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• What is management ?
• Scope of management
 Concept of management
 Feature of management
 Management & Admin– A technological conflict
 Nature of management
• Role of management
• Manager’s role
• Managerial skills
1. Management as a discipline
2. Management as a group of people
3. Management as a process
Features of
1. Organised activities
2. Existence of Objectives
3. Relationship Among Resources
4. Working with & Through People
5. Decision-Making
Importance of
1. Effective utilisation of resources
2. Development of resources
3. Incorporate innovations
4. Integrating various interest groups
5. Stability in the society
Nature of managem
1. Multidisciplinary
2. Dynamic nature of principles
3. Relative, not absolute principles
both science & art
science art

Advances by knowledge Advances by practice

Proves Feels

Predicts Guesses

Defines Describes

Impresses Opines & Expresses

Management as science
1. Science may be viewed in terms of its structure,
its goals and its methods.
2. One of the most important rules of science is that
concepts have to be defined clearly in terms of
the procedures involved in their measurement.
3. In science, observations must be controlled so
that causation may be imputed correctly.
4. Theories in science are in terms that permit
empirical confirmation.
Management as an art
1. The process of management dose involve the use of
know-how and skill like any other art such as music,
painting, sculpture, etc.
2. The process of management is directed to achieve certain
concrete results as other fields of art do.
3. Management is creative like any other art. Creativity is a
major dimension in managerial success. It creates new
situations for further improvement.
4. Management is personalised meaning thereby that there is
no one best way of managing. The success of managerial
task is related with the personality of the person apart from
the character and quality of general body of knowledge.
Management as emerging
1. Old established professions—founded upon the study of a
branch of learning, e.g., medicine.
2. New professions—founded upon new disciplines, e.g.,
nurses, social workers.
3. Semi-professions—based upon technical knowledge and
practices, e.g., nurses, social workers.
4. Would-be professions—familiarity with modern practices
in business etc. and aspiring to achieve professional
status, e.g., personnel directors, engineers, etc.
5. Marginal professions—based upon technical skill, e.g.,
technicians, draughtsman.
professional approach in
1. Commitment to professionally defined knowledge and techniques.
2. Application of relevant modern management tools and techniques.
3. Team approach in managing rather than emphasis on personal
styles, whims, and prejudices
4. Preparedness to accept change and to apply the principles of
change management.
5. Preference for competence rather than birth as the basis for
movement in the organisational ladder.
6. Optimisation-oriented decision making expected to optimise the
benefits to the organisation and its constituents.
7. Responsiveness to the society and respect for national policies.

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