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3G Wireless

Tanuj Gilja
 Imagine the possibilities of
 Scenarios:
– Traveler from New York to Tokyo
– Insurance appraiser at the scene of
a natural disaster
– Paramedics capturing visuals of a
victim’s injuries
Evolution of Wireless
 Radio telephony during World War I
 Wireless telephones in late 1940’s
– Provided only basic half-duplex voice
– Used analog technology
 Evolved into full-duplex 1G systems in
the 1960’s
From 1G to 3G…
- 1G -
 Started in the early to mid 1960’s
offering simple wireless voice services
based on analog technology
 Were very limited in capacity and did
not extend across geographic areas
 Systems using 1G :
From 1G to 3G…
- 2G -
 Developed in Europe and the US to provide
better voice quality, higher capacity as well
as lower power consumption
 Offer support for simple non-voice services
like SMS (simple messaging service)
 2G technologies do not interoperate
 Difficult roaming between countries using
different systems
 Cannot meet subscriber demands for new,
faster non-voice services on the move
What is 2.5G Wireless?
 Also known as Interim Generation
 GPRS (General Packet Radio service) &
EDGE (Enhanced Data rate for GSM
– Provides options for higher data rate while
building on existing 2G systems
 GPRS -> 171.2 kbps theoretical max bit rate
 EDGE -> 384 kbps bit rate
3G Wireless Systems
 3G Wireless Systems are the new generation
of systems that offer high bandwidth and
support digital voice along with multimedia
and global roaming.
 Globally, different systems are being used, so,
to migrate to globally acceptable systems,
numerous standardization activities were
carried out and three systems emerged: W-
3G System Capabilities

•Capabilities to support circuit and packet data at

bit rates:
•144 kilobits/second or higher in mobility (vehicular) traffic
•384 kilobits/second for pedestrian traffic
•2 Megabits/second or higher for indoor traffic

•Interoperability and roaming

•Common Billing/User Profiles
•Sharing of usage/rate information between service
•Standardized call detail recording
•Standardized user profiles
3G System Capabilities ….

•Capability to determine geographic position of

and report it to both the network and the mobile
•Support of Multimedia Services/Capabilities
•Fixed and variable rate bit traffic
•Bandwidth on demand
•Asymmetric data rates in the forward and reverse links
•Multimedia mail store and forward
•Broadband access up to 2 Megabits/second
The Road to 3G

2G 2.5G 3G
Comparison of Generations
1G 2G
System Analogue Digital

Voice + little Circuit

Application Voice
Local Subscriber Less than 500k About 5.9 Million

Depends on 14
Speed 9.6kbps to 14.4kbps
Analogue Signal 2

More secure data

Unstable, services available,
What is W-CDMA?

C aInsert
r r i e rParameters
s p a c i n g of WCDMA
5 M H z (n
table here
D o w n l i n k R F c h a n n e l s t Dr ui rce t uc tr es
C h ip r a te 3 .8 4 M
F r a m e le n g th 10 m s
N u m b e r o f s lo ts /fr a m e 15
S p r e a d i n g m o Bd ua l a tni oc en d Q P S K
C h a n n e l m u l ti p l e x i n gC ionn tr o l a n d p i l o t c h a n n e l ti m e m u l ti p l e x e d . F o r th e
u p lin k a n d c o n tr o l c h a n n e l s I a n d Q m u l ti p l e x i n g
M u l ti r a te V a r i a b l e sp r e a d i n g a n d m u l ti c o d e
S p r e a d i n g fa c to r s 4 - 256
P o w e r c o n tr o l O p e n a n d fa st c l o se d l o o p (1 . 6 k H z )
V a r i a b l e l e n g th o r th o g o n a l se q u e n c e s fo r c h a n n e
S p r e a d i n g (d o w n l i n kse) p a r a ti o n . G o l d se q1 8ufo e nr cceesl l 2a n d u se r se p a r a ti o n
(tr u n c a te d c y c l e 1 0 m s)
V a r i a b l e l e n g th o r th o g o n a l se q u e n c e s fo r c h a n n e
se p a r a ti o n , g o l d se q1 8ufoe rn c e l 2l a n d u se r se p a r a ti o n
S p r e a d i n g (u p l i n k )
(d i ffe r e n t ti m e sh i fts i n I a n d Q c h a n n e l , tr u n c a te d c y
m s)
H a n d o ve r S o ft h a n d o v e r , I n te r fr e q u e n c y h a n d o v e r
More on 3G…
 CDMA – Multi-Carrier (CDMA2000)
– Uses 3.6864 Mcps which is 3 x 1.2288
Mcps that was used for the old CDMA
one. They both use a 1.25 MHz channel
and this effectively translates into 5MHz
bandwidth (3.6864 x 1.25).
– Used only in China
CDMA2000 Evolution

