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ISO 28000

Supply Chain Security

GLC Germanischer Lloyd Certification GmbH


What is ISO 28000

international standard that enables organizations to establish
an overall supply chain security management system (sms)

specifies the requirements and aspects critical to security

assurance of the supply chain

based on the ISO 14001 risk based approach to management


existing processed based management systems, e.g. ISO 9001

may be used as a foundation for the sms

based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) methodology

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1. Scope
includes all activities controlled or influenced by the
organization that impact on supply chain security

applicable to all sizes of organizations, from small to

multinational, in
storage or
at any stage of the production or supply chain

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4.1 General requirements

establish, document, implement, maintain and continually
improve an effective sms for identifying security threats,
assessing risks and controlling and mitigation their

continually improve effectiveness in accordance with this


define the scope of the sms

outsourced processes that affect conformity with security

requirements must be controlled and identified within the sms

Note: Similarities to ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 14001 (Environment)

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4.2 Security management policy

The policy shall:

be consistent with other organizational policies and their overall

security threat and risk management framework, which enables

the specific security management objectives, targets and
programs to be produced
be appropriate to the threats to the organization and the nature
and scale of its operations
be visible endorsed by top management, communicated to all
relevant employees and third parties and be available to
stakeholders where appropriate
provide for its review in case of the acquisition or merger with
other organizations
Note: Similarities with ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 14001 (Environment)

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4.3 Security risk assessment and

4.3.1 Security risk assessment (1)
procedures to identify and assess security threats and
risks (includes likelihood of an event and all of its
physical failure threats and risks (functional failure, incidental/

malicious damage, terrorist or criminal actions)

operational threats and risks (activities affecting performance,
condition or safety)
natural environmental events (storms, floods etc. rendering
security measures and equipment ineffective)
Note: Some similarities with TAPA and C-TPAT

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4.3 Security risk assessment and

4.3.1 Security risk assessment (2)

factors outside the organizations control (failures in externally

supplied equipment and services)

stakeholder threats and risks (failure to meet regulatory
requirements or damage to reputation or brand)
design and installation of security equipment including
replacement, maintenance, etc.
information, data management and communications
threats to continuity of operations
Note: Some similarities with TAPA and C-TPAT

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4.3 Security risk assessment and

4.3.1 Security risk assessment (3)
security risk assessment provides documented and

up to date input for:

security management objectives, targets and programs
determination of requirements for the design, specification and

identification of adequate resources, including staffing levels
identification of training needs
development of operational controls
the organizations overall threat and risk management

Note: Some similarities with TAPA and C-TPAT as well as ISO 9001 and 14001

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4.3 Security risk assessment and

4.3.1 Security risk assessment (4)
methodology for threat and risk identification and

assessment shall:
relate to scope, nature and timing to ensure it is proactive rather
than reactive
include the collection of information related to security threats
and risks
provide for the classification of threats/ risks and identification of
those that are to be avoided, eliminated or controlled
include monitoring of actions to ensure effectiveness and
timeliness of implementation
Note: Related to C-TPAT requirements for Risk Assessment

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4.3 Security risk assessment and

4.3.2 Legal, statutory & other security
establish, implement and maintain a procedure to:
identify and have access to applicable legal and other

requirements related to security threats and risks

determine how these requirements apply to its security threats
and risks

keep this information up-to-date

communicate relevant information on legal and other

requirements to its employees and other relevant third

parties including contractors

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4.3 Security risk assessment and

4.3.3 Security management objectives
establish, implement and maintain documented security
management objectives, taking into account:
legal, statutory and other security regulatory requirements
security related threats and risks
technological and other options
financial, operational and business requirements
views of appropriate stakeholders

security management objectives shall be:

consistent with commitment to continual improvement

quantified (where practicable)
communicated to relevant employees, third parties and contractors
reviewed periodically to ensure they remain relevant and consistent with
the security management policy

Note: Some similarities with ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 14001 (Environment) standards

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4.3 Security risk assessment and

4.3.4 Security management targets
establish, implement and maintain documented

security targets to be appropriate to the needs of the

organization, derived from and consistent with
security management objectives:
to an appropriate level of detail
specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-based

