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What is
habitat ?

What is
adaption ?

Habitat is a
place where an
organism lives

Adaptations are
that help an
organism to
survive and grow
In an

Types of habitat

Desert habitat
Aquatic habitat
Aerial habitat
Polar habitat
Mountain habitat
Forest habitat

Desert habitat

Camels are mammals who are well adapted to
desert habitat .
Adaptive features are
Their nostril can be closed to keep out sand and
help prevent water loss in their breath.
Camels can further reduce water loss by
producing less urine .
They allow body tem. To rise so they sweat less .
Camels have humps that stores fat rich energy
which allow them to go with out food for days .
They also have splayed feet and walk on their sole
pads not their hoofs ,this stops them from sinking
in soft sand .

Kangaroo rat
Habitat- North American deserts
Adaptive features are It stays in burrow during the hot desert
days to save water
They have special kidneys which need
less water to process body waste .
They have strong hind legs which are
useful in digging burrows and happing in
desert .

Fennec fox
Habitat- deserts of Africa
Adaptive features
They are quite small in size as food
scarce in their dry habitat .
They have big ears about 10-15 cm long
to Dissipate heat
They have coat which is cream in color
(usually) and fluffy which deflect heat
during the day and keeps the fox warm at
night .

Cacti are plants which are found in most
of the deserts
Adaptive features
The fat stem of cacti hold a lot of water
so that they survive in hot ,dry deserts.
Cacti s have very long roots to collect
lot of water.
They have spines to protect themselves
from animals
There leaves are modified into spines to
reduce water loss

Habitat thrives from the deserts of North
Adaptive features
They grow far away from each other so they have
sufficient water to grow
Aloe has deep roots that are very efficient at
absorbing a lot of water in short time.
Thorns on the edges of of the plant keep animals
keep away
The leaves are shiny and smooth to reflect the
sunlight away from the plant and keep it cool
Some aloes have leaves that fold in during the hot
summer . This helps to protect the softer and
younger leaves from extreme tem

Marine life

Hump-Back Whale
Hump back whales are mammals which are found in
most of the oceans .
Adaptive features
Their bodies have become streamlined for smooth
friction less movement in water
Their fore limbs have modified into flippers which
aid them in steering
Their hind limbs have disappeared almost completely
for easy movement in water
Their tail has become broadened horizontally and
consists of two large flukes which powerfully propel
them by moving up and down
In place of hair they have developed a thick layer of
fat called Blubber that insulate them from cold .

Bull Shark

Habitat - world wide in warm shallow

waters along and in rivers .
Adaptive features
It has streamlined body for smooth
movement in water
Has sharp scales for protection
Their teeth are replaced throughout their
Their eyes quickly adapt to low light
They hunt at night so they find a easy
sleeping prey

Water lilly
Habitat fresh water
Adaptive features


Bald eagle

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