•Voice •Voice Data •2x increases in •Optimized, very

Data up to up to 115 voice capacity high-speed data
14.4 Kbps Kbps upto 307 kbps* (Phase 1)
packet data on a
single (1.25 MHz) •Up to 2.4Mbps*
carrier packet data on a
single (1.25 MHz)
•First 3G system carrier.
for any
technology •Integrated voice
worldwide and data (Phase 2);
up to 3.09 Mbps
Comparison of Transmission Times
Applications Using 3G

Communication services Education

•Video telephony •Virtual schools
•Video conference •On-line science lab
•Personal location (GPS) •On-line library
•On-line language labs
Applications Using 3G…

Business services Finance services

• Mobile office •Virtual banking
•Narrowcast business TV •On-line billing
•Virtual workgroups •Universal USIM and credit card
•Expertise on tap

•Audio on demand
•Video clips
•Virtual sightseeing
3G / WLAN Integration
 Why Integrate ?
– To have access to high-bandwidth
access where WLAN coverage is
offered, while accessing wide area
coverage of 3G at other places.
 Problems : -
 Continuity of Sessions.
 Security.
Implementing 3G and
 Architecture
- Functionalities include reuse of
3G subscription, network
selection, 3G system based
authentication, authorization and
security using SIM/USIM card
- WLAN access will rely on existing
820.11 standards
Implementing 3G and
 Security – Problem in WLANs
– Not too much of a problem in 3G, as
the 3G Wireless component of the
integration provides the necessary
security features.
Implementing 3G and
 Tightly coupled
- uses a 3G core network to
 Loosely coupled (preferred)
- uses a WLAN gateway to directly
access the internet
Key Parameters of 3G and 4G Systems

3G 4G
1.8 - 2.5 GHz 2 - 8 GHz
Bandwidth 5 - 20 MHz 5 - 20 MHz
Up to 2 Mbps (384
Data Rate Up to 20 Mbps
Kbps deployed)
2000 / TD -SCDMA (TDMA)
Switching Circuit / Packet Packet
Mobile top
200 Km/h 200 Km/h
 3G technologies promise to deliver a lot
and are slowly being put into effect.
 We have already started seeing the early
features of 3G technologies being
implemented in our phones, i.e., the video
phones in the market.
 It remains to be seen how much of the
promised features and applications are
actually implemented in today’s economy.
 However, they have been slow in coming
in. Let’s see what the future holds…
We are thankful to : -

Books / Periodicals

– IEEE Communication Magazine – November 2003, A number of articles on 3G/WLAN Integration.

– Alex Lightman with William Rojas, ‘Brave New Unwired World: The Digital Big Bang and the Infinite
Internet’, J. Wiley & Sons, c2002.
– Clint Smith, Daniel Collins, ‘3G Wireless Networks’, McGraw-Hill, c2002.
– John R. Vacca, ‘Wireless Broadband Networks Handbook – 3G, LMDS & Wireless Internet’, McGraw-
Hill, 2001.
– Jiangzhou Wang, Tung-Sang Ng, editors, ‘Advances in 3G Enhanced Technologies for Wireless
Communications’ , Artech House Publishers, c2002.
– Vijay K. Garg, ‘Wireless Network Evolution – 2G to 3G’, Prentice Hall PTR, 2002.
– Ramjee Prasad, Werner Mohr, Walter Konhauser, ‘Third Generation Mobile Communication
Systems’, Artech House Publishers, 2000.
– Morgan Stanley, Inc Report on Wireless Technology, June 10, 2002
– Andrew S. Tannenbaum, ‘Computer Networks’, Prentice Hall PTR, 2003.

 Websites

– About/Cellphones
– White Paper on ‘WCDMA’, InterDigital, Inc.
Two Questions for

 1 – Name two 3G Wireless Systems?

 2 – What is the Data Rate for 3G
Wireless Systems
The Answers

 1 – Name two 3G Wireless Systems?

– CDMA-2000

 2 – What is the Data Rate for 3G Wireless Systems?

– 2 Mbps
Thank You!

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