(where practicable)
communicated to relevant employees, third parties and
reviewed periodically to ensure they remain relevant; amended
when necessary

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4.3 Security risk assessment and

4.3.5 Security management programs
establish, implement and maintain security
management programs for achieving objectives and
targets with provision for efficient and cost effective

documented programs shall describe:

designated responsibility and authority for achieving security

management objectives and targets

means and time-scale by which security management objectives
and targets are to be achieved

periodically review to ensure that they remain

effective and consistent with objectives and targets

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4.4 Implementation and operation

4.4.1 Structure, authority and
responsibility for security management
establish and maintain a structure of roles, responsibilities and
authorities, consistent with the achievement of its security
management policy, objectives, targets and programs

define, document and communicate this structure to the

individuals responsible for implementation and maintenance

provide evidence of commitment to the development,

implementation and continual improvement of the sms, by:

appointing a member of the top management with overall responsibility
appointing manager(s) with authority to ensure that the objectives and targets
are implemented
identify, manage and monitor of stakeholders requirements and expectations

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4.4 Implementation and operation

4.4.1 Structure, authority and
responsibility for security management
(2) ensuring availability of adequate resources
consider the adverse impact that the security management policy, objectives,

targets, programs, etc. have on other aspects of the organization

communicate the importance of meeting its security requirements in order to
comply with its policy
ensuring evaluation of security-related threats and risks and including them in
assessment, as appropriate
ensuring viability of the security management objectives, targets and
Note: Some similarities with ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 14001 (Environment)

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4.4 Implementation and operation

4.4.2 Competence, training and

establish and maintain procedures for training to assure

employees working for or on behalf of the organization are

aware of:
importance of compliance with security management policy, procedures and

requirements of the sms

roles and responsibilities in achieving compliance with security management
policy, procedures and requirements of the sms, including emergency
preparedness and response requirements
potential consequences to security by departing from specified operating

maintain records of competence and training

Note: Some similarities with ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 14001 (Environment) standards, as
well as TAPA and C-TPAT

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4.4 Implementation and operation

4.4.3 Communication
4.4.4 Documentation
procedures to ensure that pertinent security management information is
communicated to and from relevant employees, contractors and other

due consideration should be given to the sensitivity prior dissemination

establish and maintain a security management documentation system,

security policy, objectives and targets
description of scope of the sms
description of main elements of the sms with their interaction and reference to
related documents
documents and records required by the standard and determined by the
organization to be necessary for effective planning, operation and control of

Note: Some similarities with ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 14001 (Environment)
standards, as well as TAPA/ C-TPAT
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4.4 Implementation and operation

4.4.5 Document and data control
establish and maintain procedures for controlling all

documents, data and information to ensure:

located and assessed only by authorized individuals
availability at all locations where essential operations are performed
periodically reviewed, revised as necessary and approved for adequacy by

authorized personnel
obsolete documents are promptly removed or otherwise assured against
unintended use
archival documents retained for legal or knowledge preservation purposes or
documents are secure if in electronic form are adequately backed up and
Note: Some similarities with ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 14001 (Environment)
standards, as well as TAPA/ C-TPAT

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4.4 Implementation and operation

4.4.6 Operational control (1)
Identification of operations and activities necessary

for achieving
security management policy, objectives and delivery of security
management programs
control of activities and mitigation of identified security threats/
compliance with legal, statutory and other regulatory security
required level of supply chain security
Note: Some similarities with TAPA/ C-TPAT

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4.4 Implementation and operation

4.4.6 Operational control (2)
establish, implement and maintain documented procedures to
control situations where their absence could lead to failure to
achieve the operations and activities

evaluate any threats from upstream activities to mitigate their

impacts to the organization and downstream activities

establish, maintain and communicate security requirements to

suppliers and contractors

any new arrangements impacting security shall consider

organizational structure, roles and responsibilities

security policy, objectives, targets, programs, processes, procedures
new contractors, suppliers or personnel
new infrastructure, security equipment or technology
Note: Some similarities with TAPA/ C-TPAT

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4.4 Implementation and operation

