Ranbaxy Energy Candy

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Ranxbary Energy Candy

Q1. Is it appropriate for Ranbaxy to

Launch Energy Candy?
Yes Ranbaxy has to launch Energy Candy

Ranbaxy Energy Product Revital is already in


Revital is Indias largest selling Vitamins &

Minerals Supplement in the OTC segment

It is also among the Top 5 OTC brands of India

Ranbaxy has market share of 3.8% & Generic sale

of $465 Million

Reason for Launching Energy


Indians Highest Population age (25-54)

years which is 40.6% of whole India
No local energy candy available in market,
only imported candies POW Energy Mint &
Hero Energy Mint present which is not
available in everywhere

India Demographic Profile

0-14 Years
5.50%; 6%
7.30%; 7%
28.50%; 29%

25-54 Years

55-64 Years

40.60%; 41%

People have to import or delivery online

which is costly

Ranbaxy have large distribution network all

over the India

15-24 Years

18.10%; 18%

65 Years &

Q2. Should Ranbaxy launch the energy candy as Brand Extension

of Revital or develop new Brand of Energy Candy?

Ranbaxy has to do Brand Extension of Revital:

Brand attribute is already associated with Energy supplement which

will create +ve effect because of strong brand image

Perceived Quality will be +ve because:

Revital is Quality product and used as energy supplement

It will be the fit between the Original & extension product

The transfer of perceived quality of brand will be enhanced

The new brand extension is category based processing

Product may be consider as Transfer

Q3. What should be the Segmentation,

Targeting & Positioning of this Energy

Target Market: Age from 15-54 Years

holding (41+18=59)% of Indian

India Demographic Profile

0-14 Years
5.50%; 6%
7.30%; 7%
28.50%; 29%

Men, Women and Young Children

15-24 Years

25-54 Years

55-64 Years

40.60%; 41%
18.10%; 18%

65 Years &





25-54 Years
The energy candy market is primarily targeting adults.
Adults are the ones who are purchasing these bars for themselves or
family members.
Adults use energy bars as fuel for physical activity or as mid-day
In addition, adults are aware of the nutritional benefits of consuming
energy bars.
Males & Women:
Energy bars were primarily designed because consumer typically
engage in more strenuous activities
Want to reduce Office Stress and gain more energy to get back to work
During exercise when they lost energy
Want to reduce stress during examination
Health, Wellness, and Nutrition:
Energy Candy are not only consumed for fuel, but also because of their
nutritional benefits.
These consumers are generally very conscience about the foods they
They value eating whole grains and natural and organic foods.
Energy bar consumers are concerned about the ingredients, and they do


Usage Rate



Usage rate varies with each type of user.

Serious endurance athletes generally consume more energy candy than
the average person.
They may even need more than one during their session if they are
exercising for over an hour.
Moderate athletes will only need one for when they exercise.
In addition, so will people on-the-go who only eat energy candy as a
mid-day snack.

Energy candy are generally consumed at three different times:

Before exercise, during exercise, and after exercise.
Each period will require a different type of bar to provide the correct

Positioning of Energy

Like Ranbaxy Position it self in

different with different starts like

Revital for Women with Brand

Icon of Sherlyn_Chopra

Revital for Man with Salman


Revital for Seniors

Consumer will perceive same

Q4. Evaluate perceived possible obstacles to


Competitors like:




Dabur Nutrigo
These competitors may produce their product against Ranbaxy
Energy Candy

FMCG sector may also produce their energy candies

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