Cash Flow Statement

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Cash Flow Statement


Dr.Smita Sahoo
Purpose of Cash Flow Statement

■ Provide information about cash receipts and

payments during an accounting period
■ Helps us see how financial position changes
during an accounting period
■ Only statement that collects and shows in
one statement the causes of changes in cash
during a financial reporting period

Dr.Smita Sahoo
Cash and Cash Equivalents
■ Cash includes currency on hand and demand
■ Cash equivalents are short-term, highly liquid
investments that are
◆Readily convertible to known amounts of cash
◆So near maturity that they are not likely to
change in value due to changes in interest rates.

Dr.Smita Sahoo
Classification of Cash Receipts &
Cash Payments


Dr.Smita Sahoo
Operating Activities

Operating activities are the principal revenue-

producing activities of the enterprise .
■ Transactions that generally involve producing and
delivering goods and providing services
■ Inflows
◆ Selling goods and services, Receipts from debtors etc.
■ Outflows
◆ Purchase of RM, salary exp, Other operating exp.

Dr.Smita Sahoo
Investing Activities
Investing activities are the acquisition and disposal
of long-term assets and other investments not
included in cash equivalents.
■ Inflows
◆ Selling of fixed assets and marketable securities,
receiving dividend on investments etc.
■ Outflows
◆ purchasing fixed assets, marketable securities etc.

Dr.Smita Sahoo
Financing Activities
Financing activities are activities that result in
changes in the size and composition of the
owners’ capital and borrowings of the
■ Inflows
◆ Issuing shares, debentures, and long-term borrowing
■ Outflows
◆ Repayment of Long-term loans, redemption of
Debentures, payment of dividend & interest etc.

Dr.Smita Sahoo
Basic Interpretation of
Statement of Cash Flows
■ Overall, how successful has management been in
generating and investing cash flows?
■ How does accrual basis net income compare with cash
■ What cash uses have been made for investing activities,
and to what extent has cash from operations been
sufficient to pay for these investments?
■ What sources and uses have been generated from
financing activities?

Dr.Smita Sahoo
Direct versus Indirect Method for
Operating Activities

■ Direct shows major classes of gross cash

receipts and cash payments
◆Difference is net cash provided by,
used in, operating activities
■ Indirect starts with net income (loss) and
adjusts for revenues and expenses that did
not cause changes in cash

Dr.Smita Sahoo
Direct Method of Cash Flow Statement
A) Cash Flows from Operating Activities Rs. Rs.

Cash sales XXX

Cash collected from customers/debtors XXX
Cash purchases (XXX)
Cash paid to suppliers/ creditors and
employees (XXX)
Cash paid for operating exp. (XXX)
Cash generated from operations XXX
Income Tax paid (XXX)
Net cash from operating activities (A) XXX

Dr.Smita Sahoo
Indirect/Direct Method of Cash Flow
B) Cash Flows from Investing Activities Rs. Rs.

Purchase of Fixed Assets (XXX)

Proceeds from sale of Fixed Assets XXX
Interest & Dividend received on
investment out side the business XXX
Net cash from investing activities (B) XXX

Dr.Smita Sahoo
Indirect/Direct Method of Cash Flow
C) Cash flows from Financing activities Rs. Rs.

Proceeds from issuance of share capital

Proceeds from long-term borrowings XXX
Repayment of long-term borrowings XXX
Interest & Dividend paid (XXX)
Net cash from financing activities (C) (XXX)
Add: Cash and cash equivalents at beginning XXX
of period
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period XXX
Dr.Smita Sahoo
Indirect Method of Cash Flow Statement
A) Cash Flows from Operating Activities Rs. Rs.
Net profit before tax XXX
Depreciation XXX
Goodwill, Preliminary Exp. Written off XXX
Dividend paid XXX
Loss on sale of FA XXX
Less: Dividend & Interest on investment received (XXX)
Profit on sale of fixed assets (XXX)
Operating profit before working capital changes XXX
Less: Increase in CA & Decrease in CL (XXX)
Add: Decrease in CA & Increase in CL XXX
Less: Income taxes paid (XXX)

Net cash from operating activities (A) XXX

Dr.Smita Sahoo
1) Accumulated Depreciation A/c

To Plant A/c XXX By Balance b/d XXX

(Accm. Dep. on plant sold)
By P& L A/c XXX
To Balance c/d XXX (Depreciation for CY)

XXX xxx


Less: CFO
To Balance b/d XXX By Bank XXX
To Bank (purchase of XXX By P&L A/c (loss) XXX
By Accu.Dep.a/c XXX
To P&L A/c (profit)
XXX By Balance c/d XXX
xxx xxx
Dr.Smita Sahoo
2) Provision for Tax A/c

To Bank A/c XXX By Balance b/d XXX

(Tax paid during CY)
By P& L A/c XXX
To Balance c/d XXX (Balancing fig.)

XXX xxx

Add: To CFO
LESS:CFO(TAXPAID) (if EAT is given)

Consider Provision for Tax as a current liability and ignore

the related adjustment OR consider it as a provision and
prepared above account for adjustment.

Dr.Smita Sahoo
3. Dividend
Current year’s dividend has to be added in the
CFO & previous year dividend has to be
shown in the financing activity as cash out
Interim dividend has to be added in the CFO & to
be shown as Cash out flow in financing
activity. FIN
Balance Sheet CIN
Liabilities 2007 2006 Ad
Proposed 80,000 60,000 d:
Dividend O
Dr.Smita Sahoo
■ Increase in the Share Premium A/c will be shown in
the Financing activity as Inflow of cash.
■ Increase in the Goodwill a/c will be shown in the
Investing activity as Cash outflow for purchase of
■ While preparing asset account opening and closing
balance should be taken at Gross Value of the asset.

Dr.Smita Sahoo

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