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Discuss the meaning and significance

of recruitment in its organizational
Provide a typology of recruitment
Critically review preliminary
information-gathering techniques
Discuss the merits of references and

Key stages:

Strategy and planning

Research and data collection
Decision making

Recruitment strategies:

Suitability right person for the job

Malleability culture fit model

Flexibility employee for tomorrow

Described as best practice

Attempts to be objective

Self-satisfied organizations

Cloning-selectors pick ppl like themselves.

safe, low risk.

Good when-can define job tightly, job is

discrete, specific skills needed

Selection or discrimination?

Focus on fitting ppl to the org

Ees are fixed, jobs can be varied

Fit ees to org culture

Personality more NB than technical skills

Is it also cloning?

Possible competitive advantage

Recruit versatile adaptable ees

Long term strategy

More training and development

Internal or external recruitment

Informal recruiting-headhunting, networking,

word of mouth

Advertising, agencies

Web-based recruitment-social media, facebook

screening,videos etc

Very NB in attracting good candidates

Cuture fit- focus more on school leavers,

graduates. senior jobs filled thru transfers and

Informally recruited ees have more realistic view

of org so stay longer

Purcell (2002):
Employer branding
Target skills/competences
Work with outside bodies e.g universities

Manage recruits expectations

Offer work experience
Provide training/development
Recognise diverse staff needs
Discrimination issues?

Cover letters

Photographs and issues of discrimination?

Coaching-better applications but boring and


Electronic resumes-quicker to process,signal

computer literacy

Application forms/blanks-standardised but

little room to stand out and individuality,try
to id specific skills needed so ees dont
leave it out

Qualifications vs experience

Easy filter
Degree level necessary?
Generic competencies

Biodata-includes personal info, interests,


Good performers likely to be similar,

Can be used as discriminating factor
Expensive to set up and link specific data to job


Purpose-factual check to max probability of honest

application or provide evidence of characcter or
Is referee objective?

Classic study (1958):

Under 1% poor
50% outstanding
49% satisfactory +

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