row of the Jury table is a listing of the coefficients
of the polynomial F(z) in order of increasing power of z.
2. The number of rows of the table (2n 3) is always odd,
and the coefficients of each even row are the same as the
odd row directly above it with the order of the coefficients
Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Determination

Jury Test
3. There are n + 1 conditions in (C) that correspond to the n
+ 1 coefficients of F(z).
4. Conditions 3 through 2n 3 of (C) are calculated using
the coefficient of the first column of the Jury table together
with the last coefficient of the preceding row. The middle
coefficient of the last row is never used and need not be
5. Conditions 1 and 2 of (C) are calculated from F(z) directly.
If one of the first two conditions is violated, we conclude that
F(z) has roots on or outside the unit circle without the need
to construct the Jury table or test the remaining conditions.
Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Determination

Jury Test

6. Condition 3 of (C), with an = 1, requires the constant term of

the polynomial to be less than unity in magnitude. The constant
term is simply the product of the roots and must be smaller
than unity for all the roots to be inside the unit circle.
7. Conditions (C) reduce to conditions


for first and second order systems respectively where the Jury
table is simply one row.
8. For higher-order systems, applying the Jury test by hand is
laborious, and it is preferable to test the stability of a polynomial
F(z) using a computer-aided design (CAD) package.
Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Example 4.8

Jury Test

Test the stability of the polynomial.


Develop Jurys Table [(2n-3) rows].


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Jury Test
Example 4.8
3rd row is calculated using


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Jury Test
Example 4.8
4rth row is same as 3rd row in reverse order


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Jury Test
Example 4.8
5th row is calculated using


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Jury Test
Example 4.8
6th row is same as 5th row in reverse order


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Jury Test
Example 4.8
7th row is calculated using


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Jury Test
Example 4.8
Now we need to evaluate following conditions
nth order system

5th order System


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Jury Test

Example 4.8
The first two conditions require the evaluation of F(z) at z = 1.

Not Satisfied


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Jury Test
Example 4.8
Next four conditions require Jurys table


Not Satisfied


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Example 4.9

Jury Test

Test the stability of the polynomial.


Develop Jurys Table [(2n-3) rows].



Stability of Digital Control Systems

Jury Test
Example 4.9
Next four conditions require Jurys table


Since all the conditions are satisfied, the system is stable.

Determine the stability of a discrete data system
described by the following CE by using Jurys Stability


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Determination
The roots of a polynomial are obtained using one of the
MATLAB commands, >> roots(den)
>> zpk(g)
where den is a vector of denominator polynomial coefficients.

The command zpk factorizes the numerator and

denominator of the transfer function g and displays it.
The poles of the transfer function can be obtained with the
command pole and then sorted with the command dsort
in order of decreasing magnitude.

Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Determination
Alternatively, one may use the command ddamp, which
yields the pole locations (eigenvalues), the damping ratio,
and the undamped natural frequency.
For example, given a sampling period of 0.1 s and the
denominator polynomial with coefficients
>> den = [1.0, 0.2, 0.0, 0.4]
the command is >> ddamp(den, 0.1)
The command yields the output.

Digital Control

Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Determination
The MATLAB command >> T = feedback(g, gf, 1)
calculates the closed-loop transfer function T using the forward
transfer function g and the feedback transfer function gf.
For negative feedback, the third argument is -1 or is omitted.
For unity feedback, we replace the argument gf with 1.
We can solve for the poles of the closed-loop transfer function
as before using zpk or ddamp.

Digital Control

Modeling Digital Control Systems


Digital Control


Zero-Pole Matching
Exact map between poles (z = esT) exists.
Basic idea, simply use same map for zeros.
1. All poles are mapped by z = esT.
For example, s = -a maps to z = e-aT

2. All finite zeros are mapped by z = esT.

For example, s = -b maps to z = e-bT

3. Basically, zeros at infinity maps to z = ej= -1

(representing the highest frequency)
4. Identical gain at some critical freq. (typically, s=0)
H(s) at s=0 = H(z) at z=1

Zero-Pole Matching
Example (1)
Compute the discrete equivalent by zero-pole matching

Pole (rule 1) s a z e aT
Zero (rule 3) H ( s ) s 0 z 1
1 e aT
Gain (rule 4) K

1 K
z 1 s a s 0
z 1
H ( z) K
z 1


Zero-Pole Matching


z 1
H ( z) K


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Jury Test
Example 4.6

We compute the entries of the Jury table using the coefficients of the polynomial

Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Determination

Jury Test

Example 4.6

Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Determination Jury Test
Example 4.7
Find the stable range of the gain K for the unity feedback
digital cruise control system of last lecture set with the
analog plant transfer function
and with digital-to-analog converter (DAC) and analog-todigital converter (ADC) if the sampling period is 0.02 s.

Digital Control

Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Determination

Jury Test

Example 4.7 .. Solution

Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Determination

Jury Test

Example 4.7 .. Solution

Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Determination

Jury Test

Example 4.8
Find the stable range of the gain K for the vehicle position
control system, given in the lecture set, with the analog plant
transfer function
and with DAC and ADC if the sampling period is 0.05 s.

Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Determination

Jury Test

Example 4.8 .. Solution

Digital Control


Stability of Digital Control Systems

Stability Determination Jury Test
Example 4.8 .. Solution

Digital Control


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