4.4.7 Emergency preparedness,
response and security recovery

establish, implement and maintain appropriate plans

and procedures to identify the potential for and
responses to, security incidents and emergency

periodically review of effectiveness of its emergency

preparedness, response and security recovery plans

and procedures

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4.5 Checking and corrective action

4.5.1 Security performance
measurement and monitoring
establish and maintain procedures to monitor and measure the
performance of the sms, which shall provide for:
appropriate qualitative and quantitative measures
monitoring the extent that policy, objectives and targets are met
proactive measures to monitor compliance with security management

programs, operational control criteria, applicable legislation, statutory and

other security regulatory requirements
reactive measures to monitor security-related deteriorations, failures,
incidents and non-conformances (incl. near misses and false alarms)
recording data and results of monitoring and measurement
Note: Some similarities with ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 14001 (Environment) standards

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4.5 Checking and corrective

of security management plans, procedures
and capabilities through periodic reviews, testing,
post-incident reports, lessons learned, performance
evaluations and exercises

periodic evaluation of compliance with relevant

legislation and regulations, industry best practices

and conformance with its own policy and objectives

records kept for periodic evaluations

Note: Some similarities with ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 14001 (Environment)

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4.5 Checking and corrective action

4.5.3 Security related failures, incidents,
non- conformances, corrective and
establish, implement
actionand maintain procedures to define
responsibility and authority for:
evaluating preventive actions to identify potential failures of security
investigating security-related
near misses and false alarms
incidents and emergency situations
taking action to mitigate any consequences
initiating and completion of corrective actions
confirmation of effectiveness of corrective actions taken

Note: Some similarities with ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 14001 (Environment) standards, as
well as TAPA/ C-TPAT

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4.5 Checking and corrective

and maintain of
to demonstrate conformity to

the requirements of the sms, the standard and results achieved

establish, implement and maintain procedures for

identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention and

disposal of records

records to remain legible, identifiable and traceable

electronic records to be tamper proof, securely backed-up and
accessible only to authorized individuals

Note: Some similarities with ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 14001 (Environment)

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4.5 Checking and corrective

implement and maintain an audit program to
determine conformance of the sms to ISO 28000

program based on results of the risk assessment and previous


audits to be carried out at planned intervals by personnel with

no direct responsibility for the activity being audited

previous audit results to be reviewed for correction of nonconformances

information on the results provided to management

Note: Some similarities with ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 14001 (Environment) standards

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4.6 Management review and

continual improvement
sms review by top management to include:

results of audits/ evaluations of compliance with legal and other requirements

external communications (including complaints)
security performance of the organization
the extent to which objectives and targets met
status of corrective and preventive actions
follow-up actions from previous management reviews
changing circumstances, including developments in legal and other security
related requirements
recommendations for improvement
Note: Some similarities with ISO 9001 (Quality) and ISO 14001 (Environment) standards

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Summary (1)
Who might implement ISO 28000?
Anyone already ISO 9001 and/ or ISO 14001 certified and/ or compliant to

TAPA or C-TPAT could quite easily integrate this into ISO 28000 as well as
including TAPA requirements in the applicable sections of ISO 28000.
Companies that feel they could demonstrate an SMS that fits their needs
without implementing all of the requirements of TAPA or C-TPAT may be
interested to the standard
If ISO 28000 ever becomes customer driven, either of the above may occur

Would the TAPA organization recognize compliance to ISO

28000 in lieu of TAPA?
probably not ISO 28000 does not have specific requirements to

demonstrate parallel compliance to TAPA requirements and does not

specifically prohibit sampling of locations

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Summary (2)
Would US customs recognize ISO 28000 in lieu of a validated CTPAT program?
There is the possibility that a demonstrable compliance to ISO 28000 could

satisfy the requirements of C-TPAT if all CBP security requirements were met
within the implementation of ISO 28000
C-TPAT allows each company to determine their own security program, within
certain parameters. Companies would still have to have successful validation
audits by customs based on the C-TPAT security requirements but this would
not Certify to ISO 28000.

Will ISO 28000 ever become an accredited standard through

ANAB in the US?

Always possible, but not soon without 3rd party verification requirements,

the accrediting body may not see this as high on their list for their next
accredited product
Independent audits to ISO 28000 could yield Letters of conformance to the

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