The Role of The Issuer: David Todd: Director of Sales Omniarch Capital

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The Role of the Issuer

David Todd: Director of Sales OmniArch Capital

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contained herein may contain public information and is for
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This is not
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investment is only for investors by way of subscriptio

Discussion Points
1. The Market
2. Role of the Issuer
3. Issuers and Vertical Markets
4. Bringing Product to Market
5. Product Examples

The Exempt Market

Sept 28, 2010 / NI 31-103

Exempt from the Prospectus
Exemptions Provincially Regulated
OM Exemptions
Hedge Funds
Bonds & PPNs

Role of the Issuer

To create and develop the investment product or opportunity

To create the Offering Memorandum
Register with the Provincial Securities Commission
Present the product to EMDs (Exempt Market Dealers) for sale
Some Issuers are also their own EMDs but this is not the norm

Vertical Market Applications

Issuers operate in different Vertical Markets

Prestige Capital / Building Hotels
Chestermere Lands / Land Development
Solar Income Fund / Green Energy
982 Media / P&A of Film Industry

Bringing Product to Market

Issuers bring product to market through the Offering Memorandum

The steps in getting to the OM are:
1. The Product In / Development / Exit is planned
2. The Analytics / Partnerships / Strategy are planned
3. The initial OM is written and corporate disclosures added
4. The OM is developed with / through law firms
5. The OM is registered with the commission
6. The OM is approved by the EMD
7. The OM must be presented to the investor

Product Examples

OM Dictates The Terms Of The Investment

5 Year Investment Term Early Exit Available

Predictable Cash Flow
$5,000 CDN Minimum Investment

OM Declares How The Investment Works

15 Year Time Frame

5% Interest (Coupon Rate) = $50,000

5 Year Hold

Protective Spread

10% Interest to Investor

= $30,000

Face Value
(Current Worth)

Liquidity Within The Exempt Market

1 Year Committed Funds

90 Days Written Notice
Declining Redemption Fee

Media As An Asset Class



Senior Debt


EM Can Provide Non-Correlation

Print & Advertising of Motion Pictures

Investment in Senior Secured Loans

Last In First Out (LIFO)
Secured against the gross cash flow
of the film

Investments Can Be Inversely Related

Investment Overview
Summary of Fund

$5,000 CDN Minimum Investment

(Registered Available)

6% Preferred return (paid quarterly)

and 50% profit participation


Potential 10 Year Dividend Stream

ROC starts approximately 5 yrs after

investment date

Product Examples
Examples have provided:
Inverse Relationship
Predictable Returns

Canadian Exempt Market

The Exempt Market is going main stream

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